
  1. 2 Behavior Disorders
    • ADHD
    • AUTISM
  3. When is ADHD primarily diagnosed
    in childhood but may carry over into adulthood
  4. what are the 3 varieties of ADHD
  5. Predominately hyperactivimpulsive
    • Predominately inattentive
    • Combined type
  6. Who is Hyperactivity-impulsive more predominant in
  7. Hyperactivity-impulsive is usually diagnosed by who
    teacher or parent
  8. hyperactivity-impulsive is usually symptomatic in what age group
  9. what kind of behavior does hyperactivity-impulsive usually display
    dusruptive behavior
  10. Is Hyperactivity-impulsive a family linked problem
  11. Inattentive ADHD is characterized by
    poor attention span, and poor task skills, doesn't appear to listen when spoken to, and they are easily distracted.
  12. Combined type is characterized by
    inattention, hyperactivity, impulsicity,
  13. how long must combined ADHD symptoms be present to be diagnosed with it
    6 months
  14. Treatment for ADHD (Counceling/Therapy)
    have a positive behavior or reward system

    need highly structured environment with firm, consistent limits with appropriate consequences for disruptive, unruly behavior
  15. Treatment for ADHD (medication)
    These meds are stimulants that instead of creating them more hyperactive they do the opposite effect.
  16. Stimulant Meds
    • Methylphenidate
    • (Ritalin, Concerta)
  17. Nonstimulant meds
  18. what is the goal of strattera
    increase attention and goal directed behavior.
  19. what are the signs of overdose
    (mild) restlessness, nervousness, insomnia

    (severe) panic, hallucinations, circulatory collapse, seizures.
  20. what do you as a nurse want to monitor on a pt with ADHD
    monitor development, height and weight, subjective/objective data, overdose
  21. what do you want to teach the client and the parents
    to give meds in the am with breakfast and if 2nd dose is required give with lunch

    Monitor for vocal and motor tics: meds need to be stopped!!

    Avoid chewing time released meds(concerta)

    Avoid alcohol OTC and cold or decongestant meds
  22. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
    is a recurrent pattern of antisocial behavior
  23. what do oppositional defiant disorder usually display
    negativity, disobedience, hostility, defiant behaviors toward authority, stubbornness, argumentativeness, limit testing, unwillingness to compromise, refusal to accept responsibility for misbehavior.
  24. How do Oppositional Defiant clientsusually view themselves
    Not self Defiant; and see others as unreasonable
  25. what gender usually have Oppositional Defiant Disorder
    Males; before puberty

    Equal in male and females after puberty
  26. Autism is
    an abnormal brain function affecting language, logic and reasoning ability
  27. Autism impairs communications how
    language delay, echolalia, failure to imitate
  28. Autism impairs social interaction how
    lack of responsiveness to and interest in others, lack of eye-to-eye contact, failure to cuddle or be comforthed lack of friendships
  29. rigid adherence to clapping, rocking, flappinh, banging etc, observed before age 3, more common in males than females, skills enhanced?
    sterotypical behavoirs
  30. this disease occurs later in childhood, school age, relationships are difficul and more common in males than females
    aspergers disorder
  31. a situation where in basic need of the client is not being provided. ex: clothing, food, shelter, absence of nurturing
  32. an incident involding some type of violation to the client. ex: physical, emotional, psychological, sexual in nature
  33. women are more highly likely to be abused but what percent of men are?
  34. types of abuse or violence?
    physical, emotional, neglect, sexual, economic
  35. family violence has 3 phases what are they?
    tension, serious battering, honeymoon
  36. minor episodes of anger, may be verbally, abusive, victim takes responsibility for causing anger, accepts blame
    tension building phase
  37. tension becomes to much, incidents occus, victim attempts to cover up inhury
    serious battering phase
  38. abuser becomes loving, promisese to change and is osrry, the victim wants to believe this is tru
    honeymoon phase
  39. how can we assess infant for violence or abuse?
    intracranial hemorrhage, resp distress, bulging fontanels, increased head circumference, bruising before 6 mo
  40. how do we assess for head injuries?
    LOC, n/v and reactive pupils
  41. other ways to note of abuse on children?
    assess for gloved hands or burning, belt shaped lashes or bruises, shapes, forearm spirals reults from grabbing and twisting, bite marks
  42. assessment of older adults and abuse?
    bruises, lacerations, abraisions, fracture with physical appearance does not match history of machanisms of injury
  43. legal intoxication level?
  44. death can occur from acute toxic levels greater than ?
  45. stage 1 of alcohol withdrawl
    minor- restless, anxious, sleeping problems, agitation, tremors, low fever, tachycardia, diaphoresis, hypertension
  46. stage 2 withdrawl?
    major- includes stage 1 symptoms, delusions/hallucinations, tremors, pulse >100, possible vomit
  47. stage 3 withdrawl?
    delirium tremens-temp of 100, diorientations, confusions, irritable
  48. benzos that aide in the maintenance of v/s and decrease seizure risk
    tegretol, catapress, inderal
  49. daily oral med that is a type of aversion (behavioral) therapy
    antabuse (disulfiram)
  50. inflammatory hemmorrhagic and degenerative condition of the brain caused by a thiamine deficiency
    wernicke's encephalopathy
  51. s/s of wernickes
    delirium, memory loss, unsteady gait, altered LOC
  52. Thiamine and b12 deficiences contributes to this
    korsakoff's psychosis
  53. s/s of Korsakoff's?
    disorientation, amnesia, insomnia, hallucinations and peripheral nervouse system
  54. 3 criterias for FAS?
    • 1- retardation growth
    • 2-CNS involvement(delay or impairment)
    • 3-craniofacial impairment, microcephaly, head circumference below 3%, thin upper lip, etc
  55. if an infant meets 1 but not 3 criteria then what?
    diagnosed with FAE
  56. intended affect of opiods?
    euphoria, pain relief, pupil constriction, constipation
  57. if a drug user is having a withdrawl and trying to wean themselves they are usualy put on ?
  58. amphetamines intended effect?
    increased energy, euphoria
  59. toxic effects of amphedimines?
    irritability, psychosis, pos death'
  60. withdrawl of amphetamines
    craving depression, fatigue and sleepy
  61. CAGE assessment?
    to determine if someone may have an issue with using or drinking
  62. C in cage?
    has anyone ever told you that you should CUT down on your drinking/drug use?
  63. A in cage?
    have people ANNOYED you by critizing your drinking/using drugs?
  64. G in cage?
    have you ever felt GUILTY for drinking/drug use?
  65. E in cage?
    have you ever taken an EYE-opener (morning drink or drug) to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?
  66. 11th leading cause of death?
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