
  1. A weak or thin spot in the wall of a blood vessel in the brain that baloons out and fills with blood
    Cerebral Aneurysm
  2. What are the three types of cerebral aneurysms, and which is the most common
    • 1 - saccular aneurysm or "berry aneurysm" -- most common
    • 2 - lateral aneurysm
    • 3 - fusiform aneurysm
  3. The tendency to behave as if one side side of the body and/or one side space does not exsist
    Contralateral Neglect
  4. An occlusion of a vessel by extraneous material such as a blood clot (thrombus), tumor, air, fat, clump of bacteria, plaque fragments from atherosclerotic disease
    Cerebral Embolism
  5. Patient comprehends and has fluent speech but cannot translate what was said into a proper reply
    Conduction Aphasia
  6. Small emboli mat occlude small vessels causing a loss of neurologic function. Usually resolves in a few minutes to less than 24 hours.
  7. Results when the communication between a major artery and vein do not develop normally-- results in a mass of tortuous interconnecting channels
    Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)
  8. Common cause of memory loss in the elderly; often caused by multiple silent strokes
    Multi-infarct dementia
  9. Name the warning signs of a stroke
    • Slurred Speech
    • Disorientation
    • Trouble Understanding
    • Motor Weakness
    • Sensory changes (numbness)
    • Visual Probs
    • Ataxia
    • Dizziness
    • Excruciating H/A with rapid onset
  10. Most commonly, MS first appears as a series of attacks followed by complete or partial remission with a period of stability in-between attacks. This is called
    Relapsing-Remitting MS
  11. A disease affecting neurons which leads to respiratory failure (the ultimate cause of death)
    Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  12. Brown Sequard involves a loss of pain and temp on the ____________ side of body
  13. Brown Sequard involves a loss of proprioceptive & discriminative touch on the _____________ side of body
  14. Brown Sequard involves motor loss on the __________ side of body
  15. An inherited disease causing progressive damage to the nervous system. First symptoms to appear is the difficulty walking that gradually worsens
    Friedrich's Ataxia
  16. The most common cause of death in Friedrich's Ataxia
    heart disease
  17. Occurs when the connections between two hemispheres are severed
    Split Brain
  18. Pain occurs contralateral to area of brain injured by the stroke -- on side of body affected by stroke.
    Thalamic Syndrome "it's in your head"
  19. Clear speech, normal rate, words inappropriate
    Receptive/Fluent Aphasia
  20. A birth defect where the corpus callasum is either partially or completely absent
    Agensis of Corpus Callosum
  21. Disorder of Cortical Region - impaired ability to discriminate intensity and quality of stimuli (wont know if corduroy or silk)
    Localization of pain intact
    Lesions in Primary Somatosensory Area
  22. Disorder of Specific Cortical Region - Results in contralateral homonymous hemianopsia (lost vision on opposite side)
    Lesions in primary visual cortext
  23. The inability to recognize objects using a specific sense although have the knowledge of object's characteristics
  24. Feel coin but dont know if quarter or dime
  25. See bird on windowsill but dont know its a bird
    Visual Agnosia
  26. Cant read
  27. Person understands language and knows what he or she wants to say but cannot say it
    Expressive Aphasia
  28. Cant tell the difference between the doorbell and a footstep
    Auditory Agnosia
  29. What is prosopagnosia
    Face Blindness (inability to recognize faces)
  30. Speech disorder due to paralysis of the vocal muscles
  31. Inability to perform a movement or sequence of movements despite intact sensation, motor output and understanding of task to be performed
  32. Cannot comprehend the relationship of parts to the whole
    Constructional Apraxia
  33. A disturbance of the comprehension or formulation of language. It occurs with lesions to DOMINANT hemisphere
  34. Expressive Aphasia is the result of a lesion to
    Broca's Area (inferior frontal gyrus)
  35. Inability to write
  36. Contralateral Neglect occurs with lesions in the
    Non-dominant hemisphere
  37. If a person is neglecting the left side of the body, which part of brain has been damaged
    their RIGHT (non-dominant side)
  38. Loss of Broca and Wernicki areas
    Global Aphasia
  39. Aphasia occurs with lesions in which hemisphere
  40. Name 3 things that occur with lesions of the NON DOMINANT hemisphere
    • aprosodia
    • neglect
    • inability to interpret intonation
  41. Controversive Pushing or Pusher's Syndrome may be a ____________ problem or a __________ issue.
    • Parietal Lobe (spatial problems)
    • or
    • Posterior Thalamus (Vestibular issue)
  42. Extinct when you touch both sides at one time
    Bilateral Simultaneous Extinction
  43. Lesions in this area produce Apathy & lack of goal-directed behavior/ person may not take care of their basic needs
    Dorsolateral Prefontal Association Cortex
  44. Lesions to this area lead to poor judgment, risky behavior, socially unacceptable behavior, impulsiveness
    Limbic Association Cortex
  45. Lesion to this area produces inability to comprehend language
    Wernickes Area/ Receptive APhasia
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