ID this specific tissue and where it may be found
Simple squamous Epithelium, Kidney
ID this specific tissue and where it may be found
Simple cuboidal epithelium, kidney tubules
ID this specific tissue and where is may be found
Simple columnar epithelium, gallbladder
ID the specific tissue and where is may be found
stratified squamous nonkaratinized epithelium(nucleus are present throughout), skin or esophagus
Id this specific tissue and where it may be found
transitional epithelium, bladder
ID this specific tissue and where it may be found
what are the hairlike structures at the surface?
- pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, trachea
- cilia
ID the specific tissue and where it can be found
areolar CT proper, under epithelia
Id the specific tissue and where it can be found
adipose CT, hypodermis
ID specific tissue and where...
dense regular CT, tendons
ID the specific tissue and where
dense irregular, dermis
ID the specific cell and the structure inside it.
goblet cells, mucus vacuole
ID the specific cell #1, cell #2, Structure #3, Structure #4
- 1. mast cells big black circles
- 2. fibrocyte
- 3. elastic fiber
- 4. collagen fiber
ID structure in FOV and the structure inside it.
bowmans capsule->glomerulus
identify the specific cell
adipocytes fat cells
what kind of tissue is the epidermis
stratified squamous epithelium
what is the top layer of the stratum of epidermis?
Stratum corneum keratin
What is the bottom layer of the Stratum of epidermis?
Stratum Basale
which stratum is presentonly in thick skin?
inwhich stratum does most cell division occur?
what type of tissue makes up mostof the dermis?
areolar CT
Exocrine glands: sebacious glands secretes? through what exit?
oil, hair follicle
exocrine glands: sudoriferous glands. secretes? type of tissue?
sweat, simple cubodal
what is the relationship between the sudoriferous glands and the pores of the skin?
they are connected. sweat exits through the pores
exocrine glands: hair follicle. secretes?
what type of tissue is an arrector pili
smooth muscle tissue
that does the term "pillus" (plural= pilli) mean?
hair like muscle attatchments
superficial fascia
what type of tissue is the hypodermis?
areolar and adipose ct
what does subcutaneous mean?
below the skin-latin
ID specific tissue and where it can be found in the body
hyaline cartilage, cartilage of the nose
ID specific structure and tissue of #1
- structure= perichondrium
- tissue= dense regular ct proper
ID specific cell and structure of #2
- Structure= lacuna
- cell = chondroblast
ID specific structure and cell of #3
- structure = lacuna
- cell= chondrocyte
Id specific tissue and where it is located in the body
elastic cartilage, external ear
ID specific cell and structure of #2
- structure= lacuna
- cell= chondrocyte
Id specific structure and cell #3
- structure = lacuna
- cell = chondroblast
ID specific tissue and where it can be found in the body.
what kind of fibers are these?
fibrocartilage, pubic symphasis, collagen fiber
- 1 nucleus
- 2 nucleolus
- 3 cytoplasmic processes