Control center. Contains DNA that regulates cell activity. Contains the nucleolus.
Within the nucleus. Contains RNA and makes ribosomes.
"Power House" of the cell. Double membraned organelle with folded inner layer membrane. Makes ATP.
Surrounds the cell and determines what gets in or out. "Selective permability."
Golgi Body or Golgi Complex
Center for modifying, packaging, and sorting materials that arrive from the RER (Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum) for the lysosome.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Extends throughout the cell and consists of the rough ER (RER) and smooth ER. Rough ER has ribosomes attached to them and it produces, stores, and tranports protiens. Smooth ER has no ribosomes (which is why they're smooth) and is involved in metabolic processes including the synthesis, tansport, and storge of lipids. Also detoxes drugs and alcohol.
Small bodies composed of RNA. This is where protiens are made. Can be attached to the ER making it rough (RER) or can be found in cytoplasim ("free ribosomes")
Contain digestive enzymes to break down cell parts or destroy entire cell.
During cell division, they migrate to opposite ends of the cell and produce microtubiles that become spindle apparatus to help pull the cell apart. In pairs they are called centrisomes.
Phases of mitosis
Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
Not a stage of mitosis but is part of the cell cycle. Chromosomes not visible while nuclear membrane is visible. DNA is replicated.
Nuclear envelope and nucleolus disappear, and chromatids become visible and form chromosomes. Centrioles begin migrating to opposite ends of the cell and develop spindle fibers.
Chromosomes line up at center (equitorial plate) and the spindle fibers attach to centromeres of the chromosomes
Chromosome halves (Chromatids) pull apart and begin moving to opposite ends of the cell.
Chromatids arrive @ opposite ends and nuclear envelope forms. Creation of new daughter cell begins.
Study of tissues
Four basic tissue types
Epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous.
Epithelial tissue
lines or covers internal and external body surfaces.
3 shapes of epithelial tissue
cuboidal (cube), columnar (tall column/height), squamous (flat).
more than one layer
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar.
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar.
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Simple ciliated columnar
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Simple ciliated columnar
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Simple columnar
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Simple columnar
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Simple cuboidal
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Simple cuboidal
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Simple squamous
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Simple Squamous
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Simple squamous
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Stratified columnar
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Stratified cuboidal
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Stratified cuboidal
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Stratified cuboidal
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Stratifed squamous
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Stratified squamous
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Stratified squamous
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Trasitional epithelial tissue
Name the following epithelial tissue.
Trasitional epithelial tissue
Connective tissue
Support, protect, and connect. Have living cells in a non-living matrix which is a background material in which the living cells are embedded.
Types of connective tissue
connective proper, cartilige, bone, blood.
Loose connective tissue
irregularly arranged fibroblasts and fibers.
Loose connective tissue with thin fibers.
Loose connective tissue with thick fibers.
Adipose connective tissue
"Fat cells" large and open with nucleus squashed out to the edge of cell.
Dense regular connective tissue
Parallel collagen fibers (White fibrous tissue) ex. tendon.
Dense irregular connective tissue
Found on joints and is a tendon sheath.
Types of cartilage
Hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage