Anatomy Chapter 14

  1. What two bones make up the pectoral girdle?
    clavicle & scapula
  2. What is the vernacular for "clavicle"?
  3. What is the medial end of the clavicle?
    sternal end
  4. What is the lateral end of the clavicle?
    acromial end
  5. What is the vernacular for "scapula"?
    shoulder blade
  6. What is the ridge of bone on the posterior side of the scapula?
    spine of the scapula
  7. What bony prominence of the scapula can be palpated on the lateral side?
  8. What is the overall shape of the scapula?
  9. The scapula is a flat bone. What are its three edges?
    superior, medial, & inferior border
  10. What are the three meeting points of the edges of the scapula?
    superior, inferior, & lateral angles
  11. With what part of the scapula does the humerus articulate?
    glenoid cavity
  12. What bony process lies superior to the scapula's articulation with the humerus and serves as the origin for the long head of the biceps brachii?
    suprglenoid tubercle
  13. What bony process lies inferior to the scapula's articulation with the humerus and serves as the origin for the long head of the triceps brachii?
    infraglenoid tubercle
  14. What is the broad, relatively smooth anterior depression of the scapula?
    subscapular fossa
  15. What is the depression superior to the spine of the scapula?
    supraspinous fossa
  16. What is the depression inferior to the spine of the scapula?
    infraspinous process
  17. What is the only bone of the brachium?
  18. What part of the humerus articulates with the scapula?
  19. What bony prominence of the humerus lies proximally and laterally?
    greater tubercle
  20. What bony prominence of the humerus lies proximally and anteriorly?
    lesser tubercle
  21. Through what feature of the humerous does the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii run?
    intertubercular groove
  22. What feature of the humerus is the location of the epiphyseal plate or line?
    anatomical neck
  23. What feature of the humerus lies in the proximal region where the bone begins to narrow?
    surgical neck
  24. What are two terms for the long , central region of the scapula or any other long bone?
    shaft or diaphysis
  25. What rough prominence lies on the lateral side of the middle portion of the humerus?
    deltoid tuberosity
  26. What are distal, easily palpated bone projections on the humerus?
  27. What feature of the humerus articulates with the head of the radius?
  28. What feature of the humerus articulates with the ulna?
  29. What is the distal, lateral depression on the anterior side of the humerus?
    radial fossa
  30. What is the distal, medial depression on the anterior side of the humerus?
    coronoid fossa
  31. What is the distal depression on the posterior side of the humerus?
    olecranon fossa
  32. From lateral to medial, what are the two bones of the forearm?
    radius & ulna
  33. What is the relation of the radius and ulna in the anatomical position?
  34. Which of the two bones of the forearm moves during pronation?
    crossed (radius rotates around the ulna)
  35. What portion of the radius articulates with humerus?
  36. What narrow region of the radius lies just distal to the articulation with the humerus?
  37. On what prominence of the radius does the biceps brachii insert?
    radial tuberosity
  38. What bony projection of the radius can be palpated on the distal, lateral side of the forearm?
    styloid process
  39. What distal feature of the radius articulates with the ulna?
    ulnar notch
  40. What feature of the ulna articulates with the humerus?
    trochlear notch
  41. What prominent projection of the ulna forms the posterior "bump" of the elbow?
  42. What prominence of the ulna forms the inferior lip of the trochlear notch?
    coronoid process
  43. What feature of the ulna forms a part of the proximal radioulnar joint?
    radial notch
  44. What feature of the ulnar appears as a bump on the distal, medial side of the forearm?
  45. What feature of the ulna can be palpated on the distal, medial side of the forearm?
    styloid process
  46. What sheet of dense regular connective tissue lies between the radius and ulna?
    interosseous membrane
  47. What is the collective name of the eight small bones of the wrist?
  48. From lateral to medial, what bones form the proximal row of carpals?
    scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, & pisiform
  49. From lateral to medial, what bones form the distal row of carpals?
    trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, & hamate
  50. What long bones support the palm of the hand?
  51. How are the bones in the palm of the hand numbered?
    lateral to medial (1-5)
  52. What are the bones in the digits?
  53. How many bones are in the thumb?
  54. What bone in the thumb articulates with the first metacarpal?
    proximal phalanx
  55. What bone in the thumb lies within the segment of that digit with the nail?
    distal phalanx
  56. Digits II through V each have three bones. How are they designated?
    proximal, middle, & distal
  57. What is the difference between the digits and the phalanges?
    • digits are fingers and toes
    • phalanges are skeletal elements
Card Set
Anatomy Chapter 14
Pectoral Girdle & Upper Extremity