1. What is the greatest threat to the structural integrity of an aircraft?
    Metal corrosion
  2. Corrosion is detrimental to the integrity of an aircraft. It alters the structure of the materials that make up the aircraft in what manner?
    Reduction in strength and change in mechanical characteristics
  3. The material used in the construction of an aircraft are chosen according to their...
    weight-to-strength ratio
  4. Metal corrosion is defined as te deterioration of metal as it combiens with which of the following elements?

  5. On naval aircraft, what materials are used most often to separate susceptible alloys from the corrosive environment?
  6. Which of the following is a description of the flow of electrons during electrochemical attack of a metal?
    Electrons flow from the cathodic area to the anodic area, resulting in the deterioration of the anodic area
  7. Which of the following conditions are factors in the electrochemical reaction that causes metals to corrode?
    Heat, humidity, and moisture
  8. Because of variations in their composition, which of the following aircraft surfaces is the most susceptible to corrosive attack?
    Thick structural
  9. Which of the following conditions is the single greatest contributor to avionics corrosion?
  10. Which of the following publications provides information on aircraft corrosion control for organizational-level maintenance?
    NAVAIR 01-1A-509
  11. Which of the following publications provides information on aircraft cleaning?
    NAVAIR 01-1A-509
  12. Which of the following publications provides information on avionics cleaning and corrosion prevention and control?
    NAVAIR 16-1-540
  13. Which of the following publications provides information on the preservation of aircraft engines?
    NAVAIR 15-01-500
  14. Which of the following publications provides information on the preservation of naval aircraft?
    NAVAIR 15-01-500
  15. Which of the following publications provides information on the general use of cements, sealants, and coatings used on aircraft?
    NAVAIR 01-1A-507
  16. When carrier-based aircraft are transferred to shore activities, what happens to the scope of most corrosion preventive programs?
    It decreases
  17. Normally, aircraft squadrons with the best corrosion preventive programs have which of the following benefits:

    The best safety records?
    The most use of the aircraft?
    The lowest operating costs?
    All of the above
  18. As directed by NAVAIR, aircraft deployed aboard an aircraf carrier will be washed and cleaned a minimum of how often?
    Every 14 days
  19. Mandatory aircraft cleaning is always required after an aircraft is exposed to which of the following substances?
    Fire-extinguishing materials splashed on the landing gear
  20. Unpainted surface of struts and actuating cylinder rods should be cleaned or wiped down at what prescribed interval?
  21. When handling, using, and storing aircraft cleaning materials, what is/are the most serious hazards(s) you will meet?
    Flammability and toxicity
  22. When using hazardous chemical, you should wear which of the following protective devices?
    Gloves and aprons, a face shield, and an approved respirator
  23. Solvents must be kept in specially marked containers if they contain more than what percent by volume of chlorinated materials?
  24. When volatile and flammable materials are not being used, they should be stored in which of the following areas?
    Inside a separate building or flammable liquids storeroom
  25. What solvent is generally used as an all-purpose cleaner in naval aviation maintenance?
    Dry-cleaning solvent
  26. Which of the following solvents is an alternate compound for cleaning acrylics?
    Aliphatic naphtha
  27. Safety solvent is intended for use when a high flash point is required. You should NOT use safety solvent to clean which of the following areas of an aircraft?
    Oxygen systems
  28. To neutralize the effects of urine and waste products in the lavatories of aircraft, you should use which of the following cleaning agents?
    Ammonium hydroxide or sodium bicarbonate
  29. In an intermediate maintenance activity, an avionics/electrical maintenance branch that operates a "clean room" should use what type of MIL-C-81302 Freon cleaner?
  30. To produce a high-luster, long-lasting polish on an unpainted aluminum clad surface, you should use what mechanical cleaner?
    Aluminum metal polish
  31. Which of the following devices should you use to perform a fast and economical cleaning of an aircraft?
    Conformable applicators
  32. There are several steps that you must take before you can actually clean an aircraft. Which of the steps listed below is the first one you should take?
    Select the correct cleaning agent for the method of cleaning that you will use
  33. Which of the following cleaning compounds should be used to clean an aircraft that is painted with the tactical paint system?
  34. To ensure complete cleaning and rinsing of all aircraft surfaces, you should use which of the following washing sequences?
    Underside of wings, underside of fuselage and tail, upper wing and fuselage center section, upper surfaces of fuselage and tail section, including vertical stabilizer
  35. Surfaces that are lightly soiled with oil may be spot-cleaned by wiping them with which of the following substances?
    Dry-cleaning solvent
  36. In an emergency when an aircraft is without a regular waterproof canvas cover, suitable covering and shrouding may be accomplished by the use of which of the following materials?
    Polyethylene sheet, polyehtylene-coated cloth, and metal foil barrier material
  37. Where should you place the cowling and access panels when they are removed during a maintenance task?
    On a pad or secure them to the aircraft
  38. The size and composition of an emergency reclamation team is determined by which of the following criteria?
    Urgency of the situation
  39. Under which of the following conditions is an aircraft most susceptible to a corrosive attack?
    When it is not being flown or when it is in shipment
  40. How many levels of preservation methods are used on naval aircraft?
  41. Level III preservation is used to preserve aircraft for what situation?
    Long-term storage
  42. Level I preservation should be applied to an aircraft when it is out-of-service for more than what minimum number of days?
  43. Which of the following publications contains the requirements for Level I preservation?
    special MRC
  44. Which of the following is the main disadvantage of grade IV corrosion preventive compound (paralketone)?
    It is easily removed by water spray
  45. What preservative compound should be used to provide protection for shock struts?
    Corrosive-preventive petroleum, class 3
  46. Piano-wire hinges require lubricating and corrosive protection. What water-displacing, low-temperature, lubricating oil should you use?
    Lubricating oil, general-purpose, preservative, VV-L-800
  47. You should use corrosion preventive compound MIL-C-81309, type III, on which of the following equipment?
    Avionic and electrical equipment
  48. Which of the following is a laminated metal-foil material used for the protection of acrylics during cleaning?
    Water vaporproof barrier material
  49. You should check for corrosion and deterioration during which of the following routine inspections?
    Daily, phase, and postflight
  50. Corrosion may occur in several forms, depending on which of the following factors?
    Metal involved, atmospheric conditions, and corrosion-producing agents present
  51. Threadlike filaments that form under organic substances (such as paint film).
    Filiform corrosion
  52. Fungus growths on the sealing materials of integral fuel tanks.
    Microbiological corrosion
  53. Slipping movement between two mating metal surfaces.
    Fretting corrosion
  54. Uniform etching of the metal surfaces
    Direct surface attack
  55. Shallow indentations or deep cavities of small diameter that form on metal surfaces.
    Pitting corrosion
  56. Caused by the difference in concentration of the electrolyte or the active metal on the anode and cathode.
    Crevice attack
  57. Corrosive attack along the grain boundaries of a metal alloy.
    Intergranular corrosion
  58. Metal fractures caused by the combined effects of corrosion and stress applied in cycles to a part.
    Fatigue corrosion
  59. Dissimilar metals in contact in a corrosive medium, such as salt water.
    Galvanic corrosion
  60. Lifting up of the metal surface caused by the force of expanding corrosion products occuring at the grain boundaries just below the metal surface.
    Exfoliation corrosion
  61. To identify all the corrosion-prone areas of your squadron's aircraft, you should refer to which of the following publications?
    Applicable periodic maintenance information cards (PMICS)
  62. When avionic and structural corrosion is compared, which of the following effects is the main difference between avionic and structural corrosion?
    small amounts of corrosion can make systems inoperable
  63. Before performing any maintenance on avionic or electrical systems, you should make sure that you have completed which of the following actions?
    Secure all external electrical power
  64. What type of corrosion is usually found around electrical bonding and grounding straps?
  65. You are inspecting an aircraft ejection seat. It is very important that even the slightest indication of corrosion be found for which of the following reasons?

    Corrosion can weaken the structural soundness of the seat?
    Slight amounts of corrosion may indicate other problems that are not visible?
    Slight amounts of corrosion may cause the seat to be inoperable?
    Each of the above
  66. When inspecting engine frontal areas and cooling air vents, what type of descrepancy(ies) are you likely to find?
    Dirt, dust, gravel, and rain erosion
  67. One corrosion-prone area of an aircraft is the bilge area. What condition is the best insurance against corrosion in this area?
    A clean, dry bilge area
  68. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the dry honing machine?
    May be used on any aircraft skin or surface
  69. Corrosion damage limits refer to the amount of metal that may be removed from a corroded part without impairing the strength and function of the part.
  70. What is the purpose of chemically treating a surface after the removal of corrosion products?

    To protect the metal in place of the paint?
    To increase the surfaces resistance to corrosion?
    To improve the paint bond to the surface?
    Both 2 and 3 above
  71. Which of the following statements is true about aircraft painting and touch-up?
    Repainting should not be done for appearance sake only.
Card Set
Corrosion Control