When is chorionic villi sampling done?
8-12 weeks
When is amniocentesis done?
as early as 14-16 weeks
_______: determines Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) other trisomies, and sex chromatic (sex linked disorders)
_______: elevations may be associated with neural tube defects, low levels may indicate trisomy 21
Alpha- fetoprotein (AFP)
How long does RhoGAM last for?
12 weeks
________, also called Rh incompatibility, refers to a condition in which the pregnany women is Rh negative but her fetus is Rh positive.
If anti-D antibody titer is normal, when will the test be repeated?
28 weeks
An anti-D antibody titer of 1:16 or greater indicates Rh sensitization. Titer monitoring continues every _____ for the remainder of the pregnancy.
2 weeks
Bleeding normally begins in 2nd trimester or later
After bleeding episode, cramping and uterine contractions may occur.
Placenta Previa
Often triggered by: HTN, drug use, Abd trauma
Rigid, hard abdomen
Bleeding may or may not be present
Placenta Abruptio
_______: ultrasound to evaluate fetal health by assessing 5 variables: fetal breathing movements, gross body movements, fetal tone, reactive fetal heart rate (NST), and qualitative amniotic fluid volume.
Biophysical profile
_______; prenatal diagnosis and therapy of: hemoglobinopathies, clotting disoerders, sepsis, and genetic testing.
PUBS: percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
______: time after delivery till 6 weeks
______: woman who has given birth
_______ period: 20 weeks through 28 days following delivery.