1. Explain the Detect to Engage Sequence?

    • Detection
    • Identify
    • Classfication

    • Threat Evaluation
    • Assignment (Weapon)
    • Weapon Firing
    • Kill Evaluation
  2. What is C2W?
    Command and Control Warfare
  3. What is NSFS and when do we use it?
    Naval Surface Fire Support

    • Shore bombardment
    • Amphibious Assault
  4. Radar
    Radio Detection and Ranging
  5. Sonar
    Sound Navigation and Ranging
  6. State the two warfare areas that utilize Naval Gun Systems
    • Anti-Air Warfare - AAW
    • Surface Warfare - SUW
  7. State the 4 warfare areas that utilize Naval Missile systems?

    • Anti-Air Warfare
    • Surface Warfare
    • Strike Warfare
    • Undersea Warfare
  8. What are our 2 Missile Systems?
    NSSMS - Nato Sea Sparrow Surface Missile System

    RAM- Rolling Airframe Missile
  9. Purpose of the SPS-48 and SPS-49 Radars
    Used as early warning system by maintaining a 360 degree surveillance from the surface to high altitudes
  10. Difference between 3 dimensional and 2 dimensional Radars

    • 3D- Range, Bearing, and Elevation
    • 2D- Range, Bearing
  11. Duties of CSRO?
    Liason between the TAO and the Combat Systems Officer of the Watch (CSOOW)
  12. Purpose of the torpedo countermeasure system
    • SLQ-25/25A
    • Towed at 1600 FT behind the ship and transmits electro-acoustic signals at the same frequency of the ship, but at higher amplitude.
  13. What factors effect sonar?

    • Pressure
    • Temperature
    • Salinity
  14. What factors effect Radar?

    • Weather
    • Atmospheric conditions
    • Sea Return
    • Height of Antenna
  15. Hang Fire
    Accidental delayed ignition of the primer/igniter
  16. What is Miss Fire?
    The failure of a primer to ignite
  17. What is hot gun?
    300 or more rounds are fired within a 5 minute period
  18. Four parts of a missile
    • Warhead
    • Guidance
    • Control
    • Rocket Motor
  19. What is HERO and when do we set it?
    Harzards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance

    To prevent accidental ignition of ammunition and electro-explosive ordnance during handling, loading, and storage
  20. State the purpose of color coding in regards to ammunition?
    • Blue - Training
    • Yellow - Live warhead
    • Brown - Live rocket motor
  21. What is the primary and secondary function of the SLQ-32?
    • Primary - Anti Ship Missile Defense (ASMD)
    • Secondary - Radar Jamming
  22. How many missiles does the RAM hold and what is it used for?
    • 21
    • Anti-Ships Missiles
  23. What is the maximum effective range of the 50 Cal?
    2000 YDS
  24. What is the range of RAM?
    3-5 NM
  25. What is the range of NSSMS?
    7 NM
  26. What type of high frequency communications do we have onboard?
    KW High Frequency Radio Group (HFRG)
  27. What type of trasmitters do we have onboard?
    Harris T-1603/URC
  28. What are 2 versions of WSC-3?
    Satellite (SAT) and Line of Sight (LOS)
  29. What is the range of LOS?
    10-40 Miles
  30. What is the portable UHF communications we have onboard?
    SRC-55 Hydra Land Mobile Radio System (i.e. Bricks)
  31. What is the range of VHF?
    30-300 MHZ
  32. What is the range of HF?
    3-30 MHZ
  33. What is the range of EHF?
    30-300 GHZ
  34. What are the ranges of following frequencies?

    • HF: 3-30 Mhz
    • VHF: 30-300 Mhz
    • UHF: 300-3 Ghz
    • SHF: 3-30 Ghz
    • EHF: 30-300 Ghz
  35. What is the range of SHF and what is it used for?
    3-30 Ghz

    Potts Lines, E-mails, Message Traffic, Broadcast Video Teleconferencing
  36. What is the Challenge Athena III?
    Supports Sailor Phones, Downloading Satellite Imaging, and VTC (Video Tele-Conferencing)
  37. State the Six areas that comprise Naval Doctrine

    • Command and Control
    • Operations
    • Warfare
    • Logistics
    • Intelligence
    • Planning
  38. State the seven principles of naval logistics

    • Flexibility
    • Economy
    • Attainability
    • Responsiveness
    • Simplicity
    • Sustainability
    • Survivability
  39. What is the first Navy ship named after an enlisted man?
    Osmond Ingram DD255

    First enlisted man killed in action in WW1
  40. 2 situations where you would salute the national ensign
    • Coming onboard or leaving ship
    • Colors
  41. What is Dipping the Ensign?
    When a merchant ship of a nation formally recognized by the US salutes a ship of the US Navy, lowers her national colors to half-mast. The Navy ship, at her closest point of approach, lowers the ensign to half mast for a few seconds, then closes it up, after which the merchant ship raises her own flag.
  42. Who gets the 21 Gun Salute?

    • Washington B-Day
    • Head of State (Foreign)
    • Independence Day
    • President of US
  43. Who gets 17 gun salute?
  44. Who gets 15 gun salute?
    Vice Admiral
  45. Who gets 13 gun salute?
    Rear Admiral (upper half)
  46. Who gets 11 gun salute?
    Rear Admiral (lower half)
  47. What 3 classes of ships existed at the inception of the Navy?
    • Ships of the Line
    • Frigates
    • Sloops of War
  48. 7-8 May, 1942
    The World's first carrier to carrier battle
    Battle of Coral Sea
  49. 16 Dec 1907
    Voyage of Great White Fleet

    Demonstrated the strength of the US Navy
  50. 6 June 1944
    Battle of Normandy

    The largest amphibious operation in history
  51. 3-5 June 1942
    Battle of Midway

    The turning point of the Pacific War
  52. 13-15 Nov 1942
    Battle of Guadalcanal

    Five Sullivan brothers were killed on the USS Juneau
  53. 23 Oct 1944
    Battle of Leyte Gulf

    The Japanese last chance effort to salvage the Philippines
  54. What conditions led to the formation of the US Navy?
    Taxation without representation
  55. State the three levels of war
    • Operational
    • Tactical
    • Strategic
  56. MCPON
    Rick West
  57. How many Fleet Master Chiefs are there?
  58. How many Force Master Chiefs are there?
  59. How many personnel must a command have to have a CMC?
    250 or more
  60. Where is Second Fleet?
    East Coast - Norfolk, VA
  61. Where is Third Fleet?
    West Coast - San Diego, CA
  62. Where is Fifth Fleet?
  63. Where is Sixth Fleet?
  64. Where is Seventh Fleet?
  65. SORN
    Standard Organization and Regulations of the US Navy
  66. SORM
    Ship's/Command's Organization and Regulations Manual
  67. TAR
    Training and Administration of Reserves
  68. SELRES
    Selected Reserves
  69. DAPA
    Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor
  70. Ombudsman
    Acts as a liaison between the command and their families
  71. What time are 8 O'Clock Reports turned in and to whom?
    • 1730 to XO at sea
    • 1930 to CDO in port to report to CO at 2000
  72. 12 O'Clock Reports are given to whom and what does it consist of?
    Commanding Officer

    • Boat Report
    • Chronometer
    • Fuel Report
    • Oil and Water
    • Muster
    • Draft
    • Magazine Temperature
  73. What are two types of counseling?
    • Personal
    • Performance
  74. How many types of discharges are there and what are they?

    • Honorable
    • Other than Honorable
    • General
    • Dishonorable
    • Bad Conduct Discharge
  75. What information would you find on a page 2?
    Emergency data/next of kin
  76. What information would you find on a page 4?
    Qualifications and Awards
  77. What information would you find on a page 13?
    Administrative remarks
  78. EDVR
    Enlisted Distribution Verification Report
  79. How many sections make up the EDVR?
  80. CMEO
    Command Managed Equal Opportunity Program
  81. CTT
    Command Training Team
  82. CAT
    Command Assessment Team
  83. What is ORM and what are its steps?
    Operational Risk Management

    I AM IS

    • Identify
    • Assess Hazards
    • Make Risk Dicisions
    • Implement Controls
    • Supervise
  84. When are the Evals due for E1-E7?
    • E7 - Sep 15
    • E6 - Nov 15
    • E5 - Mar 15
    • E4 - Jun 15
    • E3 and below - Jul 15
  85. ECDIS
    Electronic Chart Display and Information System
  86. GPS
    Global Positioning System
  87. Define Advance and Transfer
    Advance - distance gained in ship's original direction after the rudder is put over

    Transfer - distance gained in right angles after the rudder is put over
  88. Where is Nimitz pivot point?
    Between the Island and the forward JBDs.
  89. What is the acceleration and deceleration of the Nimitz?
    Acceleration - 0 to 30 knots in 6.5 minutes

    Deceleration - 30 to 0 knots in 4.5 min
  90. Define Turning Circle
    Path followed by the pivot point of the ship in making a turn of 360 degrees or more
  91. Define True Bearing
    True North that an object is from the ship
  92. Define Relative Bearing
    Direction on a compass with the ships head as the 0 degree mark that an object is from the ship
  93. DIW
    Dead In the Water
  94. Define Head On
    2 ships heading towards each other
  95. Define Crossing
    When one vessel will cross in front of another vessels path
  96. Define Overtaking
    Coming up on another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam
  97. Define Stand On
    The ship maintaining course and speed
  98. Define Give Way
    Gives way to the stand on vessel
  99. What is the sound signal for Nimitz underway making way in low visibility?
    1 prolonged blast (6 seconds) at intervals not more than 2 minutes and not less than 1 minute and 45 seconds
  100. Stadimeter
    Used to computer distance to an object is the height is known
  101. Sextant
    Used to measure angles between 2 objects
  102. What is the Chronometer and where is it located?
    Navigational time piece in the Chart Room (09 Level)
  103. Define Bearing Circle
    A ring that fits over a compass with vanes for observing compass bearing
  104. Telescopic Alidade
    A device used on a gyro repeater which allows the OOD to determine target/contacts bearings.

    Gives True and Relative bearings.
  105. Parallel Motion Protractor (PMP)
    A drafting tool used on the chart table to draw a straight line
  106. What is the Fathometer and where can you get readings at?
    Measures and records depth of water from keel to ocean bottom.

    Located in the Chart Room (09 Level)
  107. Gyrocompass
    A heading device that is oriented to True North Pole
  108. Define LOP
    Line of Position

    A visual bearing or a radar range indicating the ships position
  109. Definte Fix
    Intersection of 3 LOPs which pinpoint ships position
  110. Latitude
    North and south of the equator
  111. Longitude
    East and West of the Greenwich Meridian
  112. Define Dead Reckoning
    Means of estimating future position based on present course and speed
  113. 6 rules of Dead Reckoning
    Ler Lee

    • Label
    • every hour/half hour
    • running fix

    • LOP's
    • every speed change
    • every course change
  114. Define Set and Drift
    Set - direction the ship is being displaced by an outside force

    Drift - speed at which is is being Set
  115. GMT
    Greenwich Mean Time
  116. What 2 types of methods do we use to attain ships position?
    Electronic and Visual
  117. Name the 6 Bridge watch standers and describe their jobs.
    • OOD - in charge of the ship
    • Conning Officer - assistant to the OOD
    • BMOW - carries out the ships routine
    • Helmsman - Steers the ship
    • Lee Helmsman - controls the speed
    • QMOW - plots ships course
  118. Whose chair is on the STBD side of the Bridge?
  119. What 3 ways can Signalman communicate by visually?
    • Flashing Light
    • Semaphore
    • Flag Hoist
  120. What 2 types of flashing light communication do we have onboard?
    Directional - communicate with 1 ship at a time

    Omni-Directional - communiate with more than 2 ship at a time
  121. Bravo Flag
    Refueling/Ammo handling
  122. STBD Flag
    Senior Officer Present Afloat (SOPA)
  123. Flag 5
  124. Flag Papa
    Personnel Recall
  125. Flag Quebec
    Boat Recall
  126. Flag Alpha
    Divers over the side
  127. Flag Kilo
    Personnel working aloft/over the side
  128. Flag Lima
    HERO/RADHAZ restrictions
  129. Flag India
    Ready to receive a ship alongside inport or anchored
  130. Flag Oscar
    Man Overboard
  131. Flag Uniform
  132. Flag Romeo
  133. Absentee Pennants

    Flag Officer = ?
    1st Sub
  134. Absentee Pennants

    Chief of Staff = ?
    2nd Sub
  135. Absentee Pennants

    Commanding Officer = ?
    3rd Sub
  136. Absentee Pennants

    Civil or Military Official Absentee = ?
    4th Sub
  137. Day Shapes flown

    Vessel at anchor
  138. Day Shapes flown

    Ball, Ball
    Vessel not under command
  139. Day Shapes flown

    Ball, Diamond, Ball
    Restricted in ability to maneuver
  140. Day Shapes flown

    Ball, Ball, Ball
    Vessel aground
  141. Day Shapes flown

    Vessel constrained by draft
  142. Who wears a yellow hat in the pilot house?
  143. How many searchlights do we have on the signal bridge?
  144. How many flag bags do we have on the signal bridge?
  145. What does IALA stand for?
    International Association of Lighthouse Authority
  146. Why do we use IALA?
    To determine what Buoyage system to use in specific countries
  147. What is the purpose of Channel markings?
    To help determine where the ship sits in a channel
  148. What is a Psychrometer used for?
    To measure the humidity in the atmosphere
  149. What is a Barometer used for?
    To measure atmospheric pressure
  150. Definte COSAL and its purpose
    Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List

    • - Provides complete list of the parts required to operate and maintain the ship
    • - Provides basic guidance in determining the items and quantity of each items to be stocked
  151. How often is COSAL validated and who does it?
    Monthly by MSC (Maintenance Support Center)
  152. What do we use to update COSAL?
    ASI tape sent by configuration data manager
  153. What is MOV and what information is contained in it?
    Material Obligation Validation

    All outstanding requisitions belonging to a division
  154. What action does the RPPO take regarding the MOV?
    Find the current status of each requisition and determine if the requirement is still valid and/or received.
  155. How many types of MOV are there and what are they?

    Internal and External
  156. What is DLR and what qualifies an item as DLR?
    Depot Level Repairable

    A part is qualified under DLR depending on its cost, specialty, and mission.
  157. What does an RPPO need to order a DLR part?
    The turn-in part (bad part)
  158. What is RIP and when is it used?
    Remain in Place

    When removing the part will cause further damage of the equipment
  159. What is the advice code for RIP?
  160. What is the advice code for a 1 for 1 exchange?
  161. What is the advise code for a survey?
  162. What is the advise code for initial outfitting?
  163. What is MAM and what is it used for?
    Maintenance Assist Modules

    To assist technicians in troubleshooting equipment
  164. Wher is MAM normally kept?
    In the workcenter
  165. What is RSS?
    Ready Service Spares

    To replace another part during emergency repair
  166. Where is RSS normally kept?
    In the workcenter
  167. What is another name for ship's budget?
  168. What does OPTAR stand for?
    Operating Target
  169. Where does the ship get its OPTAR from?
    • TYCOM to CO
    • CO then designates SUPPO for distribution to Dept Heads
  170. What are 2 components of OPTAR?
    Consumable and Repairable Funds
  171. Which OPTAR fund do we use for DLR items?
    Repairable Fund
  172. Who is responsible for the correct use of OPTAR funds?
    Department Heads
  173. What is CRAMSI?
    Consolidated Residual Asset Management Systems Inventory

    Used to get free DLR parts
  174. What is DRMO?
    Defense Reutilization Marketing Office

    Get second hand furniture, office equipment, ect...
  175. What program do we use on the ship designated to conserve fund?
    HAZMAT reutilization program
  176. If RPPO orders a wrong part and returns it back to the stock system, where does the credit go back to?
  177. What is UMMIPS?
    Uniform Material Movement Issue Priority System

    Used to identify emergency, urgent, and routine requirements
  178. What is the priority of a CASREP?
  179. Prior to pulling into a foreign port, what message does the ship send out?
    LOGREQ Message
  180. What is LOGREQ and what is contained in it?
    Logistics Request

    Ship's logistic needs while inport or anchoring out such as...

    • Liberty boats
    • Barges
    • Dumpsters
    • Cars
    • Cellphones
  181. What is the purpose of the ship's store afloat?
    To provide the crew convenience and comfort
  182. How many days of food does the ship have to have prior to leaving port?
    45 days
  183. We use this to replenish ship's supply...
    • UNREP
    • CONREP
  184. What is BDFA?
    Basic Daily Food Allowance

    Provides information on the minimum nutrition amount each sailor is allowed to receive
  185. What is the NAVSUP 1358?
    General Mess Operating Statement form

    • How much food we consume
    • How much food we have
    • How much money we collect
    • How much money we spend
  186. Where do we send the NAVSUP 1358 General Mess Operating Statement form?
    Washington DC
  187. During GQ/Battle Stations, galley personnel is not available. What does the crew eat?

    Meals Ready to Eat
  188. What are the 6 categories of HAZMAT?

    • Flammable
    • Aerosol
    • Toxic
    • Corrosive
    • Oxidizing
    • Compressed Gas
  189. Explain incompatible material and provide an example
    Material/chemicals when placed next to each other results in an adverse chemical reaction

    • i.e. Oxidizing and Flammable
    • Acid and Corrosive
  190. When a HM/HW spill is discovered, what steps are taken to clean it up?
    • Secure the area
    • Contain the spill
    • Notify the OOD to call away the emergency
    • Do not try to clean it up unless trained to do so. Only trained personnel are authorized to clean up.
  191. List the required PPE when handling HAZMAT?
    • Googles
    • Apron
    • Gloves
    • Respiratore (if required)
  192. What is the discharge limitation for trash?
    50 NM
  193. What is the discharge limitation for garbage?
    75 NM
  194. What is the discharge limitation for sewage?
    3 NM
  195. What is the discharge limitation for oily waste?
    50 NM only when it becomes a safety hazard
  196. What is the discharge limitation for paint mineral spirits?
    Never - bag it up and turn it over to HAZMAT
  197. What is CATCC?
    Carrier Air Traffic Control Center

    Control and keep the purpose of all airborne except those being controlled by CIC in our area of responsibility
  198. What are the Air Traffic Control Radars, their ranges and nicknames?
    • AN/SPN-41 - Bullseye - 10 N Miles
    • AN/SPN-43C - Marshal - 50 N Miles
    • AN/SPN-46V - Needles - 8 N Miles
  199. How many modes of operation does SPN-46 have and what are they?

    • I
    • II
    • III
    • IA
  200. What is METOC?
    Meteorological Center

    For metrological and oceanography information
  201. What are hot and cold refueling?
    • Hot refueling - when engines are on
    • Cold refueling - when engines are off
  202. What is the purpose of flight deck markings?
    For emergency situations, to locate F/F equipment, and locate danger areas
  203. What is the purpose of the foul line on the FLT Deck?
    Separates landing area from the rest of the flight deck
  204. What color is the Foul Line?
    Aternating Red and White
  205. What is a catapult shot line?
    Determines safe distance from the catapult for personnel/equipment when catapults are in use
  206. What color is the catapult shot line on the bow?
    Alternating red and white
  207. What color is the catapult shot lines on the waist and why?
    Solid Yellow

    Not to be confused with the Foul Line
  208. What is a Flight Deck Status Light?
    Displays the status of the ship to support flight operations
  209. How many sets of status lights do we have?
  210. What is FLOLS and where is located?
    Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System

    Port side of the ship next to Cat 4
  211. What is the purpose of a Catapult?
    Used to safety thrust A/C from the carrier deck
  212. What is the principal source of energy for the Catapults?
  213. What is the arresting gear?
    Series of cables used to arrest A/C
  214. How many wires do we use to arrest A/C?
  215. What is the JBD?
    Jet Blast Deflectors

    Used to protect personnel, equipment and other A/C from Jet Blast and Rotor Wash
  216. What is the purpose of a Barricade?
    Used for emergency arrestment of an A/C
  217. What are different types of barricades we have on board?
    • 2
    • Normal fixed wing and A/C with props
  218. What is the Tilly and what is it used for?
    Mobile Crash Crane

    Used to lift and move damaged A/C from the FLT DK and landing area
  219. Where is the Tilly located during FLT Ops?
    AFT of the island
  220. What is the responsibility of the crash and salvage team?
    Flight Deck F/F Repair Team in the island structure.

    Fights A/C fires and rescues personnel
  221. Types of A/C onboard
    • E-2
    • C-2
    • EA6B
    • FA-18 C/D and E/F
    • SH-60
  222. Duties and responsibilities of the Air Boss.

    Where is he located during flight ops?
    Supervision and direction of launching and recovering of A/C. Shipboard handling of A/C.

    PRI FLY (0-10 Level)
  223. Mini Boss?
    Assistant to the Air Boss. Assumes his duties in his absence.
  224. Aircraft Handling Officer?

    Where can be be found during FLT QTRs?
    Responsible for the direction of A/C movement on the Flight/Hangar Deck

    Flight Deck Control (04 Level)
  225. What are the following FLT Deck status conditions?

    Red, Amber, Green, Blue
    • Red - Closed Deck
    • Amber - engage/disengage rotors
    • Green - Deck open to launch and recovery
    • Blue - HERO/EMCON
  226. Jersey Colors

    • Arresting Gear
    • Catapult
    • A/C Maintenance personnel
  227. Jersey Colors

    AV Fuels
  228. Jersey Colors

    • AO
    • Crash and Salvage
  229. Jersey Colors

    • A/C Director
    • Flight Deck Officer
    • Catapult and Arresting Gear Officer
  230. Jersey Colors

  231. Jersey Colors

    Plane Captain
  232. Jersey Colors

    • Plane Handler
    • Tractor Driver
    • Elevator Operator
  233. FOD
    • Foreign Object Damage
    • or
    • Foreign Object Debris
  234. Name the parts of the Flight Deck Uniform
    • Cranial
    • Goggles
    • Jersey
    • Float Coat
    • Trousers
    • Steel Towed Boots
    • Whistle
    • Gloves
  235. Flight Deck Markings

    Catapult Steam Smothering Valve
    18" black background with the word STEAM in White
  236. Flight Deck Markings

    18" green background with AFFF in White
  237. Flight Deck Markings

    Saltwater Station
    18" red background with W in Yellow
  238. Flight Deck Markings

    12" red background with CO2 in White
  239. Flight Deck Markings

    12" red background with PKP
  240. What is STREAM
    Standard Tension REplenishment Alongside Method

    used for transferring cargo and ammunition
  241. What kind of Davit do we have onboard?
    Slew Arm Davit
  242. How is Line and Wire Rope measured?
    • Line - Circumference
    • Wire Rope - Diameter
  243. How many mooring lines do we have?
  244. How many Storm Lines do we have and where are they located?
    • 2
    • One is located Foc'sle and the other one is at Fantail
  245. What is the difference between Breast Lines and Spring Lines?
    Breast Lines hold the ship from moving away from the pier

    Spring Lines hold the ship from moving back and forth
  246. What is the purpose of the tattletale?
    Helps you to identify when the line is on the maximum strength level/reached the safe working load
  247. What information needs to be put out during a safety brief for a line handling evolution?
    Take off all rings, watches or any type of jewelry that can get caught on the lines, tuck pant legs in, stay 6 feet away from each chock, bitts, capstan, and listen to the POIC at all times. Safety is everyone's responsibility.
  248. What are rat guards?
    Metal shield placed on the mooring lines immediately after mooring, to prevent rats from coming aboard.
  249. What is chaffing gear used for?
    Cancas, line or other material placed around the mooring lines to prevent wear
  250. Weight of anchor?
    60,000 lbs
  251. What type of anchors do we have?
    MK-2 Navy Stockless
  252. What is the weight of each link? What size?
    • 360 lbs
    • 4 3/4" Die Lock
  253. A Shot of chains is how many fathoms?
  254. How many feet are in 15 fathoms?
    90 feet
  255. How long is one fathom in feet?
    6 feet
  256. What is a good scope of chain?
    5 to 7 the depth of the water
  257. What is the color of the detachable link for the 3rd shot of chain?
  258. Name the stopper that are used to hold the anchor chain
    • Riding
    • Housing
    • Storm
  259. What does RHIB stand for and how many do we have?
    Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat

  260. Where are the RHIBs located and which one is primary?
    One on each STBD and Port side

    STBD is primary
  261. What is the purpose of the sea painter?
    To keep the boat riding alongside while the ship is making way
  262. What is a lizard line?
    Line spliced into the sea painter, to hoist or lower the sea painter during boat operations
  263. How many steadying lines do we have and where are they?

    One FWD, one AFT
  264. Who is the overall responsible for the RHIB? What color is the hard hat?
    Coxwain - yellow hard hat
  265. What are monkey lines?
    Used to support 75% of your body weight when raising or lowering the boats
  266. Who is overall responsible for raising or lowering the RHIB? What color hard hat?
    The Davit Captain - yellow hard hat
  267. What does B&A Crane stand for and what is its nickname?
    Boat and Aircraft - Pillar

    Located on the Flight Deck AFT of Elevator 3
  268. How many boat booms do we have and what are they used for?
    • 2
    • Port and STBD side AFT
    • Used to secure the boats when they are in the water
  269. What are the 3 types of man overboard recoveries? Which is primary
    • Helicopter - primary
    • Boat
    • Shipboard
  270. Who orders Abadon Ship?
  271. How many Life Boats do we have? How many Life Rafts?
    • 2 Life Boats
    • 252 Life Rafts
  272. What type of Life Rafts do we have and percentage is carried onboard in relation to the size of the crew?
    • MK-6 25 Man
    • 110% of Ship's crew
  273. What are three flags using by both ships during UNREP?
    • Bravo
    • Prep Flag
    • Romeo
  274. Why do we shoot all shotlines during UNREP?
    Because we carry airplanes and you don't want to cause any damage to them
  275. What is the normal UNREP speed for Nimitz?
    13 Knots
  276. What are Station 5, 11, 13?
    Double Probe Refueling Stations - JP5 (NATO F44)
  277. What are UNREP stations 7 and 9 used for
    To receive cargo, ammo, and personnel
  278. Where are stations 17 and 19 located?
    By HB 3, elevator 3
  279. Who is the only person on station who doesn't need to wear chin strap on their hardhat or neck strap on their sound powered phones? Why?
    The station to staion phone talker because there's always a possibility to get pulled and fall in the water
  280. What station do we use to send fuel to another ship?
    Station 21
  281. What is VERTREP?
    Vertical Replenishment performed by helicopters
  282. UNREP Hard Hat Colors

    Yellow w/ Black Stripe
    • Rig Captain
    • Rig Captain U/I (w/ Stripe)
  283. UNREP Hard Hat Colors

    • Riggers
    • Line handlers
  284. UNREP Hard Hat Colors

    • Phone Talkers
    • Signalmen
  285. UNREP Hard Hats

    Winch Operator
  286. UNREP Hard Hats

    Gunners Mate
  287. What is CVIC?
    Carrier Intelligence Center

    Responsible for providing intelligence information to the warfare planner converning enemy activity
  288. What are the responsibilities of the OPSO?
    • Planning, coordinating, and scheduling the operations of the ship and aircraft, for logistic services.
    • For conducting of surface, subsurface, and air search operations.
    • Electronic warfare and the defense of the ship through the use of CIWS (Close In Weapons System) and the NSSMS.
  289. What is the responsibility of the combat direction center officer (CDCO)?
    Organization of CDC (Combat Direction Center), and reports maintenance and operation readiness for CDC electronic equipment
  290. What is the prmiary mission of CDC?
    To gather, process, display, evaluate and disseminate tactical inormation and intelligence to command and control systems

    • Gather
    • Process
    • Display
    • Evaluate
    • Disseminate
  291. Who is the only person designated in writing by the CO with weapons release authority?
    TAO - Tactical Action Officer
  292. What is the mission of the Electronic Warfare Supervisor (EW Sup)?
    Detects, identifies, and reports all emitter in vicinity of ship
  293. What is OPLAN?
    Operation Plan

    Format of a plan for conducting military operations
  294. What is OPTASK?
    Operational Tasking

    Policies made by warfare commanders that outline intentions, responses, and procedures in the event of specific evolutions
  295. What is ACDS?
    Advanced Combat Data Systems

    Used to display real time symbology of the tactical situations
  296. What is the purpose of data links and what are they? What are their nicknames?
    Permits rapid exchange of information

    • Link 4A - Dolly
    • Link 14 - Beaver
    • Link 11 - Alligator
    • Link 16 - Timber
  297. What is IFF and how many modes are there?
    Identification Friend or Foe

    • Allows CDC to talk to different kinds of aircraft
    • 5 Modes - I, II, III, IV, and Charlie
  298. What is TACAN?
    Tactical Air Navigation

    A homing beacon for the aircraft to find the ship
  299. Name an emergency that the Dead-Reckoning Tracer (DRT) is used for
    Man Overboard
  300. CPA
    Closest point of approach
  301. Explain the purpose of Emission Control (EMCON)
    Turning off certain RADARs to coincide with other ship's RADARs. When picked up by enemy ships, our emission signature will appear to be another type of ship.
  302. How many phases does EMCON have?

    • Alpha
    • Bravo
    • Charlie
    • Delta
    • Alpha1
  303. What is ES?
    Electronic Supprt

    Military actions taken to search for, intercept, and exploit enemy electronic emissions
  304. What is EA?
    Electronic Attack

    Prevent or reduce the enemy's effective use of electromagnetic spectrum for Command and Control, weapons employment, and communications
  305. What is EP?
    Electronic Protection

    To retain effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum by detecting, identifying, and nullyfying or reducing the effectiveness of enemy exploitation and electronic jamming on own electromagnetic controlled weapons systems
  306. What is AW?
    Air Warfare

    To destroy or reduce an enemy's air of missile threat
  307. What is SW?
    Surface Warfare

    Deny the enemy's effective use of its surface vessels
  308. What is USW?
    Undersea Warfare

    Locate and destroy submarines, and to deny the enemy effective use of its submairne vessels
  309. What is Amphibious Warfare?
    • Involves conducting an assault where land and sea meet
    • Could include the landing troops and equioment
  310. What is MIW
    Mine Warfare

    The use of ships, aircraft, submarines, and helicopters to locate and destroy enemy mines
  311. What is NEO?
    Non-combatant Evacuation Operations

    Quick, safe removal of US personnel from designated AOR.
  312. What are the Prosign and the time that a Flash message needs to be delivered?
    Z, 10 Minutes
  313. What are the Prosign and the time that a Immediate Message needs to be delivered
    O, 30 minutes
  314. What are the Prosign and the time that a Priority Message needs to be delivered?
    P, 3 hours
  315. What are the Prosign and the time that a Routine Message needs to be delivered?
    R, 6 hours
  316. What is EEFI
    Essential Elements of Friendly Information

    Information that is considered important and must not be disclosed
  317. What is Beadwindow?
    Used for voice nets, a rapid procedure used by circuit operators to police the security of voice nets.

    Bring to the attention of the operators that a user is disclosing EEFI on the circuit
  318. What is Gingerbread?
    Used for voice nets, a method to alert unauthorized operators that they are up on a restricted circuit
  319. What is Access?
    The ability and opportunity to obtain knowledge or possession of classified material
  320. What is Compromise?
    A security violation that has resulted in confirmed or suspected exposure of classified information to an unauthorized person
  321. Indentifiable Damage
    Damage to national security due to compromise of Confidential information
  322. Serious Damage
    Damage to national security due to compromise of Secret information
  323. Exceptionally Grave Damage
    Damage to national security due to compromise of Top Secret information
  324. Who is the only person that can order Emergency Destruction?
    Commanding Officer
  325. What is Logistics Request and how is it used?

    A message that tells a port what the ship requires when entering the port.

    • Foreign Ports - message should be sent out 2 to 3 weeks prior
    • US territory port - 48 hours prior
  326. What is Movement Report?

    Report the current, previous, and expected position of a ship and/or battle group
  327. What is a PIM?
    Points of Intended Movement

    A message sent out that will give a transiting ships anticipated position
  328. What is a MODLOC?
    Misc Operational Detail/Local Operations

    The ship will remain within some many NM of a stated point
  329. When would you use an OPREP-3 Pinnacle?
    To report any event or incident where national level interest is indicated
  330. When would use an OPREP-3 Navy Blue?
    To report any event or incident where Naval level interest is indicated
  331. When would you use SITREP?
    Any incident the CO feels that should be reported to higher authority
  332. What factors affect radar operations?

    • Weather
    • Atmospheric conditions
    • Sea return
    • Height of antenna
  333. How does weather affect Radar operations?
    Can reduce the effective range of the radar or mask targets due to heavy rain or heavy cloud formation
  334. How does Atmospheric Conditions affect Radar operations?
    Can cause distraction, refraction, and attenuation
  335. How does Sea Return affect Radar operations?
    The RF energy reflects off the sea and causes significant amounts of return on the scopes
  336. How does Height of Antenna affect Radar operations?
    When the height increases, the antenna range increases. Also, the higher an object goes, the easier that it can be picked up by the radar
  337. What is ROE?
    Rules of Engagement

    Outlines the circumstances that US Forces will initiate on continue combat engagements
  338. What is WQC-2 Gertrude?
    Underwater telephone
  339. Primary mission of this device is for Anti-Missle Ship Defense. Secondary purpose is for Radar Jamming.
    What is SLQ-32
  340. What is the SPQ-9?
    Low horizon, missile skimming Radar

    • Surface range - 20 NM
    • Air range - 80 NM
  341. What does AIC stand for?
    Air Intercept Controller
  342. Define USW
    Undersea Warfare

    Seak and destroy enemy submarines
  343. LCC
    Amphibious Command Ship
  344. LHA
    Amphibious Assault Ship
  345. LPD
    Amphibious Transport Dock
  346. LPH
    Amphibious Platform Helo
  347. LHD
    Amphibious Assault Ship
  348. LSD
    Amphibious Landing Dock
  349. LST
    Tank Landing Ship
  350. TSTA
    Tailored Ships Training Availability
  351. ASTAC
    Anti-Submarine Tactical Air Controller
  352. What is MIO?
    Maritime Interdiction Operations

    Operations designed to impose restrictive maritime sanctions on designated countries
  353. What is the length of the Flight Deck?
    1092 FT
  354. What is the overall legth of the ship?
    1115' and 4"
  355. What is the highest part of the ship?
    • Lightning Rod
    • 2006' and 6"
  356. What is the navigational Draft of the ship?
    37' and 6"
  357. What are the 8 basic wounds?

    • Sucking chest wound
    • Compound fracture
    • Burn
    • Amputation

    • Smoke inhalation
    • Abdominal wound
    • Facial wound
    • Electrical shock
  358. What is used as a last resort but is the most effective in stopping bleeding?
  359. When a Tourniquet is applied, where and what is written on the patient's body?
    Patient's head is marked with a "T" and the time the tourniquet was applied
  360. What is the difference between Compound and Simple Fracture?
    • Compound Fracture - broken bone protrude out of the skin
    • Simple Fracture - bone breakage is internal
  361. What are the differences between Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke?
    • Heat Exhaustion - rapid pulse, shallow breathing, moist clammy skin
    • Heat Stroke - rapid pulse, contricted pupils, hot dry skin, rapid deep breathing
  362. Describe:

    1st Degree Burn
    2nd Degree Burn
    3rd Degree Burn
    • 1st Degree Burn - Reddish tint to skin
    • 2nd Degree Burn - Blistered skin, most painful
    • 3rd Degree Burn - Charred destroyd skin. Least painful due to nerve damage
  363. Stokes Stretcher
    Made up of metal frame and wire basket
  364. Reeves-Sleeve stretcher
    A long spine board inside an orange sleeve with handles
  365. Army Pole Lifter stretcher
    2 wooden poles and a mesh canvas
  366. Keel
    Backbone of the ship
  367. Frames
    Ribs of the ship
  368. Hull plates
    Skin of the ship
  369. Decks
  370. Pipe Color Code

    Potable water
  371. Pipe color code

    Fire Main
  372. Pipe color code

  373. Pipe color code

  374. Pipe color code

    Solid yellow
    Fuel Oil
  375. Pipe color code

    Yellow and Black
    Lube oil
  376. Pipe Color Code

  377. Pipe Color Code

    Green and Red
    AFFF Mix
  378. Pipe Color Code

    Red and Blue
    AFFF concentrate
  379. Compartment Identification


  380. Compartment ID

    Controlling Space
  381. Compartment ID

    Engineering Space
  382. Compartment ID

    Fuels/Oil Tanks
  383. Compartment ID

    Gasoline Tanks
  384. Compartment ID

  385. Compartment ID

    Stowage of HAZMAT
  386. Compartment ID

    Living space
  387. Compartment ID

  388. Compartment ID

  389. Compartment ID

    Trunk Space
  390. Compartment ID

  391. Compartment ID

    Water Tanks
  392. Repair Locker Locations

    All on 2nd Deck

    • 2, 4, 5 are all on port side
    • 3 is on STBD side

    • 2 - 2nd deck forward of FWD mess decks
    • 4 - port side of FWD galley mess line
    • 5 - fwd of AFT mess line on port side

    3 - Aft of XO p-way STBD side. Also backup DCC!
  393. Repair Locker Locations

    All on 1st Deck/Hangar Deck

    • 1F - FWD port side of HB1
    • 1B - port side of HB2
    • 1A - STBD HB3
  394. Repair locker locations

    All are on 03 Level

    • 7F - 03 port side fwd of CAG p-way
    • 7B - 03 level STBD near CO p-way
    • 7A - 03 level STBD near PR shop
  395. Material Conditions

    Black X.

    Offers the least amount of protection
  396. Materital Conditions

    Black Y, all X and Y fittings are closed. Fittings open for more than 24 hours must be logged in DC Central.

    Checked at 0700 & 1900 underway and 0600 & 1600 in port.
  397. Material Conditions

    Circle X-Ray
    Permission to open is not needed but must be closed when not in use
  398. Material Conditions

    Maximum protection, all X, Y, and Z fittings are closed.

    Repair lockers have 12 minutes to set Material Condition Zebra during GQ
  399. Material Conditions

    Circle Zebra
    Battle messing route. CO's permission needed to open.
  400. Material Conditions

    Modified Zebra
    All X, Y, and Z fittings from a specific deck and below are closed
  401. Material Conditions

    Dog Zebra
    Black D with red Z inside

    Darken Ship. Set 30 minutes prior to sunset.
  402. Material Conditions

    Black W

    Seawater and other vital water fitting
  403. Material Conditions

    Circle William
    Black W inside black circle

  404. What is CCOL and where is the master copy located?
    Compartment Check Off List

    Master copy is located in DC Central
  405. Readiness Conditions

    Condition 1
    Condition 2
    Condition 3
    • Condition 1 - GQ, all repair lockers and all BDS (Battle Dressing Stations) are manned
    • Condition 2 - Modified GQ. Flying Squad and specific repair lockers are manned. Main BDS is manned also.
    • Condition 3 - Only the Flying Squad responds
  406. Describe the Traffic Pattern during GQ and Man Overboard
    • Up and Forward STBD side
    • Down and AFT port side
  407. Fire Triangle
    • Oxygen
    • Fuel
    • Heat
  408. Fire Tetrahedron
    • Oxygen
    • Fuel
    • Heat
    • Chemical Chain Reaction
  409. Stages of Fire
    • Growth
    • Flashover
    • Fully developed
    • Decay
  410. Describe Alpha Fire and what are the extinguishing agents?
    • White smoke
    • Soild fuel source
    • Creates ash
    • Water, CO2, PKP
  411. Describe Bravo Fire and what are the extinguishing agents?
    • Black Smoke
    • Liquid Fuel Source
    • AFFF, Water - high velocity fog pattern
  412. Describe Charile Fire and its extinguishing agents
    • Blue Smoke
    • Electrical Source
    • Secure Power First!
    • CO2, PKP as last resort due to corrosiveness
  413. Describe Delta Fire and means to extinguish it
    • Combustible metals - magnesium, titanium, lithium
    • Jettison overboard
  414. Direct Firefighting
    Applying extinguishing agent directly on fire
  415. Indirect Firefighting
    Using decks or objects to bounce the extinguishing agent before it hits the fire
  416. Extinguishing agents

    • Offers reflash protection
    • Used to remove heat from the fire triangle
  417. Extinguishing Agents

    • Offers reflsh protection
    • Used to remove Oxygen from the fire triangle
    • Mixed using 94% water and 6% AFFF
  418. Extinguishing Agents

    • Offers NO reflash protection
    • Used to remove oxygen from the fire triangle
    • Non Corrosive Gas
  419. Extinguishing Agents

    • Pottassium Bi-Carbonate Powder
    • Offers NO reflash protection
    • Used to disrupt chemical chain reaction
  420. Extinguishing Agents

    Halon 1301
    • Offers NO reflash protection
    • Used to disrupt chemical chain reaction
  421. Extinguishing Agents

    • Aqueous Potassium Carbonate
    • Creates vapor lock to fight grease fires
  422. Define Progressive Flooding
    Flooding spreading from space to space causing a free flow effect
  423. Define Cross Flooding
    Flooding is equally distributed on both sides of ship
  424. What is Active De-Smoking?
    De-smoking while fire is still burning
  425. What is Overhaul?
    Examining the site for hot spots
  426. What is De-Smoking?
    Replace 95% of smoke with oxygen
  427. EWARP
    • Emergency Water Repair Patch
    • Tolerance up to 150 PSI, 300 degrees
    • Soak time 20 seconds, Cure time is 30 minutes

    Do not use on Potable water, CHT, JP5 or Steam pipes
  428. Soft Patch
    • 150 PSI
    • Rubber gasket must extend 2" past crack on both sides
    • Marlin must overlap by 1/2" on both sides on top of gasket
  429. Jubilee Patch
    • Only can withstand 100 PSI
    • Quickest Clamp
  430. Banding Patch
    • Can withstand 150 PSI
    • Must have 2" overlap on both sides
  431. What are the 2 types of Steel Shoring and their tolerances?
    • 3'x5' - withstand 20,000 lbs contracted and 12,000 extended
    • 6'x11" - withstand 20,000 lbs contracted and 6,000 extended
  432. What are the advantages and disadvantage of Steel Shoring?
    • Advantages - Fire proof, saves space, easy to install
    • Disadvantage - heavy, rusts, and produces sparks
  433. What types of Wood Shoring do we use?
    • H - Cross Axial. Weakest: pressure acting perpendicular to axis
    • I - Direct Compression. Strongest: vertical and horizontal
    • K - Triangulation. Rise/Run: Cut at 90 degrees. Strongback is to re-enforce.
  434. What are some shoring tools?
    • Hammer
    • Carpenter's Square
    • Measuring tape
    • Saw
  435. Wedge characteristics
    • Made of wood or steel.
    • Length is 6 times its butt thickness
  436. Wood Shoring characteristics
    • Yellow Pine or Douglas Fur
    • Length cannot exceed 30 times minimum butt thickness
  437. What are Sholes?
    • Flat plate which is placed under the end of a shore to distribute weight/pressure.
    • Can be made out of wood or metal
  438. What is Strongback?
    Bar or beam of wood or metal used to distribute pressure or to serve to anchor a patch over a hole
  439. How many main eductors and secondary eductors do we have on board?
    • 12 main
    • 1 secondary
  440. CO2 Fire Extinguisher characteristics
    • 15 lbs
    • 4 to 6 ft range
    • 40 second continuous operation
    • Always ensure it is grounded
    • Never leave it standing up
  441. PKP Extinguisher characteristics
    • 2 sizes
    • 27 lbs - range is 21 ft. 11 second duration

    18 lbs - range is 19 ft. 10 second duration
  442. AFFF extinguisher characterics
    • Range is 15 ft diminishing
    • Holds 2.5 gal of AFF mix
    • 55-65 seconds of continuous use
    • 100 psi bottle
  443. What is NFTI and its characteristics
    • Naval Firefighting Thermal Imager
    • Black = cold, White = hot
    • Carried by team leader
    • 2 modes - chop and pan
    • Chop is for stationary position and Pan is for scanning
  444. How many types of eductors do we have and what are they? Which one is bigger?
    • 2
    • Peri Jet and S-type
    • Peri Jet is bigger with 4" discharge
  445. Describe Peri-Jet Eductor
    • 4" discharge
    • 2 1/2" Fire Main
    • 3" Suction
    • Allows debris up to 2 1/2" in diameter to pass
    • 6 small jets
  446. Describe S-type Eductor
    • 2 1/2" discharge
    • 1 1/2" Fire Main
    • Has basket strainer to block debris
  447. What types of hose do we have and what are their standard length?
    • 1 1/2"
    • 2 1/2"
    • 50 ft is standard
  448. What is ESP and its characteristics
    • Electrical Submersible Pump
    • Suction max 20 ft
    • Discharge 70 ft
    • Pumps 140 gal/min at 70 ft
    • Uses water to cool motor
    • 440 volt
    • 2 1/2" discharge

    Do not use with oil or JP5
  449. Describe the P-100 and its characteristics
    • 2" Exhaust
    • 2 1/2" Discharge
    • 3" Suction
    • 100 gal/min at 83 PSI
    • Suction lift of 20 ft
  450. Hook up order of pumps is:

    • Discharge
    • Fire main
    • Suction
  451. What types of desmoking fans do we have and what are their characteristics?
    • Box Fan - 3200 CFM, 115 AC voltage
    • Ram Fan - 2000 CFM. Powered by firemain. Ensure grounding strap is connected.
  452. What types of water pumps do we have onbard?
    P-100 and ESP (Electrical Submersible Pump)
  453. SCBA
    Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
  454. What components make up the SCBA?
    • Air bottle
    • Air cylinder valve assembly
    • Pressure indicator
    • Remote pressure indicator
    • First Stage regulator - reduces to 100 PSI
    • Second Stage regulator - maintains a positive pressure in the face at all times (1.5" of water column; .05 psi)
    • Purge valve
    • Air saver switch
    • Alarm assembly (vibralert) - alarm goes off 20-25% or air remaining. Alarm will also go off if a problem with first stage regulator exists.
  455. What sizes of SCBA face pieces do we have and how are they color coded?
    • Small - green rubber
    • Standard - black rubber (fits about 90% of population)
    • Extra Large - red rubber
  456. EEBD
    • Emergency Escape Breathing Device
    • 10 minutes of breathable air
    • Status indicator: Green = good, Red = bad
  457. PECU
    • Portable Exothermic Cutting Unit
    • Cuts at 10,000 degrees
  458. What sizes do Vari-nozzles come in?
    • 95 GPM
    • 125 GPM
  459. Fixed Firefighting Systems

    Halon 1301
    • Has a time delay of 30 seconds for unmmaned space and 60 seconds for manned space
    • Audio and visual alarms and ventilation shutdown
    • System has 5 lb CO2 cartridge to activate it
    • 8 systems on ship
  460. Fixed Firefighting Systems

    • Time delay of 25 seconds for unmmaned, 60 seconds for manned
    • 2650-3000 PSI
    • 7 systems on ship
  461. Fixed Firefighting Systems

    • Located in galleys for deep fryers
    • 5 gal, 175 PSI with nitrogen gas
    • 9 systems on ship
    • 4 ways to activate: Remote, Bottle Lever, Local control Box, Fusible Link (melts at 360 F)
  462. Fixed Firefighting Systems

    • 20 Stations on ship
    • Holds 600 gallons
    • 2 Transfer Stations - 3250 gallons FWD, 3500 gal AFT
  463. Fixed Firefighting Systems

    Fire Main: Composite loop
    23 fire pumps - 19 electric, 4 steam
  464. How many Fixed Firefighting Systems of these do we have on board?

    CO2, Halon 1301, APC
    • CO2 - 7
    • Halon - 8
    • APC - 9
  465. Describe what is required during Fire Watch
    • Ammo must be at least 5 ft away from bulkhead
    • Watch must stay 30 min after work is completed or cool to touch whichever is longer
    • Fire Watch is needed on all work that produces sparks or temps of 400 degrees or higher
    • Watch needs flash gear, eye protection, CO2 bottle and a form of communication
    • Hot work chit needed and only good for 8 hours
  466. What are some forms of communications we can use during GQ?
    • DCQ
    • Hydra Radio (bricks)
    • Message Blanks
    • Sound Powered Telephone
  467. Which is the Main DC circuit outgoing from DC Central to all Repair Lockers?
  468. What are they incoming circuits from all lockers to DC Central?
    • 4JZ - Repair 2
    • 5JZ - Repair 3
    • 6JZ - Repair 4
    • 7JZ - Repair 5

    • 3JZ1 - Repair 1F
    • 3JZ2 - Repair 1B
    • 3JZ3 - Repair 1A

    • 11JZ1 - Repair 7F
    • 11JZ2 - Repair 7B
    • 11JZ3 - Repair 7A
  469. X40J circuit?
    Emergency Communications
  470. X59J circuit?
    AFFF stations
  471. JA circuit?
    Captain Battle circuit
  472. What are the types of nuclear bursts?
    • High Altitude - 100,000 ft and above. Does not touch the earth.
    • Air Burst - below 100,000 ft. Does not touch the earth.
    • Surface Burst - at or slightly above the surface. Touches earth.
    • Underwater Burst - Shallow and Deep. Shallow is most danagerous to ships.
  473. What is MOPP and its levels?
    Mission Oriented Protective Posture

    • Level 1 - Attack is suspected. PPE inventoried and issued to all hands
    • Level 2 - Attack is possible. Carry mask.
    • Level 3 - GQ. Attack is probable. Don protective suit no mask. Countermeasure wash down set.
    • Level 4 - Attack is imminent, don mask and suit. Set Circle William.
  474. Nuclear Rays

    Alpha Particles:
    • Internal organ hazard
    • Can travel 0-3 inches
    • Can enter body through open wounds, cuts, open mouth
    • Clothes can stop. Also paper and skin.
  475. Nuclear Rays

    Beta Particles:
    • External and internal hazard
    • Can travel 0-10 inches
    • Clothes cannot stop
    • More harmful than Alpha
    • Electrical charge
    • Skin hazard
    • Shielding: Plastic, Glass, Light Metals
  476. Nuclear Rays

    Gamma Particles:
    • Most dangerous form of radiation
    • Can travel great distances
    • HF range of waves
    • Hazard to entire body
    • Shielding: Concrete, Water, Oil
  477. "Initial Radition"
    Most powerful radiation is received in first minute of attack
  478. Biological Attack

    Living disease producing organism
  479. Biological Attack

    Poinsonous unstable compound not living
  480. Biological Attack

    Absorbed through skin pores
  481. Biological Attack

    Eye respiratory
    Absorbed through tear ducks
  482. Chemical Attack

    Lasts less than 15 min
  483. Chemical Attack

    Last between 15 min and 24 hours
  484. Chemical Attack

    Last greater than 24 hours
  485. What is the ACPG?
    • Advanced Chemical Protective Garment
    • Good for 25 hours in contaminated environment
    • Good for 45 days in open environment
    • They are allowed to be washed 6 times
  486. What type of gas mask do we use?
    • MCU-2P
    • C-2 canister
    • 30 days contaminated environment, 60 days in non-contaminated environment
    • Canister is only good for one shot with blood agents
  487. What kit do we use for testing for blood, blister, and nerve agents?
    • M236A1 Chemical Tester
    • Contains 12 sample detectors
    • 1 book M-8 paper
  488. Describe the M-8 paper
    • Tests for G-nerve, V-nerve, and H-type blister
    • 20 seconds or less response time
    • Yellow = G-nerve
    • Dark Green = V-nerve
    • Red = Blister
  489. Describe the M-9 paper
    • Positive = Red
    • Will work even when wet
    • 10 second response time
  490. What is HTH?
    • Calcium Hypochlorite
    • 9% HTH, 91% water is used in decontamination stations
  491. What counters never agent?
    Atropine - issued with 3 shots
  492. 2 Pam Chloride is used for what?
    • For countering Atropine
    • Issued with 3 shots
  493. State the purpose of the Ship's Service 60 Hz/4160 Electrical Distribution System
    To Generate, Control, and Distribute power to meet the requirements of the ship's electrical loads
  494. What is SSTG and where are they located?
    • Ship's Service Turbine Generators
    • 4 total
    • 1 & 2 in 1MMR
    • 3 & 4 in 2MMR
  495. What voltage and frequency is power generated at?
    • 60 Hz
    • 4160 volts
  496. What is the EPCP?
    • Electric Plant Control Panel
    • Controlling station for the ship service switchboards
  497. Describe the duties

    • Dept Head
    • Responsible for the operation, maintenance, and safety of the propulsion plants and their associated auxiliaries
  498. Describe the duties

    • Reactor Electrical Assistant
    • Responsible for the proper operation of the electric plant
    • Also for the proper operation and maintenance of the reactor control and protection systems
  499. Describe the duties

    • Main Propulsion Assistant
    • For the continuous operation of the main engines, SSTGs, and DUs
  500. Describe the duties

    • Chemistry and Radcon Assistant
    • Proper water chemistry in the propulsion plant and to supervise radiological controls
  501. Describe the duties

    • Engineering Officer of the Watch
    • Responsible for at all times for operation of both propulsion plants and for overall operation of the engineering plant and ship control
  502. Describe the duties

    • Propulsion Plant Watch Officer
    • Responsible for the operation of his OWN propulsion plant
    • Plant watchstanders report to the PPWO
    • PPWO reports to the EOOW
    • There are two PPWOs, one for each plant and they report to 1 EOOW
  503. Describe the duties

    • Reactor Operator
    • Control and monitor the reactor and main coolant system under the supervision of PPWO
    • Responsible for operating the reactor and other systems controlled from the RPCC (Reactor Plant Control Console)
    • Responsible for keeping the PPWO informed of the status of the reactor plant and of any abnormal conditions existing or developing
    • He is an officer
  504. What is EOS and where is it located?
    • Enclosed Operating Station
    • Control station for each propulsion plant
    • On the 4th deck of each RAR
    • #1 EOS is 4th deck port
    • #2 EOS is 4th deck stbd
  505. RAR
    Reactor Auxiliaries Room
  506. What does Reactor Critical mean?
    • Reactor is at a costant power level
    • This is a good condition and represents no issues
  507. Reactor Scram
    • An emergency shutdown of the reactor
    • Performed by a rapid insertion of all control rods
  508. What is meant by Split Steam Plants?
    • Each reactor carrying its own loads
    • Most stable condition
  509. What is meant by "cross connected" steam plants?
    One reactor is shutdown and the other is carrying ALL loads
  510. State the locations of the reboilers
    • #1 Reboiler - 1A Shaft Alley
    • #2 Reboiler - 4A Shaft Alley
  511. Classify the Distilling Units
    • 6 Stage
    • Flash Type
    • 100,000 GPD
  512. State the locations of the Distilling Units (DU)
    • 1 & 2 in 1MMR
    • 3 & 4 in 2MMR
  513. What are the purpose of EDGs?
    • Emergency Diesel Generators
    • Primary - Ised to power the reactor fill system in the event of a major reactor accident
    • Secondary - Used to power the ship's vital electrical loads during casualties affecting the ship's electrical distribution system
  514. What is the purpose of SSTGs?
    Used to supply the ship's electrical loads underway.
  515. What is CTG, how many are there, and where are they located?
    • Coolant Turbine Generators
    • Used only to supply electrical power to the reactor coolant pumps.
    • 4 total
    • 1 & 2 in 1RAR
    • 3 & 4 in 2RAR
  516. What is the difference between SSTG and CTG?
    • They are the exact same machines.
    • SSTG is for ship's power
    • CTG is for the reactor coolant pumps
  517. Name 3 Reactor Dept watches in Central Control
    • EOOW
    • Load Dispatcher
    • Water Control Watch
  518. What is the purpose of the Main Thrust Bearing?
    Transmits the thrust of the propeller to movement of the ship
  519. What is the purpose of the Main Reduction Gear?
    Reduces the RPM of the high speed main engines to a slower, usable speed for the propeller
  520. What is a Trailing Shaft?
    No steam is supplied to the main engines, but the propeller rotates as it is being pulled through the water by the ship
  521. What is a Locked Shaft?
    No Steam is supplied to the main engines and the shaft is locked in place so it does not spin through the water as the ship moves
  522. Who controls the fill rate of steam to the Catapult Accumulators?
    Reactor Operator
  523. How much water is allotted per person per day during underway?
    35 gallons
  524. What is TLD?
    • Thermal Luminescent Dosimeter
    • Device used to measure cumulative dose of radiation received by personnel
  525. What is DIW?
    • Dead In the Water casualty
    • Both reactors are shutdown, causing loss of nuclear power and propulsion to the ship.
    • Electrical power is provided from 4 EDGs
    • There is no propulsion
  526. Mame 4 watchstanders in the EOS (Enclosed Operationg Station)
    • PPWO
    • RO
    • TH (Throttleman - 2 per plant, 1 & 4 TH in 1EOS and 2 & 3 TH in 2EOS)
    • Log Recorder/Phone Talker
  527. What is NPMTT?
    • Nuclear Propulsion Mobile Training Team
    • Team of nuclear system and operational experts
    • Main mission is to assist the ship in improving its maintenance practices, administrative functions, and operational capabilities
  528. What is ORSE?
    • Operational Reactor Safeguards Exam
    • Exam conducted on the ship to determine the ships ability to safely operate its nuclear propulsion plants
  529. What inspections/reviews are performed during an ORSE?
    • Adminstrative review of all nuclear paperwork
    • Drills
    • Oral interviews
    • Written exams
    • Observed maintenance evolutions
  530. Failure of ORSE can lead to what?
    • Could result in the ship being unable to get underway and meet operational commitments
    • If already at sea, the ship may not be allowed to pull into port
  531. MMRs
    What are there location of entrances, port and stbd?
  532. RARs
    What are there location of entrances, port and stbd?
  533. How many Main Engines are there and where are they located?
    • 4 - each ocntrolled by the 4 Throttleman
    • 1 & 4 located in 1MMR
    • 2 & 3 located in 2MMR
  534. What is the function of the reactor?
    • To provide energy required to produce steam that is necessary to move the ship through the water
    • Generate electrical power
    • Launch catapults
  535. How many reactors do we have?
  536. When is Restricted Maneuvering set?
    • Underway Replenishment (UNREP)
    • Sea and Anchor Detail
  537. What was the first naval nuclear powered vessel?
    USS Nautilus (submarine)
  538. Who was the father of naval nuclear power?
    Admiral Hyman G. Rickover
  539. What was the frist nuclear powered surface ship?
    USS Long Beach (cruiser)
  540. State the type of reactor design used in naval nuclear propulsion
    • Pressurized water reactor
    • There is NO boiling in the reactor cores
  541. State the source of fuel used for nuclear fission
  542. State the advantages of nulcear propulsion over fossil fuel propulsion plants
    • Faster
    • More room to store aviation fuel
    • More room to store ordnance
    • Last longer between refuels
  543. How long does our reactor last?
    Up to 20 years
  544. What is the purpose of the reboiler system?
    Provides steam to the ship for hot water heaters and sculleries
  545. What is HPAC, how many do we have onboard, and where are they located?
    • High Pressure Air Compressors
    • 12 total
    • 2 in each MMR (4 total)
    • 4 in each O2N2 shop (8 total)
  546. What is the operating range for HPAC?
    3000-5000 PSI
  547. What is the operating range for ship's service air/LP air?
    110-125 PSI
  548. What is the purpose of the control air system, its operating range, and where are they located?
    • Used to operate automatic valves in the propulsion plants
    • 65-85 PSI
    • 4 total - 1 each in RARs and MMRs
  549. Name the watches in MMR
    • Chief Machinery Operator
    • Upper Level
    • Lower Level
    • Distilling Unit
    • Ship's generator
    • Shaft Alley patrol
    • Machinery Electrician
    • Electrical Operator
  550. Name the watches RAR
    • Chief Reactor Watch
    • Feed pumps
    • Coolant generator
    • Charging station
    • Feed control
    • Instrument watch
    • Reactor Auxiliaries watch
  551. What is DFT?
    • Deaerating Feed Tank
    • Keeps gasses out of secondary water
  552. What color is the deck in RR?
    Red (Terracotta)
  553. What type of fuel is used in the EDGs?
  554. Describe the Basic Steam Cycle
    • Generation
    • Expansion
    • Condensation
    • Feed
  555. What are the 4 modes of steering?
    • Hand Electric - Bridge (Helm)
    • Emergency - backup mode by using Trick Wheel
    • Manual - by hand
    • Auto Pilot - NOT USED ON NIMITZ
  556. Where is Aft Steering located?
    3rd deck port and stbd side all the way aft of ship
  557. What colors do you see on the piping in Aft Steering?
    Orange and Gray
  558. List the 4 major components of the Refrigeration Cycle
    • Compressor
    • Condenser
    • Thermal Explansion Valve
    • Evaporator
  559. How many AC units do we have onboard?
    What type are they?
    • 10
    • York 363 ton
  560. How many Refrigeration Units do we have?
    What type are they?
    • 5
    • York 10 ton
  561. What type of refrigerant is used in the Refrigeration Units?
  562. What type of refrigerant is used in the AC units?
  563. Where are the AC units located?
    • 1 & 2 in FWD AC&R (6th deck, frame 44)
    • 3 & 4 in AFT AC&R (7th deck, frame 180)
    • 5 in 1MMR (7th deck, frame 113)
    • 6 in 2RAR (7th deck, frame 148)
    • 7 in 2MMR (frame 165)
    • 8 & 10 below MSC
    • 9 in compartment 7-25-0-E (way forward in 7th deck)
  564. Where are the Refrigeration Units located?
    • 1 & 2 in FWD AC&R (6-44-0-E)
    • 3, 4, & 5 in AFT AC&R (7-180-0-E)
  565. What is the purpose of the AC units?
    • Primary - to cool vital electronic and radar equipment
    • Secondary - for comfort of the crew
  566. What type of catapulted system is used onboard?
    Wet accumulator type
  567. What is the advantage of the wet accumulator type catapulted system vice a steam accumulator system?
    Fast recovery type
  568. What is CSC?
    • Catapult Supervisory Control
    • An audible and visual warning alarm in DCC used as a limiting device that prevents that Catapults from disrupting Reactor plant operations
  569. What method is used to put out a catapult fire?
    Steam smothering
  570. CHT
    Collection, Holding, and Transfer (tank)
  571. What gas is abundant in CHT tanks and what does it smell like?
    • Hydrogen Sulfide
    • Rotten eggs
  572. What are the 3 modes of operation for CHT?
    • In port
    • At sea
    • Transit
  573. What is the function of reboiler steam?
    To provide steam to various steam outlets, i.e. ships whistle, laundry, showers, etc..
  574. How many steam reboilers do we have?
    What type are they and where can they be found?
    • 2
    • U-tube heat exchanger type
    • #1 in 1A Shaft Alley
    • #2 in 4B Shaft Alley
  575. What are the 3 types of Distilling Units?
    • Flash
    • Submerged tube
    • Solo shell
  576. What is the difference between potable water and boiler/feed water?
    • Potable water has been treated to raise the chlorine content
    • Boiler has no chlorides present in order to prevent corrosion (not consummable by personnel)
  577. What is the purpose of the Underwater Log?
    • To give ships speed through water
    • Total distance traveled in NM
  578. What is the purpose of the Trick Wheel?
    Where is it located?
    • Provides local hydraulic control of the steering units in case of failure of the remote steering system
    • Located in port and stbd Aft steering rooms
  579. What is the purpose of Ram Assembly?
    Where is it located?
    • Used to position the rudder to the desired position
    • Located on the 4th deck in the ram rooms below the steering control rooms
  580. What is the purpose of the List Control System?
    To make changes to the ship's list by pumping water BETWEEN the tanks
  581. How many list control tanks are there?
    Where are they located?
    • 10
    • 5 on stbd, 5 on port side, 4th deck outboard
  582. Where is the largest list control tank and its capacity?
    • Stbd side
    • 310,000 gal
  583. Where is the smallest list control tank and its capacity?
    • Port side
    • 155,000 gal
  584. Where is the list control operating panel found?
  585. LOX
    • Liquid Oxygen
    • Liquid Nitrogen
  586. What is LOX used for?
    What is gaseous oxygen used for?
    • Aviators breathing (ABO)
    • Medical, dental, welders
  587. What is LIN used for?
    What is gaseous nitrogen used for?
    • For wart removal
    • Inflate tires, weapons, seat ejection shop
  588. What are the 4 PPE required to be worn when working with LOX or LIN?
    • Face shield
    • LOX coveralls
    • Leather Gloves
    • LOX boots
  589. How many degaussing coils do we have?
    What are they?
    • 4
    • A-Coil
    • M-Coil
    • FP QP
    • FI QI
  590. Where is the degaussing switchboard located?
    Where is the remote switchboard located?
    • 3-115-2-Q
    • 09 Level (in Chart House)
  591. What is the purpose of degaussing?
    To reduce the magnetic signature of the ship
  592. What is the Football Field in DC Central?
    • Panel that shows the status of what firepumps are running
    • Also displays firemain pressures
  593. What cools the JBDs?
  594. How many list control pumps do we have?
    Where are they located?
    • 2
    • 4A Shaft Alley
  595. What is contained in the Engineering Log?
    • Engineering plant conditions
    • Engines miles steamed per day
    • Draft/displacement
  596. What type of firemain system do we have onboard?
    Composite Loop
  597. What is the Boat Report?
    Daily report to the CO stating the status of the small boats
  598. Who is authorized to change the tools section on an MRC card?
  599. MIP
    Maintenance Index Card
  600. LOEP
    List of Effective Pages
  601. What is FR and how often is it issued?
    • Force Revision
    • Quarterly
  602. EGL
    Equipment Guide List
  603. Who is overall in charge of the 3M Program?
  604. How many schedules do we have in 3M and what are they?
    • 3
    • Cycle, Quarterly, Weekly
  605. MOVLAS
    Manually Operated Visual Landing System
  606. How many potable water tanks do we have onboard?
    Where are they located and how much do they hold?
    • 26 tanks
    • 11 FWD
    • 15 AFT
    • 485,000 gal of water
  607. What is the Main Space Fire Fighting Doctrine?
    NIMITZINST that provides policy, specific guidance and requirements for fighting fires in MMR and RAR
  608. What is Full Power Trial?
    • Going as fast as possible while turning fwd & astern with max rudder angles to test all plants, rudder, etc...
    • Done after shipyard period
  609. What is the displacement of USS Nimitz?
    95,000 tons
  610. What are the nicknames for Link 4A, 14, 11, and 16?
    • Link 4A - Dolly
    • Link 14 - Beaver
    • Link 11- Alligator
    • Link 16 - Timber
  611. What is the ECDIS and its purpose?
    • Electronic Chart Display and Information System
    • Eliminates the need for paper charts
  612. What are the 4 warfare areas that utilize naval missile systems?
    What missiles are used?
    • Anti-air: NATO & RAM
    • Surface: Harpoon
    • Undersea: ASROC
    • Strike: Tomahawk Land Attack Missile
Card Set
Surface Warfare Study Guide