
  1. What are the 5 P's?
    • Passageway
    • Passenger
    • Position
    • Powers
    • Psychological response of mother
  2. What is the largest part of the fetus?
    • Biparietal
    • (the largest part of the head)
  3. Is it okay if the suture lines cross after the baby is born?
    Yes, because they will go back to normal.

    (If suture lines do not go back to normal, the baby has a disorder)
  4. What does fetal attitude mean?
    • How the baby is coming down
    • (their flexion)
  5. How are contractions measured?
    From the beginning of one to the beginning of the next
  6. What is going on with these of signs of impending labor:

    Irregular contractions
    Energy spurt
    Urinary frequency
    Bloody show/vaginal discharge
    Loss of mucous plug
    Pelvic pressure
    • L - baby has descended into the pelvis, hormones begin surging
    • I - Have a few then stop
    • E - Can breathe again and tons of energy
    • U - Baby is descending onto the bladder
    • B - Cervix has many capillaries that start to break down
    • L - Hormones thin it out
    • P - Because baby is in the pelvis
  7. What maternal responses happen in labor:

    Blood Pressure
    C - Each contraction 400ml shift from uterus to vascular system causing increased cardiac output

    BP - increased because of peripheral resistance

    R - increase O2 consumption try to help mom relax

    GI - slows down, ask when they last ate
  8. What do station numbers mean if they are negative, positive and zero?
    • Negative - Above the pelvis
    • Positive - below the pelvis
    • Zero - At the ischial spine
  9. What is the difference between True vs False labor?
    True - Contractions the strengthen

    False - Contractions but the cervix does not change
  10. What does this mean in measurement of the labor progress

    Cervical dilatation = 3cm

    Effacement = 90%

    Pelvic station = 1 degree below ischial spine
  11. What are the stages of labor?
    • Labor
    • Delivery of fetus
    • Delivery of placenta
    • Recovery
  12. What are the 3 phases of the first stage of labor?

    When does it begin and end?
    • Latent (early)
    • Active
    • Transition

    • Begins at true labor onset
    • Ends at cervical dilatation of 10cm
  13. What does engagement mean?
    When the head passes the pelvic inlet
  14. What is going on with each phase of the first stage?
    • Latent - mom comes to the hospital :)
    • Active - membranes rupture and fetus starts descent :/
    • Transition - fetus completely descends and crowns :(
  15. When does the second stage begin and end?
    • Begins with complete dilatation
    • End with delivery of the baby
  16. When does the third stage begin and end?
    • Begins with the delivery of the baby
    • End with the delivery of the placenta
  17. How long does the fourth stage last until?
    Up to 4 hours
  18. What happens if the placenta does not release after 30 minutes of delivering the baby?
    Doctors get more aggressive and possibly have to go into the OR to get it surgically removed
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