Biology 29-30

  1. Closest relatives of land plants
  2. Cell walls contain cellulose.
    Plants, Green Algae, Dinoflagellates, and brown algae.
  3. A large difference between green algae and plants
    The embryos of plants are retained within parent tissue.
  4. Five key traits that land plants share only with the Charophyceans
    • 1. Rose-shaped complexes for cellulose synthesis
    • 2. Peroxisone enzymes
    • 3. Structure of flagellated sperm
    • 4. Formation of a phragmoplast
    • 5. Alternation of generations evolved independently of green algae.
  5. Layer of durable polymer that prevents exposed zygotes from drying out.
  6. Five key traits that appear in nearly all land plants, but are absent in the charophyceans
    • 1. Apical Meristems
    • 2. Alternation of generations
    • 3. Walled spores produced in sporangia
    • 4. Multicellular gametangia
    • 5. Multicellular, dependent embryos
  7. The epidermis of the permanently exposed-to-air organs of land plants to prevent drying out.
  8. A selection of secondary compounds produced by many land plants.
    • Alkaloids
    • Terpenes
    • Tannins
    • Phenolics (such as flavonoids)
  9. Everything but mosses are ____

    A) Sporophyte Dominant
  10. Dominant sporophytes help this.
    Seedless plants adapt to land.
  11. Vascular tissue
    Xylem and Phloem
  12. Xylem moves it in this direction
    Water and minerals, up
  13. Phloem moves it in this direction
    Nutrients, down
  14. These do not contain vascular tissue.
  15. Two clades of the vascular plants
    Lycophytes (club mosses and their relatives) and Pterophytes (ferns and their relatives)
  16. An embryo packaged with a supply of nutrients inside a protective coat
    A seed
  17. "Naked seed" plants, as their seeds are not enclosed in chambers.
  18. Develop seeds inside chambers called ovaries, which originate within flowers and mature into fruits.
  19. Lycophytes and Pterophytes
    Seedless vascular plants
  20. Green, branched, once-cell thick filaments
  21. Apical meristem that generates gamete-producing structures.
  22. Gametophytes are anchored by these delicate, long tubular single cells.
Card Set
Biology 29-30
Biology Study Chatpers 29 and 30