BL109 - Chapter 6

  1. Succession
    the concept that communities proceed through a series of recognizable, predictable changes in structure over time
  2. Climax Community
    a relatively stable, long-lasting community that is the result of succession
  3. Primary Succession
    a successional progression that begins with a total lack of organisms and bare mineral surfaces or water
  4. Secondary Succession
    a successional progression that begins with the destruction or disturbance of an existing ecosystem
  5. Pioneer Community
    collection of organisms
  6. successional stage
    each step in this process from pioneer community to climax community
  7. seral stage
    each step in this process from pioneer community to climax community
  8. Sere
    the entire sequence of stages from pioneer community to climax community
  9. Biomes
    Terrestrial climax communities with wide geographic distribution
  10. Deserts
    areas that generally average less that 25 centimeters of precipitation per year.
  11. Temperate grasslands / prairies / steppes
    widely distributed over temperate parts of the world.
  12. Savannas
    found in tropical parts of afric, south america and australia and are characterized by extensive grasslands spotted with occasional trees or patches of trees.
  13. mediterranean shrublands
    located near oceans and are dominated by shrubby plants
  14. tropical dry forest
    another biome that is heavily influenced by season rainfall.
  15. tropical rainforest
    located near the equator in central and south america, africa, southeast asia and some islands in the caribbean sea and pacific ocean
  16. temperate rainforests
    exist in the coastal areas of northern californis, oregon, washington, british columbia, and souther alaska, new zealand and the southwest coast of chile
  17. taiga, northern coniferous forest, or boreal forest
    throughout the southern half of canada, parts of northern europe and much of russia, there is an evergreen coniferous forest
  18. tundra
    an extremely cold region that lacks trees and has a permanently forzen subsurface soil.
  19. permafrost
    frozen soil layer
  20. alpine tundra
    scattered patches of tundralike communities also are found on mountaintops throughout the world
  21. freshwater ecosystems
    have little dissolved salt
  22. marine ecoststems
    have a high salt content
  23. pelagic
    organisms that are not attached to the bottom
  24. pelagic ecosystem
    organisms that are not attached to the bottom are calle dpelagic organism and they be long to...
  25. plankton
    aquatic organisms that are so small and wealy swimming that they are simply carried by currents.
  26. phytoplankton
    planktonic organisms that carry on photosynthesis.
  27. euphotic zone
    the upper layer of the ocean, where the suns rays penetrate
  28. zooplankton
    small, weakly swimmin animals of many kinds that feed on the phytoplanton
  29. benthic
    organisms that live on the ocean bottom, whether attached or not
  30. benthic ecosystem
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BL109 - Chapter 6