What is a manager?
A manager plans, organizes, leads and controls resources to achieve the objectives of an organization
dietetic professionals
- -dietitians
- - dietetic technicians
Commercial foodservice
cater to customers who have choices of where to eat and are profit driven
ex. supermarkets, food courts, resturants
onsite food services
typically serve people who have little chice in where thy eat; not considered profit driven
ex. healthcare facilities, prisions, schools, some workplace cafeterias
Positions in food service (6)
1) assistant foodservice director
2) purchasing manager
3) production manager
4) catering manager
5) cafeteria manager
6) foodservice supervisor
Types of food service:
cooking form scratch, purchased in unprepared or partially prepared ex. UNH
Types of food service:
- -purchased with little preparation
- - large facilities used for pre-preparation; transported to remote locations for final prep.
-ex. Albert's and Zeek's
Types of food service:
cook chill
hot foods are pre-prepared then chilled and held at cool temperatures and rethermalized prior to serving
ex. olive garden, etc.
Types of food service:
cook serve
food brought up to serving temperature and kept at hot temperature
ex. cafeterias
Types of food service:
self operation food service
organization that recieves the service owns and operates it
ex. UNH
Types of food service:
contract management
provides food service to other organizaitons; contracts vary for services desired
clinical nutrition manager
- responsible for overall nutrition care of patients and supervisor of a team of slinical dietitians, diet techs, and diet clerks
- - coordinates with the food service director
- -does very little with patient care
cheif clinical dietitian
work in healthcahre setting; evaluate client needs, counsel clients, etc
trayline supervisor
check trays for quality control and insuring nutrition directives are being carried out
public health nutritionist
ususally has an MPH and supervise community nutirion agencies or programs
community dietitians or nutritionists
- works in community nutrition agencies or programs
- some do not require RD
Community agencies
Wic, national dairy council, nutrition screening initiatives (NHANES)
Community management:
agency management
can be private or governmental
community managment:
program management
- maintain program within an umbrella agency such as adult day care, home healthcare
- these might be nutirtion educaiton of client and workers, food safety, assessment and evaluation or services etc.
community nutrition:
site managers
manages several sites that provide service
skills needed:
technical skills
knowledge for a vairety of jobs
skills needed:
human skills
personal attributes, knowlede of behavior, communication skills
skills needed:
conceptual skills
- related for working with abstract ideas and concepts
- how creative you are and can you think outside the box
short term plans
- geared toward attaining long term goals
- can change with circumstances
- days, weeks or months
projected outcomes or end goals
strategic plan
global plan for organizaiotn and made up of short term and long term goals for different parts of organization
unh 10 year plan
Roles of managers:
- figurehead- knows facts, figures, and budget and can explain them to employees
- leader
liaison- work between ceo and lower people or between hospital departments
roles of managers:
- monitor
- disseminator
- spokes person
roles of managers:
- - entrepreneur
- -disturbance handler- deals with problems
- -resource allocator- make sure resources needed are available to employees
- -negotiator
What is an organization?
- -A systematic arrangement of people to accomplish a specific purpose
- - what you manage ex. school, restaurant, hospital
WHat do employees need to know?
what they are responsible and who they should report to
- authority provides the right to direct others to conform to the decisions, policies and procedures of the organization (means you have the authority)
- porvides advice and service
- usually they are specialist in their fields (don't have authority)
operatives/ Frontline workers
the workers
TYpes of managers:
frontline managers
responsible for produciton, oversee workers
Types of managers:
top level managers
direct large segments of the organization (ex. vice president)
Types of managers:
middle managers
above the frontline but under the top level managers
Number of middle managers is dependent on:
- in a large organizaiton need more or less
- - size of the organization - more
- - discrete work units - more
- - geographic divisions - more
- - number of people to be supervised - more
Chain of command:
staff managers
Managers who oversee supportive departments or groups ex. legal departments
Skills managers need:
- Acquired through experience or education
- Needed to produce a product of some sort --> care plan or food that is served
Skills needed by managers:
human relations
- - Personal attributes
- - Knowledge - of peoples issues
- - Learned behavior
- -This requires
- - Knowing the rules and regulations
- - Ability to communicate with subordinate as well as with authority figures
Skills needed by managers:
- thinking outside of hte box
Allows one to see beyond the reality of the immediate situation
Look at the global picture and visualize what is possible
Deals with abstract stuff
Lack of communication can result in (2)
- decreased productivity
- unsatisfactory work environment
successfull communicaiton involves effective transmission of (8)
- - Facts
- - Feelings - frustration, stress
- - Values
- - Ideas
- - Beliefs
- - Priorities
- - Plans
- - Perceptions
Poor communicaiton results in
- Missinterpretations
- misdirection
- missed opportunities
- contradictions
- duplication of efforts
- voids
- hurt feelings
Lines of communication:
people above and below you
Lines of communication:
between 2 departments
Lines of communication:
in department
Lines of communication:
between 2 departments
Lines of communication:
in organization
Lines of communication:
between organizations
Lines of communication:
within profession
Lines of communication:
between professions (ex. ada and diabetes association)
When should information be withheld?
proprietary information
information which is restricted to certain individuals, confidential in nature
When should information be withheld?
- keeping patient information confidential --> only see confidential stuff to do your own job
Barriers to communication (7):
- - We hear what we expect to hear
- - We all have different perceptions
- - We evaluate the source
- - Our emotional state conditions what we hear
- - We ignore information that conflicts with what we know
- - Words have different meanings to different people especially regional language and cultural variations
- - Words have symbolic meaning
overcomming barries to communication (7)
- - Give feedback
- - Provide fact to face communication
- - Be sensitive to the world of the receiver
- - Be aware of symbolic meaning
- - Carefully time messages
- - Reinforce words with action --> don't make empty promises
- - Use direct simple language
What employees expect of their managers (5)
- - To be qualified
- - Know skills needed for each job
- - Fairness and consistency
- - To communicate well
- - To know how to motivate
- - To be qualified
- - Know skills needed for each job
- - Fairness and consistency
- - To communicate well
- - To know how to motivate
Keys to supervisory success (8)
- - Be yourself
- - Be flexible
- - Learn to delegate
- - Be innovative
- - Set priorities
- - Coach, support, provide feedback
- - Keep communication lines open
- - Keep your word
Classical approach:
Bureaucracy theory
- - Characterized by extensive rules and procedures
- - Rigid hierarchical structure - old style boss --> has authority doesn’t know workers
- - Impersonal relationships
- - Centralized authority
Classical approach:
Administrative theory
- - Division of work is the foundation of the organization
- - If work is divided, it must be coordinated
- - Orders flow from superior to subordinate
- - To avoid confusion in inefficiency, the principle of unity of command ( at every level there is a boss) exists
- - There is a limit to the number of persons an individual can manage
Span of control
- 4-5 people at higher levels
- 8-12 at lower levels
Classical apporach:
Scientific managment theory (aka classical theory)
- - Uses good judgement to arrive at management principles
- - Very different from the other two theories
- - Work is arranged and jobs are designed so as to maximize efficiency by economically motivating people (ex. being paid per part made)
2 factors necessayr to motivate workers
- - Maintenance Factors
- -economic security - low base pay then paid per part
- - social working conditions
- status - career ladder
- - Motivation Factors
- - Challenging work - job rotation
- - Feelings of personal accomplishment
- - Recognition of achievement - employee of the month
- - Increased responsibility
- - Senses of importance
- - Access to information
- - Involvement in decision making - some not a lot (ex. box for people to put ideas
- - Man's needs exist in a hierarchical structure
- - 5 basic needs -
- - Physical, safety (OSHA) , social, esteem, self-realization (creative, innovative)
- - one need must be met before the nest need can be met
Systems managment (employees get more say)
- - Organization is composed of many
- subsystems of management
- - Most important concept of modern management
- - Deals with changes and inter-relationships between departments
- - Sees the organization as more
- than an economic unit
sources of power
- Reward power- raises and bonuses
- Coercive power - taking stuff away
- Legitimate power - part of your work duties
- Expert power - knowledge in a particular area
- Referent power - charismatic power
getting people to do something
telling/making people do what you want
Managments styles:
- not great
- boss makes all decisions
management styles:
- not great
- consult with people but boss makes final decision
management style:
- many ocnsider ideal
- open ended to all employees
manamgment styles:
- not great
- every one gets a vote and majority wins
management styles:
laissez faire
let it go any one is the boss
Norma meier
- participative management theory
- 1st woman to create a management theory
Peter drucker and later Goerorge Odiorne
managment by objective (most used today)
Decision making
A logical stepwise approach that is used to make a choice between options, to solve a problem or to resolve a dilemma
Good decision making requires the use of critical thinking skills which involves evaluating a series of criteria on which to base a judgment or decision
Contingency planning
- Making a decision ahead of time so that it can be implemented in a timely manner
- Example: Disaster Planning
Steps in decision making process (6)
Identify the problem
Define objectives/criteria for solving the problem
Assign weight to these factors
Develop and analyze potential solutions/ alternatives --> very important to have alternatives
- Make the decision
- Evaluate the outcome
Types of decisions:
Programmed used for structured problems
Problems are routine and predictable
Relate to day to day decisions
Information to solve the problem is readily available: precedent, rules and regulations, policies and procedures, labor contracts etc
Is a learned behavior, the more experienced the person is, the easier it is and there is a greater chance that the decision will be a good one
Examples of structured decisions: purchasing, scheduling, dealing with equipment malfunction
Types of decisions:
Non-programmed for unstructured problems
Unstructured problems are new and unusual, and often unpredictable
Less easily identified and goals less clear
- Information to make the decision is often incomplete and/or ambiguous
- These decisions take longer to make and each step of the decision making process must be used
These types of problems occur more often in new institutions and those with no institutional memory
A nonprogrammed decision calls for the formulation of rules or policies and procedures
Decision making styles:
problem avoider
Tries to evade reality
- Does not recognize a problem or chooses to avoid it
- May be a procrastinator, puts it off
- Remember deciding not to make a decision is making a decision, often a poor one
- Routine avoidance can have employees question managerial effectiveness
Decision making styles:
problem solver - not proactive don't look ahead for problems
Reacts to problems
Slogan---if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it
Deals with problems as they occur
Primarily deals with urgent issues
Decision making styles:
problem seeker- need policy or procedure w/ some leeway
Proactive individual
- Can identify slight discrepancies
- Thrives on making and implementing decisions
- Anticipates problems and is ready with solutions---contigency planning
- Subordinates however are constantly adjusting to change…can cause stress if changes are major
Directive decision makers
- Efficient and logical---rapid decisions
- Requires little information to make a decision
Simple solutions
- Looks at few alternatives
- Low tolerance for ambiguity, need hard facts
- Effective for programmed decisions
conceptual decision makers
Open to new ideas--- creative, think outside the box
Looks at many alternatives
High tolerance for ambiguity
Relies on instinct (gut feeling)
Effective for nonprogrammed decisions
Analytical decision makers
Enjoys solving problems, esp. unusual ones
Likes to seek alternatives and information
Can tolerate ambiguity
Applies a rational approach, not intuitive
Solutions are often complex
behavioral decision maker
Uses intuition, feelings and perceptions
Dislikes ambiguity though
- Worries about others
- Relies heavily on meetings
Group decision making:
group accepts the position of the dominant member(s) of the group for various reasons
b/c people are afraid of bc person is charismatic
Group decision making:
DeFacto Decisions
occur passively, may or may not be unanimous and may or may not be a good one….common characteristic is lack of dissent
Group decision making:
lack or urgency, time constraints, boredom, uncertainty about who is responsible
Group decision making:
Group thinking
cohesiveness of the group is more important than the decision; avoidance of dissent and disagreement is upmost
Members of the group are loyal to each other and so not want to jeopardize this unity by expressing opposing opinions
Ways to imptove group decision making:
contributing as many ideas as possible without analysis or criticism
Ways to improve group decision making:
Nominal group technique 4 step process
- 1. Each member contributes ideas independently
- 2. Each takes a turn to present an idea to the group
- 3. Group discussion about the ideas prresented
- 4. Independent ranking of ideas generated with the ideas getting the highest rankings considered
Ways to improve group decision making:
Delphi technique
similar to the Nominal Group but individuals never meet as a group
Questionnaire is sent to generate ideas
Results are compiled and redistributed to members who comment in writing
Pros: Saves time(sometimes), minimizes personal influences
Cons: May limit the generation of new ideas that verbal discussion promotes, may take time to go back and forth with information
entrepreneurs in private practice
- may be individual or group practice
- May offer contract services including patient counseling, screenings in workplaces, teaching food preparation classes to groups, writing articles for a newsletter.
- When duties increase, they may hire associates and manage them, plan projects etc.
Business owner
start company providing a particular product such as computer software nutrition education materials, internet website, commercial food products
pharmaceuticals, food manufacturing, and food distributing
director of DPD and internship project
hospital administration
some coordinate activities of several allied health departments like patient services which can include dietary, lab, and pharmaceutical
sales and marketing
such as regional managers
nutriton policy
national and international UNICEF, Red Cross, CDC, WHO, World Bank, National Institutes of Health
strategic plan
global plan for organization and made up of short term and long term goals for different parts of organization
What are the components of a message?
- Content of the message
- Type of wording (vocabulary)
- Nonverbal cues
- Delivery style
- Complexity of the message - parts of the message
- Focus of the message (I, you or neutral)
Verbal characteristics
- accent, speed, tone, pitch, rhythm
- sometimes these can disstort a message
non-verbal characteristics
artifacts, proxemics (like body language), body language, physical shcacteristics
Diet manual
contains all information pertinent to maintaining consistent operation of dietetic functions
- free and open exchange of information
- it incrases in size as the level of trust increases
Blind spot
Person communicates information that he/she doesn’t realize that he/she is communicating
Facade or hidden areas
Things person keeps for others
unknown things
things unknown by everyone
To improve communication, the arena must be enlarged by reducing the blind spot or hidden area
light facade/hidden area
person that asks alot of questions but do not volunteer any information
large blindspot
person who gives alot of feedback but will not accept it
large unknown area
- everyone is in the dark
- no one knowns anythign about themselves or others
Conditions that may modify span of control (7)
- Type of work
- Degree of training of the worker
- Organizational stability
- Flow of work
- Geographical location
- Supervisor’s qualifications
- Availability of staff specialists
Human relations movement
- Real power is in interpersonal relationships - bosses should get to know there employees
- Highlights employee responsibility
De-emphasizes assembly line work
- Provides concern for employee welfare - ex. health insurance
- Emphasizes training and participation
Theory X
- McGregor
- worker is naturally lazy and needs constant supervision
Theory x assumptions
Work is inherently distasteful to most people
People lack ambition and need to be directed
- People lack creativity to solve problems
- Employees need coercion to meet objectives
Theory y assuptions
- Work is as natural as play
- Self-control (self direction) is indispensable in achieving goals
- Everyone has some creativity
People can be self-directed if properly motivated
Theory z
- Ouchi
- emphasizes on long range planning
- consensus decision making
- stong employer-worker loyalty (popular in japan)
Management by objective (MBO)
- Drucker and Odiorne
- important tool to improve employee morale and productivity involving them in decisions that enhance their job effectiveness
- Individual acountability important
- - self control
- - self direction
Criteria for decision making
State factors that are important to achieving the best possible outcome
Criteria can come from the manager or an outside source like from an expert, government regulations
All relevant factors must be spelled out and irrelevant ones eliminated
not knowing everything
Risk in decision making:
few decision have absolute certanty that wthey will be correct
RIsk in decision making:
unknown or uncertain factors or outcomes
Risk in decision making:
calculated risk
has higher probability because there is data behind it