Muscle Gait Lab

  1. Things to remember for the final practical:
    • Patient in proper position/posture.
    • Which plane does the motion occur?
    • What are your landmarks? (= palpate!)
    • What arrow are you using?
    • How do you get your final reading?
    • Get out a paper plate & a pencil.
    • Punch the pencil through the center of the plate.
    • The paper plate is the plane.
    • The pencil is the axis, which is where the action takes place.
  3. 1. Sagittal (Median) Plane:
    • Divides body into R & L.
    • Allows for flexion & extension to occur.
    • Axis of rotation: bilateral (coronal).
  4. 2. Coronal (Frontal) Plane:
    • Divides body into A & P.
    • Allows for lateral flexion to occur.
    • Axis of rotation: sagittal (AP)
  5. 3. Transverse (Horizontal) Plane:
    • Divides into S & I (cephalad & caudal respectively).
    • Allows for rotation to occur.
    • Axis of rotation: VLP (Vertical/Longitudinal/Polar).
    • Inclinometry: ROM of the spine.
    • Found via AROM.
    • Red arrow: rotation... red arrow in red silhouette.
    • Yellow arrow: lateral flexion & flexion/extension.
    • Subtract bottom number from top number.
  7. Cervical Landmarks:
    • Rot (Trans/Horiz): Top/head & T1.
    • Lat Flex (Coronal/Frontal): Top/head & T1.
    • Flex/Ext (Sagittal/Median): Top/head & T1.
  8. Thoracic Landmarks:
    • Rot (Trans/Horiz): T1-T12.
    • Lat Flex (Coronal/Frontal): T1-T12.
    • Flex/Ext (Sagittal/Median): T1-T12.
  9. Lumbar Landmarks:
    (say that 10 times fast)
    • Rot (Trans/Horiz): L1-S2.
    • Lat Flex (Coronal/Frontal): L1-S2.
    • Flex/Ext (Sagittal/Median): L1-S2.
    • Size matters!
    • Within Normal Limits (WNL): +/- 5*.
    • Smooth side against the patient.
    • Do EVERYTHING bilaterally!!
    • We don't need to know normal degrees for lab test.
  11. Red scale:
    (We generally use the black scale).
    • 1. Shoulder adduction.
    • 2. Hip adduction.
    • 3. Hip ABduction.
    • 4. Plantar flexion/ankle.
    • 5. Dorsi flexion/ankle.
    • *Do the dance: Shoulder, Hip, Hip, Foot, Foot!*
  12. Shoulder Flexion:
    • Sagittal/ Median plane.
    • Coronal axis.
  13. Shoulder ABduction:
    • Coronal plane.
    • Sagittal axis.
  14. Shoulder Adduction:
    • Coronal plane.
    • Sagittal axis.
  15. Shoulder Internal Rotation:
    • Horizontal plane.
    • VLP axis.
  16. Shoulder External Rotation:
    • Horizontal plane.
    • VLP axis.
  17. Shoulder Extension:
    • Sagittal plane.
    • Coronal axis.
  18. Elbow Flexion:
    • Sagittal plane.
    • Coronal axis.
  19. Elbow Extension:
    • Sagittal plane.
    • Coronal axis.
  20. Wrist Flexion:
    • Sagittal plane.
    • Coronal axis.
  21. Wrist Extension:
    • Sagittal plane.
    • Coronal axis.
  22. Ulnar Deviation:
    • Coronal plane.
    • Sagittal axis.
  23. Radial Deviation:
    • Coronal plane.
    • Sagittal axis.
  24. Hip Joint Flexion:
    • Sagittal plane.
    • Coronal axis.
  25. Hip Joint Extension:
    • Sagittal plane.
    • Coronal axis.
  26. Hip ABduction:
    • Using outer RED scale.
    • PP: supine.
    • Plane: frontal (coronal).
    • Axis: sagittal (AP) --> ASIS.
  27. Hip Adduction:
    • Using outer RED scale.
    • PP: supine.
    • Gaenslen's Orthopedic Test position: leg off tab.
    • Pateint helps find ASIS.
    • Plane: frontal (coronal).
    • Axis: AP (sagittal) --> ASIS.
    • Normal: 30*.
  28. Hip External Rotation:
    • PP: supine.
    • Kernig's Orthopedic Test position: knee & hip flexed, straight leg, femur perpendicular with table.
    • Plane: transverse (horizontal).
    • Axis: VLP (longitudinal) --> patella.
    • Normal: 45*.
  29. Hip Internal Rotation:
    • PP: supine.
    • Positioned like Kering's Orthopedic Test: knee flexed, hip flexed, leg straight, femur perpendicular with table.
    • Plane: transverse (horizontal).
    • Axis: VLP (longitudinal) --> patella.
    • Normal: 45*.
  30. Knee Flexion:
    • PP: prone.
    • Knee extended, bring leg toward butt.
    • Plane: sagittal (median).
    • Axis: coronal (bilateral) --> lateral condyle of femur.
    • Normal: 135*.
  31. Knee Extension:
    • PP: supine.
    • Knee extended, bring leg forward.
    • Plane: sagittal (median).
    • Axis: coronal (bilateral) --> lateral condyle / femur.
    • Normal: 0*.
  32. Ankle Plantar Flexion:
    • Using outer RED scale.
    • PP: prone.
    • Knee flexed @ 90, foot flexed @ 90, foot toward ceiling.
    • Plane: sagittal (median).
    • Axis: coronal (bilateral) --> lateral malleolus.
    • Normal: 50*.
  33. Ankle Dorsi Flexion:
    • Using outer RED scale.
    • PP: prone.
    • Knee flexed @ 90, foot flexed @ 90, foot toward table.
    • Plane: sagittal (median).
    • Axis: coronal (bilateral) --> lateral malleolus.
    • Normal: 20*.
  34. Subtalar Inversion:
    • PP: Prone.
    • Feet off table, leg fully extended.
    • Plane: coronal (frontal).
    • Axis: AP (sagittal) --> mid calcaneus.
    • Normal: 5*.
  35. Subtalar Eversion:
    • PP: Prone.
    • Knee flexed @ 90, foot flexed @ 90, foot pointed toward table.
    • Plane: coronal (frontal).
    • Axis: AP (sagittal) --> mid clacaneus.
    • Normal: 5*.
  37. EHL
  38. TA
  39. Fibularis Longus
    -Superficial Peroneal N
  40. Fibularis Brevis:
    -Superficial Peroneal N.
  41. Psoas Major:
    -Lumbar plexus.
  42. TFL:
    -Superior Gluteal N, L4, L5, S1.
  43. Piriformis:
    -Sacral plexus.
  44. Sartorius:
    -Femoral, L2, L3.
  45. Soleus:
    -Tibial N.
  46. Gastroc:
    -Tibial N.
  47. Medial Hamstring Group:
    -Sciatic N (Tibial branch)
  48. Semimembranosus:
    -Sciatic N (Tibial branch)
  49. Lateral Hamstrings (Biceps femoris)
    -Long head: Sciatic N (tibial branch).
    -Short head: Sciatic N (fibular branch).
  50. Glute Max:
    -Inf. Gluteal N
  51. Glute Med:
    -Superior Gluteal N
  52. Hip Adductor Group:
    -Adductor magnus: obturator & sciatic N.
  53. Quads:
    Femoral N
  54. Rectus Abdominus:
    Illiohypogastric & illioinguinal N.
  55. Oblique Abdominus:
    Illiohypogastric & illioinguinal N.
  56. SCM:
    CN IX (Spinal Accessory N).
  57. Anterior Medial Neck Flexors:
    • -Scalenus ant, med, post: C3-C8.
    • -Longus cap & colli: C1-C6.
  58. Post Med Neck Extensors:
  59. Elbow Flexor Group:
  60. Brachioradialis:
    Radial N.
  61. Triceps:
    Radial N.
  62. Deltoids:
    Axillary N.
  63. Pec Major Superior:
  64. Pec Major Inferior:
    MPN & LPN.
  65. Serratus Anterior:
    Long Thoracic N.
  66. Subscap:
    Upper & lower subscap.
  67. Teres Major:
    Lower subscapular.
  68. Teres Minor:
    Axillary N.
  69. Superior Traps:
    CN XI (Spinal Accessory N).
  70. Rhomboids:
    Dorsal Scapular N.
  71. Latissimus Dorsi:
    Thoracodorsal N.
  72. Supraspinatus:
    Suprascapular N.
Card Set
Muscle Gait Lab
Muscle Gait Lab w/ Dr. Roche