Motivation #2

  1. Needs
    Deficiency-satisfying or growth-promoting conditions producing energy and behavioral direction
  2. Physiological need
    rooted in biological forces
  3. Ogranismic Needs
    (psychological) rooted in human nature
  4. Acquired need
    (social, quazi) rooted in experience
  5. All needs generate energy but they differ in
    • -directional effects on behavior
    • -Nature of motivation
    • -Deficiency motivations (thirst, hunger)
    • -Growth motivation (Learning, power)
  6. Innate needs
    Physio - Thirst, hunger, sex

    Pshychological - Autonomy, competence, relatedness
  7. Learned Needs
    Social - Achievement, affiliation, intimacy, power

    Quasi - Money, work, shopping
  8. Physiological needs
    lead to proactiev behavior such as challenge seeking and environmental exploration
  9. 3 Organismic psychological needs
    1) Autonomy (self determination) - need to experience choice
  10. 2) competence
    the need to produce intentional changes in the environment
  11. 3)Relatedness
    the need to relate the self to others through social interaction
  12. 3 factors that relate to percieved autonomy that then feeds/satisifes our need for autonomy
    • 1- Locus of control
    • 2- Volition (freedom v coercion) - unpressured willingness to engage in activity
    • 3 - Percieved choice (choice v obligation)
  13. Autonomy - supportive environment
    • -Identifies and supports interests and preferences
    • - Catalyzes intrinsic motivation, cuiosity, desire for challenge
  14. Need for competence
    Desire to exercise skills, be effective in interactions with environment, and master challenges
  15. (NFC)
    Involves fit between skills and challenges
    • -Match -> flow (optional experience
    • -Skill < challenge (anxiety, self doubt)
    • -Skill > challenge (Boredom, disinterest)

    *other requirements - performance feedback, learning environment, structure)
  16. Need for Relatedness
    Desire to establish close emotional bonds with others and maintain warm "+" relationships
  17. Types of relationships
    Communal - Based on genuine care

    Exchange - based on economic or social exchange
  18. Social and quasi needs
    • Social - needs that activate emotional responses to learned need - relevent incentives
    • Quasi - situation based and often temporary (money shopping, sensation seeking)
  19. Social needs
    'light side'

    'dark side'
    L = Intimacy: engage in warm, "+" relationships; relationship quality

    D = Affiliation: need for approval, acceptance and security; fear of rejection
Card Set
Motivation #2
review for second test