What is the O in OPQRST
- Onset
- this is attribute to symptom of present illness that would be taken at the time of history
what is the P in OPQRST
- Palliative/Provocative
- this is attribute to symptom of present illness that would be taken at the time of history
what is the Q in OPQRST
- quality of pain
- this is attribute to symptom of present illness that would be taken at the time of history
what is the R in OPQRST
- Radiating/ Referral such as from the nerve roots, facet joints
- this is attribute to symptom of present illness that would be taken at the time of history
what is the S in OPQRST
- Site, Setting, Severity
- this is attribute to symptom of present illness that would be taken at the time of history
What is the T in OPQRST
What would you be looking for in Past health history
- Serios Illnesses
- Previous injury
- Hospitalizations
- Surgeries
- medications
- allergies
what is family health hx
it is the occurence within the family of any medial condition that may affect thier medical condition.
in an interview / health history what are the sobjects you want to hit
- Chief hx
- oast health hx
- personal and social hx
- review of systems
If you have an alcoholic pt what questions should you ask
- CAGE Questionare
- C- Cutting down (have you ever felt the need to Cut down)
- A- Annoyedby others criticisms
- G- Guilty feeling
- E- Eye opener
what are the vital signs
- Height and weight
- pulse
- Respiratory Rate
- Bp
Normals for Temperature
- Oral - 98.6
- Axilla- 97.6
- Rectal and Tympanic- 99.6
- Range 96-99.5F or 35-37.5C
Pulse normal values
- Adults 60-100
- NewBorn 120-160
- Elderly 70-80
Blood Pressure Normal
when measuring Bp what are you checking for
Auscultory gap in palpatory systolic reading
what is auscultory gap
loss and reappearance of the pulsatile sound while listening with stethascore while cuff is deflating
Korotkoff Sounds
low pirch sounds produced by turbulent blood flow in the arteries
what is Subclavian Steal Syndrome
"Subclavian Steals" Bp reading 20% higher than in the lower extermities
Tests for Vertebrobasilar Artery Insufficiency
- Barre-Lieou
- DeKleyns
- Hallpike
- Hautants
- Underberg
- Georges Test
- not if any of these are positive refer to cardiovascualr specialist
lid turned outward
lid turn inward
Absent Redlight reflex
not seen in cataract pts and newborns
Opacities in the eyes seen in diabetics and elderly
Absent Red light reflex is normal in who
Corneal Arcus
- grayish opaque ring around the cornea.
- Elderly >50yo -normal
trianglular thickening of the biulbar conjunctive that grows across the cornea and is brought on by dry eyes
Hordoleum aka Sty
infection of sabaceous glands causing a pimple or boil on the eyelid
Infection of miebomian gland causing a nodule which points inside the lid
yellowish triangular nodule in the bulbar conjunctiva that is harmless and indicates aging
Fatty plaques on the nasal surface of the eyelids that is normal or indicates hyoercholesterolemia
Argyll Robertson
- bilateral small and irregular pupils that accomidate but do not react to light
- seen with syphillis (prostitutes pupil)
Internal Opthalmoplegia
dilated pupil with ptosis and lateral deviation. DOesnt react to ligjt or accomidation
Horners Syndrome
- Ptosis
- Miosis
- anhydrosis
HOrners Syndrome can cause an inturruption in _____
Cervical sympathetic
Cupping of optic disc due to intrsocular pressure
Glaucomas s/s
- Tunnels vision ( blurring of peripheral field)
- Cresent sign of the cornea
AKA Papilledema
Choked disc
Papilledema (choked Disc)
- swelling of the disc due to Increased Intercranial Pressure.
- there is NO visual loss.
Retinal Detachment
painLESS sudden onset of blindness.
Pt with Retinal detachment will complain of
curtain closing over vision and lightning flashes and floaters
what is the mc reason for blindness in the elderly
Macular Degeneration
- ealrt sign if Macular Degneration
- Describe as yellow deposits under retina
Hypertensive Retinopathy
damage to retinal vessels.
hypertensive retiopathy characteristics
cotton wool soft exudates.
Diabetic Retinopathy
affects viens more than arteries
Diabetic retinopathy characteristics
microanyueryms, hard exudates, and neovascularization
Inflammation of the iris
will you see Iritis with
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Loss of the elaasticity due to aging
Name some abnormal finding of the ear
- Tinnitus
- Presbycussis
- Acute Otitis Externa
- Acute Mastoiditis
- Purulent Otitis Media AKA Bacterial Otitis Media
- Serous Otitis Media
- Vertigo
- Meniere's Disease
- Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
- Acoustic neuroma
- Eustachian Tube Block
Acute Otitis Externa
- outer ear infection qith pain and inflammation.
- Tugging of the pinna will be painful
Acute Mastoiditis
- Bacterial infection, commonly associated with hearing loss.
- presents the same as acute otitis media
Purelent Otitis Media aka Bacterial Otitis Media
- Bacterial or viral infection of the middle ear.
- tympanic membranes present with a red appreance
- Purulent = bactrial = buldging
Serous Otitis media
- effusion in the middle ear usually from incomplete resolution of acute otitis media or obstruction of Eustachian tube
- if chronic is amber with bubbles
Mienieres Disease aka
Endolymphatic Hydrops
Endolymphatic Hydrops (Minieres Disease)
disorder characterized by recurrent prostrating vertigo, sensory hearing loss, tinnitus and feeling fulness in the ear.
Eustachiam Tube Block
Retraction of the tympanic membrane
Neuro Exam: Weber normal hearing
equal sound heard bilaterally
Neuro Exam: Weber
Conduction hearling loss
Lateraization to bad ear
Neuro Exam: Weber
Sensorial hearing loss
Lateralizaton to good ear
Neuro Exam: Rinne
AC>BC (Rinne+)
Neuro Exam: Rinne
Conduction loss
Neuro Exam: Rinne
Sensorial Hearing loss
AC>BC with less TIME in bad ear
Mouth and Throat abnormalities
- Angualr Stomatitis aka Cheilosis
- Candidiasis aks Thrush(Tongue)
- Leukaplakia (Tongue)
- Atrophic Glossitis
- Fissured Tongue aka scrotal tongue
Fissured Tongue aka Scotal tongue
- Furros ont he surface
- can be considered normal
Atrophic Glossitis
- vit B deficiency or iron
- tongue is smooth and glossy
- PreCA lesions of white patches adherent to the surface
- not easly removed
- thick white fungal patches
- they are easly scraped off.
excessive growth hormone prior to skeletal maturity
excessive growth hormone after skeletal maturity
- MC caused by Graves disease (autoimmune)
- TSH decreased
- T3/T4 increased
Hashimotos mc cause
Congenital Hypothyroidism is called
Characteristics of Hyperthyroidism
- Intolerance to heat
- weight loss
- Exophthalmos (bilat)
- Increased T3 and T4
- Decreased TSH
Characteristics of Hypothyroidism
- Macroglossia and loss of lateral 1/3 eye brows
- Decrease T3 and T4
- Increased TSH
what acts as opposite to thyroid
Characteristics of Common Migraine "sick" "vascular"
- Photophobia, throbbing (worse behind the eye)
- nausea
Characteristics of classic migraine
- Aura
- will also incl characteristics of common migraine
Characteristics of a Hypertension Migraine
- Throbbing
- wake up with a HA
CLuster HA provoked by
Site for muscular tension
band like
Temporal Arteritis is usually seen in
over 50 yo females
Characteristic of Subarachnoid Hemmorage
- stiff neck
- excruiciating pain like never before
Characteristics of subdural hematoma
- slow bleed following trauma
- sxs evident days-week post injury
Characteristics of post concussive HA
- Loss of memory
- visual disturbance
Steps to examining thorax and lungs
- Inspection
- Palpation
- Percussion
- Ausculatation
Deformities of the thorax
- Barrel Chest
- Pectus Excuvatum
- Pectus Carinatum
Barrel Chest
- AP= lateral diameter
- seen with COPD and cystic fibrosis
Pectus Excavatum aka Funnel Chest
marked depression noted in the sternum
Pectus Carinatum aka pigeopn chest
forward protusion of the sternum
name respiration patters
- Tachnypnea
- Bradypnea
- Biot's Breathing
- Cheyne Stokes
- Kussmaul's
Rapid shallow breathing
Biot's Breathing
characterized by groups of quick, shallow inspirations, followed irregular periods of apnea (no pattern)
Cheyne Stokes Respiration
- Breathing pattern characterized by alternating periods of apnea and hyperpnea (has a pattern)
- Respiratory acidosis
Kussauls Breathing
- first rapid and shallow but as metabolic asidosis worsens,
- breathing gradually becomes deep, slow, labored and gasping
- "air hunger breathing"
Abnormalities of Nails
- Pitted
- Splinter Hemmorage
- Beau's lines
- Paronychia
- Clubbing
- Koilonychia aka Spoon nail
Pitted nails aka Inguinal Indentations
Seen with Psoriasis also look for silver scales
Splintter Hemmorage
Subacute bacterial endocarditis (strep organism -red dots)
Beau's Lines
Transverse ridging associated with acute severe disease
Onflammation of the nail fold near the cuticle
nail base has an angle > 180 degrees and may indicate hypoxia/COPD
Koilonychia aka Spoon Nail
Iron deficiency anemia
Respiratory Excursion and Tactile Fremitis is done during what part of the thorac and lungs examination
second part Palpation
Respiratory Excursion
Place hands over the posterior ribs and have the pt take a deep breath
Tactile Fremitis
- Palpable vibration
- pt says 99
- Increased with fluid (pneumonia)
- decreased air (emphysema, pneumothorax)
- decreased with atelectasis and plerisy bc sound barrier is created
What are we looking for Percussion
Tones and Diaphragmatic Excursion
Resonant sound in the lungs during percussion
are normal
At what part of the Exam do you perform Diaphragmatic Excursion.
- during Percussion
- 1. Inspect
- 2. Palpation
- 3. Percussion
- 4. Auscultation
when do you hear hyperresonant tones during percussion
Increased air in the chest (emphysema and pneumothoax)
when do you hear dull tones during percussion
Increased density (pneumonia and atelectasis)
what are the four types of breath suonds
- Vesicular
- Bronchovesicular
- Bronchial
- Tracheal
Vesicular breath sounds are heard during
Insp longer than Exp
what is the air sound heard at most of the lung
Bronchovesicular breath sounds are heard during
- Insp and exp
- location: Ant 2-3 ribs bt scapula at apex
Bronchial breath sounds are heard during
- Exp longer than Insp
- over the Manubrium
Tracheal breath sounds are heard during
- Insp equal Exp
- Over trachea in neck
When would you hear Rales (Bronchitis)
when air opens closed air spaces
When do you hear Ronchi (Bronchiectasis)
Air is blocked or becomes rough through the large airways.
Wheezes are high pitched sounds heard in ___ condition
- Asthma in young
- Emphysema in older
What are the test performed for Vocal resonance
- Bronchophany
- Egophany
- Whispered pectriloquy
- Percussion: Resonant
- Fremitus: Decreased
- Breath Sound: Wheezing
- Percussion: Dull/Flat
- Fremitus: Decreased
- Breath Sound: Absent
- Percussion: Resonant
- Fremitus:Normal
- Breath Sound: Ronchi
- Percussion: Resonant
- Fremitus: Normal
- Breath Sound: rales (crackles)
- Percussion: Hyperresonant
- Fremitus: Decreased
- Breath Sound: Wheezing
- Percussion: Resonant
- Fremitus: Decreased
- Breath Sound: Crackles (Friction Rub)
- Percussion: Hyperresonant
- Fremitus: Decreased
- Breath Sound: Decreased
- Percussion: Dull
- Fremitus: Increased
- Breath Sound: Egophany, Bronchophony, Whispered Pectoriloquy, Crackles
Lung Conditions
- Lobar Pneumonia
- Friedlander Pneumonia
- Pneumocystis Carinii
- Cytomegalovirus
- Tuberculosis
- Pluerisy
- Pneumothorax
- Atelectasis
- Bronchiectasis
- Chronic Bronchitis/COPD
- Asthma
- Emphysema
- Bronchogenic Carcinoma
- Costochondritis aka Tietze Syndrome
- Herpes Zoster aka Shingles
- Sarcoidosis
- Hodgkins
- Cystic Fibrosis
Lobar Pneumonia
- Consolidation of the lung
- 10 days Rusty brown Sputum
- silhoutte sign and air bronchogram
Friedlanders Pneumonia
Productive/ Current red jelly sputum
- Low grade fever, night swears
- Ghon Lesions on film
- starts in apices of lungs
- tine test/mantoux test
- positive purified protein derivitive
- most definitive test- Sputum culture
Pneumo thorax
- rupture lung causing air to become trapped in the pleural space.
- Unilateral darkening of chest film due to collapse lung
- Tracheal shift AWAY from lesion .
- Inflammation of the pleura
- stabbing chest worsened by respiration and cough
- Dull on percussion
- N. productive cough
- positive friction rub
orthopedic test for pleurasy
Schepelmann's +
- Collapse lung
- tracheal deviat toward collapesed lung
Chronic Bronchitis/COPD
- Long term cough and mucus
- Shortness of breath and wheezing
- Cigarette smoking main cause
- airways constricted, bronchspasm
- Type I hypersensitivity rx
- IgE rise
Labs for Asthma
- Curshmann's Spiral
- Charcott Laden Crystals
- loss of elasticity of pulmonary connective tissue = Permanent dilation of avioli air sacs and caused by defiency alpha 1 anti trypsin
- Hyperresonant percussion
- decreased breath sounds
- prolonged experation with expiratory wheeze
- Fluid accumulates in costophrenic recess
Bronchogenic CA
- Primary malignant lung tumor
- starts in bronchus
- long term hx of smoking
- n. productive cough MORE than 30 DAYS
- dyspnea
- weight loss
- and clubbing of nails.
ddx Bronchogenic CA and Pneumonia
bronchogenic CA --> n. productive cough longer than 30 days
Pneumonia --> rusty brown sputum and 10 days duration
Both have cloudy white density of film
Costochondritis aka
Tietze Syndrome
Tietze Syndrome
- Inflammation of cartilage connection bt ribs and sternum
- worsens with physical activity and deep breaths
- palpable tenderness at COSTOsternal Articulation
Herpes Zoster aka Shingles
painful rash following CN V dermatome
- MC in African descent
- disease in which abn collection of inflam cells
- most often lungs or lymph nodes
Sarcodosis X-Ray findings
Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy "angel wings, potato nodes"
how is Hodgkins best diagnosed
biopsy, looking Reed Sternberg Cells
who usually has Hodgkins
Causcasion males
Hodgkins Disease
CA of lympahtic systems that can spread to the spleen
Cystic Fibrosis
- CHronic Progressive
- loss of excessive amounts of salt
- Barrel Chest
- Pranceatic insufficiency
- meconium ilues
In Cystic Fibrosis what gets thick accumilations of mucus
intestines and lungs
Jugular Venous Pulsation
Measures the pressure of the right side of the heart.
how can you make jugular venous pulsation more pronounced
- when congestive heart failure is present
- Apply pressure to the liver (hepatojugular reflex)
During a heart palpation what do you check for
peripheral pulses and thrills
name peripheral pulses for the heart
- Pulsus Magnus
- Pulsus Parvus
- Pulsus Alterans
- Pulsus Bisferiens
- Pulsus Paradoxus
- Water Hammer Pulse
Pulsus Magnus
- Bounding; increased cardiac output
- exercise
- anxiety
- fever
- hyperthyroidism
Pulsus Parvus
- weak or thready; decreased stroke volume
- hypovolemia (blood loss)
- aoritc stenosis
- chf
Pulsus Alterans
- Alternate in amplitude
- left ventricular failure
Pulsus Bisferiens
- two strong systolic peaks seperated by mid systolic dip (best felt at carotid art)
- aoritc regurgitation
- aortic stenosis
Pulsus Paradoxus
- decreased amplitude on inspiration
- increased with expiration (>10mmHg amplitude change)
- bronchial asthma
- emphesema
- pericardial effusion
Water hammer Pulse
jerky pulse that is rapidly increasing anf the collapsing due to aortic insufficiency
Vibration produced by turbulent blood flow within the heart (murmurs)
ventricle contraction
Ventricular relaxation
closure of AV (mitral and tricuspid) valves
Closure semilunar (pulmonary and aortic) valves
- Ventricular Gallop
- normal in kids, young adults and athletes
when is S3 not normal
>40 yo earliest sign of CHF
- Atrial Gallop
- similar to S3 and is related to stiffness of the ventricular myocardium to rapid filling
Locations for Cardiac Auscultations
- Aortic Valve - Right sternal border at 2nd intercostal space.
- Best when pt is seated, leaning fwd, and exhaling
- Pulmonic Vales - Left sternal border 2nd intercostal
- Erbs point - Left sternal borderat 3rd intercostal space
- Tricuspid Valve - Left sternal border at the 4th or 5th intercostal space
- Mitral Valve - Mid-clavicular line at the 5th intercosal space Best auscultated in the left lateral decubitus position
- valve has trouble opening and the blood swirls through a narrow opening
- Murmur has low pitch and best heard with the bell of a stethoscope
Valve is insufficient and blood seeps or squirts back into chamber. THis murmur has a high pitch and is best heard with the diaphragm of stethoscope.
What are the heart murmurs of the heart during systole
- Aortic - Stenosis
- Mitral - Regurgitation
- Pulmonic - Stenosis
- Tricuspid - Regurgitation
name congenital heart defects
- Patent Ductus Arteriosus
- Tretralogy of Fallot (DRIP)
- Coarcatation of the Aorta
- Subclavian Steal Syndrome
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
- Failure of shunt to close bt the aorta and left pulmonary artery
- Continuous/machinery like murmur that can be heard in both phases (diastole and Systole) of the heart cycle
Tetralogy of Fallot (DRIP)
- Dextraposition of the aorta
- Right ventricular hypertrophay
- Interventricular Septal Defect
- Pulmonic Stenosis
loud ejection murmur in systole and severe cyanosis
Coarctation of the Aorta
- Constriction of descending aorta (DISTAL left subclavian)
- causes higher Bp in upper extremity than than lower by 20 mm Hg
Coarctation of the Aorta is mc associated with
Marfans Syndrome
Subclavian Steal Syndrome
- Narrowing proximal to the vertebral artery
- Subclavian steals from vertebral
- Seen young females who faint while exercising.
Heart Conditions
- Left sided heart failure
- Right sided heart failure
- Aortic Dissection
- Angina Pectoralis-coronary vasospasm
- myocardial infarction
- aneurysm
Left sided heart failure
- MC cause of left sided heart failure is Hypertension
- 2nd mc cause aortic stenosis
Early signs of Left sided heart failure
- Pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungsO causing shortness of breath (exertional dyspnea
- Orthopnea
- Fluid collects at costophrenic angles
Right sided heart failure
- MC cause of left sides heart failure
- MC cause of mitral stenosis - rheumatic fever (ASO titer
Cor Pulmane
- when right side fails by itself
- (lung condition that causes right sided heart failure)
what will you see with Right side heart failure
- stasis dermatitis
- ascities
- portal hypertension
- caput medusa/spider angioma
- pitting edema
what is the first sign of congested heart failure
exertional dyspnea
what does the patient feels with an aortic dissection
tearing pain
Angina Pectoris-coronary vasospasm
- comes on with exertion
- Printzmetal angina comes on with rest (atypical)
Myocardial Infarction
- Acute failure womes with rest caused by atherosclerosis
- CK-MB is elevated i
- increased SGOT
- Increased LDH
Increased bowel sounds may indicate
Early intestinal obstruction
Absent bowel sounds may indicate
- late intestinal obstruction
- adynamic (paralytic) ileus
vomiting of blood
coughing of blood
blood in stool
what lab is non specific for liver
Yellowing skin, sclera. and mucous membranes
DDx for yellowing of skin
- Jaundice - includes sclera
- increased beta Carotene - only skin
- Stasis dermatitis - ankles only
- Alcoholism is the MC cause of liver destruction
- thiamin deficiency
Mallory Wiess Syndrome
- seen with cirrohosis
- alcoholics
THiamin Deficiency with out alcoholism
Beri beri
Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome
(area of brain affected) Thiamin dificiency leading to dementia
Hepatitis A
- enlarged but edge remains soft and smooth
- from food through fecal/oral route, self limiting not a carrier
Hepatitis B
- Enlarged tender but edge remains smoothe and soft
- dirty needles and sexual contact, carrier for life, MC to become liver CA
Hepatitis C
- enlarged tender smooth and soft edges
- blood transfusion
Liver Cancer
- MC site for metastatic disease
- liver is enlarged irregular border
Direct and conjugated bilirubin
- watersoluble gallstone (duct obstruction)
- may cause urobilinogen
Indirect and unconjugated
- not water soluble
- heilytic anemia - coombs test
Gallbladder conditions
- Cholecystitis
- Porcelin Gallbladder
gallbladder Pain referral
to right shoulder or tip of right scapula (viscerosomatic)
- MC over weight >40yo
- MC cause of cholelithiasis (gallstones)
- Severe upper right quadrant pain
Cholecystitis test
Increased amylase and lipase
Pocelain Gallbladder
Calcification that can become malignant due to chronic inflammation
Conditions of the pancreas
- Pancreatitis
- Pancreatic CA
- Diabetes mellitus
- Diabetes Insipidus
Viscerosomatic pain for pancreatitis
Epigastric pain straight through the back T10-T12 like a knife
Grey Turners Sign
bleeding into the flank seen in pancreatitis
Cullens sign
- Bruising/ pery umbilical ecchymosis
- seen in etopic pregnancy and pancreatitis
Lab tests for pancreatitis
Increased amylase and lipase
Labs for Diabetes Mellitus
- Glucose Tolerance Test
- Fasting Plasma Glucose
- HbA1C
Which other diseases does DM have an increased correlation with?
DM vs DI
- DM - Polydypsia, Polyphagia, polyuria
- DI- Poly dypsia and polyuria
Peptic Ulcer
- Includes Duodenal and gastric ulcers
- caused by H. Pylori bacteria
- coffee ground emesis
- burning epigastric pinpoint pain
Duodenal ulcers
- Pain occurs two hours after eating
- BLACK/Tarry stool
- MC type of peptic ulcer
Lab for Duodenal ulcer
Guaiac Test-Occult blood in the stool
Virchows node seen in
Stomach CA
MC site for Stomach CA
Lesser curvature and left supraclavicular lymph node (virchows Node)
Mononuclieosis caused by
Epstien Bar Virus 18-25 yo
Mononeuclieosis is correlated to the ____ and has ____in the blood
- Spleen
- Atypical lymphocytes (downy Cells)
Aka Monospot
- Heterophile Aggulation
- Paul Bunnel Test
referral pain for small intestines
Peri Umbilical
Conditions of Small Intestines
- Adynamic Ileus
- Regional Ileitis aka Crohns Dz
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Irritable Bowel Sundrome aka Spastic Colon
- Appendicitis
- Diverticulitis
Crohns Disease
- Right side of the intestines (RLQ)
- Patchy Inflammation (cobblestone appearance) does not absorb B12
- chronic diarrhea
how to diagnose Crohns dz (regional illeitis)
Crohns can lead to
malabsorption syndrome: tropical sprue/ celiac Sprue (gluten allergy)
in whic small intestine condition will you find bloody mucus stool , diahrrea
Ulerative colitis
Appendicitis pain
Dull periumbilical with radiation to lower right quadrant
Shilling shift to the left to the left is in refrence to what condition
Appendicitis - increased WBC
Special test of appendicitis
CT scan
- small outpuching within the colon
- LLQ pain
Adrenal conditions
- Cushings Dz (aka Hyperadrenalism, hypercortisolism)
- Addison Dz
- Pheochromocytoma
Characteristics of Cushings
- Moon pie face
- buffalo hump
- purple striae in pendulous abdomen
- hypertension
Addisons dz
- Hypoadrenalism; Hypocortisolism (decreased aldosterone)
- decreased Bp
- hyperpigmented mouth and face (bronze)
- Grey Cell Tumor of Adrenal Medulla
- Increased epinephrine production (catecholamine)
- Tachycardia, extreme hypertension
What condition will be similar to the sign/symptoms of hyperthyroidism