Health Test

  1. Adrenaline
    Hormone released in the body to prepare for the new stress. It causes physical changes in the body. (Heart beats faster, senses increases, sweating, blood goes to big muscles,)
  2. AlarmStage
    Any time you encounter stress you enter the alarm stage. Your body goes from relaxed to physically prepare for the new stress. This is also known as the "Fight or Flight Response"
  3. Blamer
    Blame others for your problems and do not take responsibility for your actions.
  4. Depression
    A feeling of sadness or hopelessness that keeps a person from carrying out daily activities.
  5. Depression
    Anti depression medicines that help serotonin and talk therapy are the two most common ways this disease is treated.
  6. Empathy
    Reading and responding to unspoken feelings.
  7. ExhaustionStage
    If your body stays in the Resistance Stage for a prolonged period of time your body will become tired and your immune system will fail. You are more likely to become sick and physically tired during this stage.
  8. Exploder
    Use violence and threats to express their anger. They have poor impulse control.
  9. Extrovert
    Enjoy company, express what there thinking, enjoy big groups, and prefer a lot of friends.
  10. Introvert
    More likely to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves, typically have less friends but the friends they have are very close.
  11. ManagementOfFeelings
    Controlling your impulses and having Anger that is appropriate.
  12. Motivation
    Persistance and optimism in the face of setbacks.
  13. Neurotransmitters
    These are chemical messengers in your brain that tell your body to react. When a stressor occurs these are released sending the message to your body to prepare itself.
  14. Optimist
    Tend to look at the positive side of a new situation first.
  15. Pessimist
    Tend to look at the negative side of a new situation first.
  16. ProblemSolver
    Consider where their anger is coming from and look for solutions to not hurt themselves or others.
  17. REM
    Rapid Eye Movement. Of the stages of sleep this is the best. It is when our body most repairs itself and if we get enough of it we feel rested.
  18. ResistanceStage
    If your body stays in the Alarm Stage for an extended amount of time you will enter this stage. Your body recognizes that you are under high stress and it becomes more resilient to new stress.
  19. SelfAwareness
    Knowing what you feel and using your senses to make decisions you can be happy with.
  20. Serotonin
    This neurotransmitter helps to regulate your mood and emotions. When there is a lack of it or an imbalance of it depression may occur.
  21. Serotonin
    After stress is gone this neurotransmitter is released telling the body to stop releasing adrenaline. It sends the message to slow down.
  22. Sleep
    This allows our body to build and repair itself and it also allows information to be retained in our long term memory.
  23. SocialSkills
    Interacting smoothly with other people and handling emotional reactions in others.
  24. Stress
    The effect of physical and or psychological demands that are put on a person.
  25. Stuffer
    Conflict avoiders, bury their anger, blame themselves.
  26. Suicide
    The act of taking your own life.
  27. Triangler
    Do not express anger directly. Pull other people in on purpose. Gossip and rumors are common.
  28. TypeA
    Driven, Motivated, Impatient, Competitive, Task oriented, Frustrated easily, Hard on themselves.
  29. TypeB
    Patient, Non competitive, Relaxed, Less hurried, Friendlier and less stress than type A personality.
  30. Withdrawer
    Use passive aggressive means to express their anger. Examples are the silent treatment or sarcasm.
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Health Test