Reading Methods

  1. Decodable Text
    text that is written with a large number of words that have phonetic similarities

    there is typically a match between the text and the phonics elements that the teacher has taught.
  2. High-frequency Words
    words that appear often in printed material.
  3. Key Words
    words charged with personal meaning and feeling selected for use in helping beginning readers identify words quickly and easily.
  4. Structural Analysis
    a word recognition skill that involves identifying words in meaningful units such as prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Structural analysis also includes being able to identify inflected endings, compound words, and contractions.
  5. On-Set
    the initial part of a word (a consonant, consonant blend, or digraph) that precedes the vowel.
  6. Phonograms
    letter clusters that help form word families or rhyming words.
  7. Rime
    the part of the letter pattern in a word that includes the vowel and any consonants that follow; also called a phonogram or word family.
  8. Word Banks
    boxes of word cards that individual students are studying as they relate to phonics, spelling, or vocabulary learning.
  9. Word Wall
    words compiled on sheets of shelf paper hung on the wall of a classroom
Card Set
Reading Methods
Reading Methods Chapter 7 Study Guide