
  1. Two cell groups in Anterior Horn of Cervical Cord
    • 1 - Phrenic Nucleus
    • 2 - Accessory Nucleus
  2. A pathway is a chain of neurons
    The white matter contains groups of axons
    3 columns of funiculi
    Each funiculus contain tracts
  3. The sensory tracts (ascending) in the posterior column convey
    discriminative touch
  4. The Gracile Fasciculus is formed by
    Posterior Columns below T6 (lower extremity)
  5. The Cuneate Fasciculus is formed by
    Posterior columns above T6
  6. At T6, what is separating the Cuneate and Gracile fasciculus
    the posterior intermediate sulcus
  7. In this tract, pain and temperature fibers may ascend or descend
    Lissauer's tract
  8. These tracts convey inputs from the muscles, joints, and most of it will go to the cerebellum (some reach consciousness via posterior columns)
    Ant/Post Spinocerebellar Tract
  9. This tract conveys inputs from the upper extremity
    Cuneocerebellar Tract
  10. This tract travels closely with Ant. Spinocerebellar Tract sending info to cerebellum
    Rostral Spino-Cerebellar tract
  11. Name the Sensory Tracts and what they carry
    • Gracile - discriminative touch from LE to consciousness
    • Cuneate - discriminative touch from UE to consciousness
    • Lissauers - non-discriminative touch (pain, temp) ascending & descending
    • Spinothalamic - non-disciminative touch (pain, temp) to consciousness
    • Ant/Post Spinocerebellar Tract - proprioceptive input from LE to cerebellum (sometimes consciousness)
    • Cuneocerebellar Tract - proprioceptive input from UE to cerebellum
    • Rostral Spino-Cerebellar Tract - input from UE to cerebellum
  12. Name the MAJOR motor tract that will ultimately influence muscle activity (voluntary)
    Anterior Corticospinal Tract
  13. Influences Muscle Tone in Limb Muscles (especially, UE)
    Rubrospinal Tract (which runs closely with Lateral Corticospinal Tract)
  14. Which two motor tracts are responsible for balance control
    Medial/Lateral Vestibulospinal Tracts
  15. Which motor tract involves reflex head movements in response to visual stimuli
    Tectospinal Tract
  16. Muscle tone (medial and lateral) ---which motor tracts
    Reticulospinal Tracts
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