State the purpose of swirling the glass
Volatizes the esters (a chemical compound), releasing the aromas
State the reason we do not chill white wine in this class
Chilling hides aromas
Name the 5 tastes
Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Salty, Umami (Japanese for 'deliciousness')
State the reason for rim variation in a wine
- Young wines = clear edge
- Old wines = dark edge (oxidation)
State the reasons for viscosity in a wine
Amount of alcohol or residual sugar
- Thick/fast legs = low alc or residual sugar
- Thick/slow legs = high alc or residual sugar
State the 4 steps to blind wine tasting
Sight, Smell, Taste, Conclusion
State the sources of tannin in wine
- Grape tannins (skins)
- Oak tannins
Define TCA
- Responsible for cork taint due to faulty corks
- Taste: wet, moldy cardboard/mustiness
Define Brettanomyces (Bret)
Strain of yeast that creates barnyard aroma