1. What are the parts of the CV system?
    • Heart
    • Blood
    • Blood vessels
  2. These arteries have a lot of connective tissue
    • Elastic arteries
    • Those closest to the heart
    • like the aorta and pulmonary arteries
  3. Exchange of nutrients, wastes and gases happens here
  4. These join to make veins
  5. What is normal resting heart rate?
    60-100 bpm
  6. What is the effect of age on heart rate?
    • Resting - none
    • Maximum - decreases
  7. What is End Diastolic Volume?
    135 ml
  8. What is End Systolic Volume?
    65 ml
  9. How do you calculate stroke volume?
    • EDV - ESV
    • 70 ml
  10. What is Diastolic Filling Volume?
    • 70 ml
    • Blood which goes from atria to ventricle during diastole
  11. How do you calculate cardiac output?
    • SV x HR
    • 5L / min
  12. What factors affect stroke volume?
    • amount of blood in ventricle
    • force of contraction
    • aortic pressure
  13. How do you calculate venous return?
    • DFV x HR
    • 5L/ min
  14. What is the function of the heart?
    • generate pressure to maintain circulation
    • overcome resistance
  15. Why is the right ventricle weaker?
    It has to overcome less resistance
  16. Where does the lesser circulation go?
    right ventrical to lungs to left atrium
  17. The pulmonary and systemic circulations are arranged in this
  18. Within the greater circulation, capillary beds are arranged in this
  19. This is where blood meets most resistance
  20. What does systolic pressure mean?
    Pressure of blood exerted on arteries while heart is in systole
  21. What is blood pressure in lesser circulation?
    25 / 10
  22. What is the pressure gradient in systemic circulation?
    • 93 mm Hg
    • MAP - pressure in right atrium
  23. How does old age affect blood pressure?
    • blood pressure increases
    • cuz kidneys change
    • and arteries harden
  24. How do you calculate Vascular Distensibility?
    increase in V / (increase in P x original V)
  25. These vessels have high compliance
  26. These vessels have low compliance
  27. What is the formula for compliance?
    • distensibility x volume
    • "It is the total quantity of blood that can be stored in a given portion of vasculature for each mmHg rise in pressure"
Card Set
Introduction to EDV, ESV, blood pressure, compliance,