MAA Ch. 3

  1. Corporation
    Large business entity that has incorporated to avoid personal liabilityfrom the company's debts and taxes.
  2. Diversity
    Having a variety of skills or types
  3. Entity
    Particular type of business.
  4. Group Practice
    Practice that is owned by three or more people who are held legally responsible for the debts and taxes of the business.
  5. Management Services Organization
    Organization (e.g., hospital) that handles patient services (e.g., billing and payment services) for a medical practice.
  6. Partnership
    Business owned by two people who are held legally responsible for the debts and taxes of the business.
  7. Sole Proprietorship
    Business owned by one person who is legally responsible for the debts and taxes of the business.
  8. Specialization
    Occurs when additional training and educational requirements have been met in a specific area of medicine.
Card Set
MAA Ch. 3
Chapter 3