A&P 3--> Old Test.txt

  1. ____ Refers to craving and eating substances not normally considered nutrients, sucha as clay, cornstarch or dirt.
  2. _____ is low body temperature resulting from proglonged uncontrolled exposure to cold
  3. ____ is a mechanism of heat exchange between our skin and the external enviornment
    Radiation, evaporation, conduction, convection
  4. _____serves as the structural basia of bile salts, steroid hormones, and vitamin D and as a major componet of plasma membranes
  5. _____is a common consequence of starvation, unwise dieting (in which inadequate amounts of carbohydrates are eaten), and diabetes mellitus.
  6. Ketosis
  7. The monosacchardise ___ is the carbohydrate molecule ultimately used as fuel by body cells to produce adenosine triphosphate.
  8. _____is difficulty swallowing, which usually is due to obstruction or physical trauma to the esophagus.
  9. ____ is grinding of clencing of teeth, usually at night during sleep in response to stress
  10. Watery stools, or _____ result from any condition that rushes food residue through the large intestine befofe that organ has had sufficent time to absorb the remaining water.
  11. Too much cholesterol or too few bile salts lead to cholesterol crystillization forming ____, which obstruct the flow of bile from teh gallbladder
    biliary calculi and gallstones
  12. ____is a progressive chronic inflammation of the liver that typicaklly results from chroinc alcoholsim or sever chronic hepatitis.
  13. The liver is_________.
    The largest gland
  14. ______are fingerlike projections of the mucosa, over 1mm high, that give the inside of the small intestine a velvety texture, much like teh soft nap of a towel
  15. ______________ is teh swallowing of food to move it from the mouth to the stomach
  16. Digestive Accessory organs include the __________.
    teeth, tounge, saliveray glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
  17. The intestinal mucosa secretes _________.
    digestive enzymes, hormones, mucus
  18. The buccal cavity contains ____, which are antimicrobial compounds produced in response to injury.
  19. _________refers to the mass of food that is ready for swallowing.
  20. The ____ is the transition zone between the outer skin and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
    • lip
    • vermilion
    • red margin
  21. the _____ is the undersurface attachment of the tounge to the floor of the mouth.
    Lingual frenulum
  22. ______papillae occur on the dorsume of the tongue
    • Fusiform
    • unipinnate
    • circular
  23. Saliva
    • is continously secreted
    • cleans teeth
    • moistens food
  24. A person with a dental formula of i 2/2 pm2/2, m 2/2 has __________teeth.
  25. ________ is a structural abnormality (most often due to an abnormal relaxation or weakining of the gastroesophageal sphincter) in which the superior part of the stomach protrudes slighlty above the diaphragm.
    Hiatal hernia
  26. The ___ is an acellular, brittly covering of the tooth that dirrectly bears the force of chewing and is the hardse substane in teh body.
  27. The _____kidney never becomes functional and degenrates
  28. The ____anchors the kidney to the peritonemu and abdominal wall
    renal fascia
  29. The _____transports urine from the kidney
    • collecting ducts
    • urethra
    • glomerulus
  30. The urachus may _____
    • anchor the bladder
    • exit at the umbilicus
    • transport urine
  31. _______refers to the need to get up at night to urinate
  32. ________is teh inability to control micturition
Card Set
A&P 3--> Old Test.txt
Digestive And Urinal System