Which supplement has show to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects?
Folic acid supplements
______ signs of pregnancy include all subjective signs of pregnancy
At approx. 28 to 32 weeks gestation, the maximum plasma volume increase of 25% to 40% occurs, the hct values anticipated are ____ to ____ %
32% to 42%
Positive pregnancy test results are a ______ sign of pregnancy.
The window for term gestation is 5 weeks from ___ to ___ weeks of gestation
37 to 42
After ovulation, _________ rises.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone stimulates the production of _______ and ______.
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and lutenizing hormone (LH)
_______: a woman's first awareness of fetal movement, occurs around 18 weeks gestation.
When is the first trimester?
First day of LMP through 12 completed weeks
When is the second trimester?
13 weeks through 27 completed weeks
When is the third trimester?
28 weeks through 40 completed weeks
_________, also referred to as pseudoanemia of pregnancy, is due to hemodilution.
Phystiological anemia of pregnancy
____________ occurs in a when in a supine position, the enlarged uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, leading to a significant drop in cardiac output and blood pressure, and resulting in the woman feeling dizzy and faint
Supine hypotensive syndrome
Which position is best to promote renal function?
Left lateral recumbent
A womans first awareness of fetal movement (quickening) occurs around ____ weeks gestation.
the ______ is the entire time period during which a woman is pregnant through the birth of the baby.
prenatal period
________ is a model of obstetrical care based on a view of pregnancy and childbirth as a normal life event, a life transition that is not primarily medical but rather developmental.
Family-centered maternity care
In a low risk pregnancy, how many prenatal visits would you have?
14-16 prenatal visits
The assessment of fetal heart tones is auscultated with an ultrasound Doppler in the first trimester, usually about ____ and ____ weeks gestation
10, 12
Recommend weight gain of less than ___ pounds during the first trimester.
How much weight should a person underweight (BMI < 19.8) gain during pregnancy?
28-40 pounds
How much weight should a person of average weight (BMI 19.8- 26.0) gain during pregnancy?
25-35 pounds
How much weight should an overweight (BMI 26.1- 29.0) person gain during pregnancy?
15-25 pounds
How much weight should an obese (BMI >29.0) person gain during pregnancy?
15 pounds
______ is administered to Rh-negative women with negative antibody screen results. Administered at 28 weeks gestation to help prevent isoimmunization and the resulting risk of hemolytic disease in fetuses in subsequent pregnancies.
_____ of RhoGAM is given at 28 weeks gestation.
300 mcg IM
Signs and symptoms of _____ include: rhythmic lower abd cramping or pain, low bachache, pelvic pressure, leaking of amniotic fluid, increased vaginal discharge, and vaginal spotting or bleeding.
Preterm labor (PTL)
Signs and symptoms of _______ include: severe headache that does not respond to usual relief measures, visual changes, and facial or generalized edema.
Hypertensive disorders
_____ (palpation of the abdomen) is used to identify the position of the fetus in utero.
Leopolds maneuver
In which trimester does screening for group B streptococcus occur?
Blood volume increases during pregnancy by: _____ mL
At 40 weeks gestation, which lab value would the nurse expect to find elevated above prepregnancy levels?
Fibrinogen: the body's means of protecting itself against a large blood loss during delivery.
Most women complaint of what during the first trimester?
If hemoglobin is lower than ___ and hematocrit is lower than ____% it means iron deficiency.
11, 33%
The fundal height at the level of the umbilicus is seen at ____ weeks gestation.
When the baby rebounds after being pushed, this is called ________.
When does ballottement occur?
16-18 weeks
Women experience legs cramping and back aches in which trimester?
The glucose challenge screening test is performed at or after 24 weeks gestation to assess for the maternal physiological response to which pregnancy hormone?
Human placental lactogen (hPL)
At 20 weeks gestation, where could the fundal height be felt?
the umbillicus
_______ is a complementary therapy that acts to ripen the cervix.
Evening primrose