cardiovascular system

  1. P wave
    atrial depolarization
  2. QRS wave
    ventricular depolarization
  3. T wave
    ventricular repolarization
  4. arteries carry blood _______ ________ the heart
    away from
  5. largest arterie
  6. atreries are
    more muscular and elastic then other blood vessels
  7. smallest branch of arteries are...
    arterioles (which join with capillaries)
  8. capillaries
    connect arterioles with venules
  9. veins carry blood ________ _______ the heart
    back to
  10. largest veins are the...
    inferior and superion vena cava
  11. veins are...
    thinner then arteries and have less muscle tissue
  12. veins have...
    valves that keep blood from flowing back
  13. what are the components of blood
    erythrocytes, thrombocytes, leukocytes, plasma
  14. components of plasma
    proteins, fibrinogen, prothrombin, neutrients, electrolights, oxygen, carbon dioxide, metabolic waste products, hormones, enzymes
  15. erythrocytes do what?
    regulate oxygen and carbon dioxide through out the body
  16. leukocytes do what?
    fight infection
  17. thrombocytes do what?
  18. normal cell count of erythrocytes
    4.5-5.5 million per cubic mm
  19. normal cell count of leukocytes
    5,000-10,000 per cubic mm
  20. normal cell count of thrombocytes
    250,000-400,000 per cubic mm
  21. neutophils
    engulf, ingest, and destroy bacteria
  22. eosinphils
    defend the body from allergic reaction by producing antihistamines
  23. basophils
    participate in the inflammatory response, produce histamine and heparin
  24. monocytes
    phagocytize bacteria and foreign material (later response)
  25. lymphocytes
    provide immunity for the body by developing antibodies
  26. iron deficiency anemia
    an anemia that results when there is an inadequate amount of iron to form hemoglobin in red blood cells
  27. sickle cell anemia
    a chronic, inherited anemia that results in the production of abnormal; crescent- shaped RBC's that carry less oxygen, break easily, and block blood vessels.
  28. aneurysm
    ballooning of an artery wall
  29. arteriosclerosis
    a hardening or thickening of the arterial walls, resulting in loss of elasticity and contractility
  30. atherosclerosis
    a condition that occurs when fatty plaques are deposited on the wall of arteries. This narrows the arterial opening, which reduces or eliminates blood flow
  31. congestive heart failure
    a condition that occurs when the heart muscles don't beat adequately to supply the blood needs of the body. May involve either the right or left side of the heart
  32. hemophilia
    an inherited disease in which the blood does not clot (caused by the lack of a plasma protein required for the clotting process)
  33. hypertension
    high blood pressure (usually greater than 140/90)
  34. leukemia
    a disease of the bone marrow or lymph tissue that results in a high number of immature white blood cells
  35. myocardial infarction (heart attack)
    occurs when a blockage in the coronary arteries cuts off the supply of blood to the heart. the affected tissue dies
  36. thrombophlebitis
    blood clot
  37. varicose veins
    dilated, swollen veins that have lost elasticity and cause stasis (decreased blood flow)
  38. P wave
    atrial depolarization
  39. QRS wave
    ventricular depolarization
  40. T wave
    ventricular repolarization
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cardiovascular system