
    • structure:2 layers of phospholipids with protein molecules.
    • fcn:Forms outer boundary of cell, regulates movement of materials in and out of cells.
  2. Cytoplasm
    • General term for the material located inside the plasma membrane and outside the nucleus.
    • fcn: Made up of two parts:cytosol and organelles
  3. Mitochondria
    • Double membrane structure, outer membrane stretched, inner folded
    • fcn: Major ATP production
  4. Golgi Apparatus
    • Consists of saccules. Usually 5-6
    • fcn:Synthesis of pacaging of secretions for release outside the cell.
    • Renewal and modification of plasma membrane
    • Packaging of enzymes with vesicles for use in cytoplasm
  5. Endoplasmic Reticulum
    • Network of intercellular membranes forming flatened sacks, tubes, cisternae
    • fcn:SSTD
    • synthesis, storage, transport, detoxification
  6. Cytoskeleton
    • An internal protein framework in a cytoplasm
    • fcn:Gives the cytoplasm strength and flexibility
  7. Ribosomes
    • Dense granules composed of RNA and protein
    • fcn: sites of protein synthesis
  8. Nucleus
    • large often sphereical structure, prominent structure.
    • fcn: carries hereditary info
    • directs of the activities of cells
  9. Nuclear Envelope
    • Similar to plasma membrane except
    • -double membrane
    • -pores are larger
    • fcn:seperates nuclear contents from the cytoplasm
  10. Chromosomes
    contains DNA
  11. Nucleolus
    • structure: Dark Staining areas
    • fcn: assembly sites for ribosomes
  12. Lysosomes
    • single membrane structure
    • fcn: contains hydrolytic and digestive enzymes
  13. Centrioles
    • found only in animal cells
    • composed of 9 triplets
    • fcn: forms the poles of the spindle that develops during the cell division
  14. Cilia and Flagella
    • 9 +2 arrangement of microtuble
    • fcn: locomotion
  15. Cell Wall
    • found in cells and plants
    • rigid non living material
    • protection and support
  16. Chloroplast
    • Double membrane plastid containing chlorophyll
    • photosynthesis
    • Cytoplasmic channels connection adjacent plant cells
    • Intercellular exchange of small molecules and ions
  18. Animal Cells
    • Very thin proteoglycan layer between opposing cell membranes that is reinforced by intermediate fibers.
    • very strong and resist stretching.
  19. Tight Junction
    • Caused by fusion of lipid portions of two cell membrances
    • fcn:keep material from leaking through tissues
  20. Gap Junction
    • 2 cells held together by interlocking membrane proteins
    • fcn:these are channel proteins; so form a passageway that lets small molecules and ions pass from cell to cell
Card Set
Test 1