Dietary Disorders

  1. List the Importance of Adequate Nutrition
    • Cell metabolism
    • Muscle contraction, bone formation
    • Nerve Conduction
    • Heart Muscle conductivity
  2. Nutritional Disorders
    • Insufficient intake
    • Improper intake (vitamin deficiencies)
    • excessive intake (obesity)
    • Excessive and improper intake (alcholoism)
    • Psycho - neurotic diesorders : anorexia bulemia
  3. Vitamin C Deficiency Signs & Symptoms
    • Decrease formation of cement substance that holds epethilial cells together
    • Ruptured Blood Vessels
    • Small bruises, slow wound healing, bledding gums, teeth fall out, decreased ability to fight infection
    • Green vegs, citrus fruits
  4. Vitamin A Deficiency Signs & Symptoms
    • Night Blindness
    • Decreased integrity of mucous membranes and increased infections of repiratory GI and urogenital tracts
    • vegs, dairy and egg yolks
  5. Vitamin D Deficiency Signs & Symptoms
    • Necessary for absorption of calcium from GI tract
    • Kids: rickets - weak deformed bones
    • Adults: osteomalacia - soft bones
    • milk and sunlight
  6. Vitamin K Deficiency Signs & Symptoms
    • Essential for blood clotting
    • Can be destroyed by excessive use of antibiotics
    • normal diet
  7. Decreased Calcium
    • Decreased blood clotting and soft bones
    • Too much calcium can lead to Kidney stones
  8. Decreased Poassium
    Weak Muscles and irregular heart beat
  9. Decreased Sodium
    decreased nerve conduction and decreased muscle contraction
  10. Decreased Iron
    • anemia
    • decreased hemoglobin
  11. Decreased Iodine
  12. Define Obesity
    • Nutritional Disorder in which an abnormal amount of fat accumulates in adipose tissue
    • Too much food and Too little Exercise
    • 15%-20% greater than ideal body weight based on body type and height
  13. Effects of Obesity on Health
    • Cariovascular: coronary artery disease, CHF
    • Respiratory: Asthma, respiratory Difficulties
    • Osteoarthritis: Increased wear and tear on Hips and Knees
    • Liver Function: Leads to liver failure
    • Increased risk of type 2 Diabetes
  14. Define Alcholism
    an illness characterized by significant impairment that is directly assoc. with persistent and excessive use of alcohol. Results in physiological psychological and social dysfunction
  15. Signs and symtoms of Alcoholism
    Flushed face, tremors of the mouth and tongue appears nervousm, c/o other digestive and motor problems
  16. The Effects of Alcholism
    • CNS: in short tierm is a depressant, Long term- can lead to organic brain syndrome, neuropathy, Wiernek's encephalopathy, Korsakoff's psychoisis
    • Digestive System: gastritis, ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver (yellow skin) pancreatitis, hepatic coma
    • Cardiovascular System: Arhythemia, cardia failure
  17. Alcohol During Pregnancy
    • can lead to alcohol syndrome
    • child born suffering from withdrawal
    • Symptoms: stiff. irritable, low muscle tone, motor delay and distint physical characteristics
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Dietary Disorders