
  1. Id
    primitive instinctive component of personality pleasure principle
  2. Id
    reservoir of psychic energy-biological urges
  3. Pleasure principle
    instant gratification or its urges
  4. Ego
    decision making reality principle
  5. Ego
    mediates between id and superego social norms and rules
  6. Reality principle
    delays gratification of the id until it is appropriate
  7. Secondary process thinking
    rational, realistic and problem solving
  8. Superego
    moral component of personality right and wrong
  9. Superego
    emerges at 3-5 years old
  10. Conscious
    whatever one is aware of at a particular time
  11. Preconscious
    material just beneath the surface of awareness-easily get to
  12. Preconscious
    ex-supper last night, your middle name
  13. Conscious
    what you are thinking about at this time
  14. Unconscious
    thoughts and memories below the surface but still influence your behavior
  15. Defense mechanism
    largely unconscious reactions that protect person from anxiety and guilt
  16. Rationalization
    creating false but believable excuse to justify behavior
  17. Repression
    keeping distressing thoughts buried in the unconscious
  18. Projection
    thinking someone else is feeling what you really are
  19. Displacement
    diverting feelings, like anger to someone else, ex mad at work-come home and kick the dog
  20. Reaction formation
    behaving opposite to how you are really feeling
  21. Regression
    reversion to immature patterns of behavior
  22. identification
    increasing self esteem by making imaginary or real friends
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