BU Masonry

  1. Type M Mortor is suitable for what type of use?
    Known as General Use, but is recommended for below grade masonry that contacts dirt (Foundation Walls Retaining Walls)
  2. Type S Mortor is suitable for what type of use?
    Suitable for General Use, but recommended where high resistance to lateral forces is required.
  3. Type N Mortor is suitable for what type of use?
    Suitable for General Use in above grade exposed masonry where high compressive and or lateral strengths are not required.
  4. Type O Mortor is suitable for what type of use?
    Recommended for Load Bearing, solid unit walls where compressive stresses do not exceed 100 psi & masonry is not subjected to freezing and thawing in the presence of alot of moisture.
  5. In CMU Modular planning what unit is used for horizontals?
    Multiples of 8"
  6. In CMU Modular planning what unit is used for verticals
    Multiples of 4"
  7. CMU Calcs; to estimate the amount of blocks needed for a certain length, what do you multiply the length by?
    Length (3/4)
  8. CMU Calcs; to estimate the amount of courses needed for a certain height, what do you multiple the ht by?
    Height (3/2)
  9. What rule is used to calculate materials needed for Mortor?
    Rule 38
  10. Rule 38 calls for a 1:3 (Cement : Sand)
    • Step 1: 1+3=4
    • Step 2: 38/4 = 9.5
    • Step 3: 9.5 sacks of Cement
    • Step 4: 9.5(3) = 28.5 Cu Ft of Sand
    • Step 5: Check : 9.5+28.5=38 (OK)
  11. How high can bags of cement or lime be placed on a pallet?
    • Not more than 10 bags high
    • Except when stored in bins
  12. How should cement bags be arranged on a pallet?
    Bags on outside of pallet should be placed with mouths facing out
  13. How should lime and cement be stored?
    Dry place, to prevent lime from crumbling and cement from hydrating.
Card Set
BU Masonry
US Navy Seabee Builder Masonry