(1) upper torso/body veins --> (2) Superior vena cava --> (3) right atrium --> (4) right ventricle --> (5) pulmonary arteries --> (6) lungs --> (7) pulmonary veins --> (8) left atrium --> (9) left ventricle --> (10) ascending aorta
Heart inputs/outputs from Lower torso/body veins
(1) lower torso/body veins --> (2) Inferior vena cava --> (3) right atrium --> (4) right ventricle --> (5) pulmonary arteries --> (6) lungs --> (7) pulmonary veins --> (8) left atrium --> (9) left ventricle --> (10) ascending aorta
location of the carotids (arteries)
on the sides of the trachea (neck area)
*can feel pulse here
path of aorta to brain (arteries)
(1) ascending aorta --> (2) aortic arch --> (3) branches to a) brachiocephalic trunk and b) left carotid --> (4) a) goes to right carotid --> (5) both goes to the brain --> (6) reaches the right and left middle cerebral arteries --> (7) both reaches the anterior and posterior communicating arteries
cause of stroke/CerebroVascular Accident (CVA) in middle cerebral arteries
blockage (clots)
cause of stroke/CerebroVascular Accident (CVA) in communicating arteries
aneurysm (hemorrhage)
path of brain to heart (veins)
(1) brain --> (2) right and left jugular --> (3) right and left brachiocephalic trunk --> (4) superior vena cava --> (5) heart
heart to arms (arteries)
(1) ascending aorta --> (2) aortic arch --> (3) branches to a) brachiocephalic trunk, b) left carotid, c) left subclavian --> (4) brachiocephalic trunk branches to right carotid and right subclavian --> (5) subclavian arteries go to arms
heart to hand (arteries)
right side: (1) heart --> (2) ascending aorta --> (3) aortic arch --> (3) brachiocephalic trunk --> (4) a) right carotid, b) right subclavian --> (5) right subclavian to axillary --> (6) brachial --> (7) ulnar and radial --> (8) hand
left side: (1) heart --> (2) ascending aorta --> (3) aortic arch --> (4) branch to a) left carotid, b) left subclavian --> (5) left subclavian to axillary --> (6) brachial --> (7) ulnar and radial --> (8) hand
hand to heart (veins)
inner path: (1) hand --> (2) ulnar and radial --> (3) brachial --> (4) axillary --> (5) subclavian veins --> (6) brachiocephalic --> (6) superior vena cava --> (7) heart
outer path: (1) hand --> (2) a) cephalic, b) basilic --> (3) cephalic to a) right subclavian, b) median cubital and basilic to axillary --> (4) median cubital to basilic --> (5) axillary to right subclavian --> (6) brachiocephalic trunk --> (7) superior vena cava --> (8) heart
veins and arteries are 100% symmetrical
FALSE. veins have surface veins
arms: cephalic, median cubital, basilic
legs: great and small saphenous
4 benefits for surface veins
1. thermoregulation
2. transfusions
3. phlebotomy
4. intravenous therapy
4 purposes of Central Line
aka Central Venous Catheter (vein --> vena cave/right atrium)
1. allow for more concentrated medications
- some meds bad for tissues around small veins
2. rapid administration of high volume fluid
- IV fluid, blood, plasma
3. Total Parenteral Nutrition
- stay in vein longer
4. test for oxygen saturation or venous pressure
*use PICC line: peripherally inserted central catheter
outer path: (1) leg --> (2) a) great saphenous, b) small saphenous --> (3) great saphenous to iliacs --> (4) small saphenous to popliteal --> (5) popliteal to femoral to iliacs --> (6) inferior vena cave --> (7) heart
Card Set
IBHS 527 lecture 1.2
part 2 of the module lecture 1. Circulatory anatomy