Pharm II (Anxiety treatment)

  1. What is the Treatment of Panic disorder?
    • Antidepressants
    • -TCAs (imipramine, clomipramine)
    • -MAOI's
    • -SSRI/SNRI

    • Benzodiazepines (rapid onset of effect)
    • -1st choice
    • -Alprazolam
    • -clonazepam
  2. What are the Main adverse effects of :
    - Initial jitteriness (Gradual dose recommended)

    -Sexual dysfunction, Withdrawl syndrome

    -Sedation, dependence, withdrawls syndrome, potentiation of alcohol.
  3. What are the treatments for OCD?
    • clomipramine
    • fluoxetine
    • fluvoxamine
    • paroxetine
    • sertraline
    • citalopram
    • escitalopram
  4. What is the treatment for Social anxiety disorder?
    • BZD (alprazolam, clonazepam)
    • MAOI
    • BB (propranolol)
    • Cognative behavioral theropy
  5. What are the treatments for PTSD?
    • TCA
    • MAOI
    • SSRI (sertraline and paroxetine)
    • BB
    • Lithium anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, valproic acid)
  6. What is the treatment of GAD?
    • Benzodiazepines
    • Buspirone
    • Antidepressants
    • -TCA ( imipramine)
    • -SSRI
    • -SNRI (venlafaxine, duloxetine)
  7. What is Benzodiazepines effect on GABA receptors?
    They increase the frequency of the Chloride ion channel opening and cause it to be open longer--> hyperpolarization of the neuron and decreased firing.
  8. What is Benzodiazepines indications?
    • GAD
    • Panic Disorder
    • EtOH withdrawal
    • Hypnotic
    • Anticonvulsant - i.v. diazepam
    • Adjunct to anesthesia (midazolam)
  9. Name the Benzodiazepines
    • Anxiolytics
    • -Chlordiaepoxide
    • -Diazepam
    • -Alprazolam
    • -Lorazepam

    • Hypnotics
    • -Flurazepam
    • -Triazolam
  10. What are the adverse effects of Benzodiazepine?
    • Sedation
    • Psychomotor impairment
    • Ataxia
    • Amnesia (particularly Triazolam)
    • Risk for dependence
    • Withdrawl syndrome
  11. Describe benzodiazepines Withdrawal effects

    After high dose usage, with drawl my include what???
    • -Anxiety/agitation
    • -Sleep disturbance
    • -Myoclonic jerks
    • -Sensory disturbances
    • -Paresthesias
    • -Muscle cramps
    • -Dizziness

    -Seizures and Delirium
  12. Name the Benzodiazepine antagonist

    How does it work???

    • -does not antagonize the central nervous system
    • effects of drugs affecting GABA-ergic neurons by means other than the benzodiazepine receptor
    • -does not reverse the effects of opioids
    • -used to reverse BZD conscious sedation
    • -may be useful in suspected BZD overdose
    • -Onset 1-2 minutes; duration of effect 4-5 hours
  13. What are some non-Benzodiazepine treatments for anxiety
    • -Buspirone
    • -SSRI
    • -SNRI
    • -Venlafaxine
    • -Duloxetine
    • -Clonidine
    • -buspirone
    • -Clonidine
  14. What is Buspirone?
    • -Presynaptic 5-HT1A full agonist
    • -Hypothesized 5-HT excess
    • -⇩ Neuronal firing
    • -⇩ 5-HT synthesis
    • -Postsynaptically, partial agonist
    • -With 5-HT excess, acts as antagonist
    • -With 5-HT deficit, acts as agonist
    • -No effects on BZD-GABA receptor complex
  15. When is Buspirone prefferred over Benzodiazepines?
    • -Elderly
    • -Patients with Medical conditions
    • -It may improved the sexual dysfunction
    • - may be an anti depressent at higher doses
    • -Has a slower onset than BZD
  16. What is clonidine?
    It is an A2 agonist

    • -Alpha-2 agonist can be anxiolytic by decreasing NE release.
    • It decreases: Tachycardia, Sweating, Tremor
  17. What are the Denzo and Non-Benzo hypnotics?
    • -flurazepam
    • -temazepam
    • -triazolam
    • ______________________
    • -zolpidem
    • -zaleplon
    • -zopiclone
    • -eszopiclone
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Pharm II (Anxiety treatment)
Pharm II (Anxiety treatment)