Cranial Nerves

  1. Cranial Nerve I
    - Olfactory

    - Smell: identify familar odors
  2. Cranial Nerve II
    - Optic

    - Vision: identify objects within view and clarify what is seen
  3. Cranial Nerve III
    - Oculomotor

    • - Test pupillary reaction to light
    • - Elevate the eyelids
    • - Elevate, depress and adduct the eyes
  4. Cranial Nerve IV
    - Trochlear

    • - Elevate the eye
    • - Lateral movement of the eye
  5. Cranial Nerve V
    - Trigeminal

    - Sensation of touch and pain on skin of face: touch face, clench teeth, push down on chin to separate jaws
  6. Cranial Nerve VI
    - Abducens

    - Voluntary movement of lateral rectus muscle of eye: abduct the eye
  7. Cranial Nerve VII
    - Facial

    • - Taste of anterior portion of tongue
    • - ID taste
    • - Close eyes tight
    • - Smile and show teeth
  8. Cranial Nerve VIII
    - Vestibulochochlear

    • - Hearing and balance of the ear
    • - ID sounds
    • - Balance and coordination
  9. Cranial Nerve IX
    - Glossopharyngeal

    - gag reflex and ability to swallow
  10. Cranial Nerve X
    - Vagus

    - Gag reflex, say "Ahhh"
  11. Cranial Nerve XI
    - Accessory

    • - Voluntary motor of sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
    • - Shrug the shoulders
  12. Cranial Nerve XII
    - Hypoglossal

    • - Motor control of tongue
    • - Stick out tongue
Card Set
Cranial Nerves
12 Cranial Nerves