
  1. Blue coloring of hands ans feet
  2. Infants weight falls between 90th ad 10th percentile for gestational age
    Appropriate for gestational age
  3. Edema of the newborn scalp which is present at birth, may cross suture lines and is caused by head compression against the cervix
    Caput succedaneum
  4. Collection of blood between the periosteum and the skull of a newborn; appears several hours to a day after birth, does not cross suture lines, and is caused by the rupturing of the periostealbridging veins due to friction ans pressure durin l and d
  5. Surgical removal of the prepuce or foreskin which covers the glans penis
  6. Excessive heat loss
    Cold stress
  7. Loss of heat by the direct contact with a cooler object
  8. Loss of heat by movement of air
  9. Failure of one or both testes to descend
  10. Congenital chromosomal abnormality also called trisomy 21
    Down syndrome
  11. Placement of the urinary Meatus on top of the penis
  12. Small, whitish yellow epitheal cysts found on the hard plate
    Epsteins pearls
  13. Pink rash with firm, yellow white Palouse or pustules found on the chest, abd, or butt of a new born
    Erythema toxcum neonatorum
  14. Loss of heat when water is changed to a vapor
  15. Watery first milk from the breast, high I lactose, like skim milk, and effective in quenching thirst
  16. Placement of the greater toe farther from other toes
    Hallux varus
  17. Follows foremilk, is higher in fat content leads to weight gain and more satisfying
  18. Fluid around the testes in the scrotum
  19. Excess bilirubin in the body
  20. Placement of the urinary Meatus on the underside of the penis
  21. Severe neurological damage resulting from a high keel of bilirubin
  22. Fine hair covering the fetus body
  23. Infants weight falls above the 90th percentile for gestational age
    Large for gestational age
  24. Fetal material stored in the fetal intestines
  25. Saclike protrusion along the vertebral column filled with CSF and meninges
  26. Pearly white cysts on the face
  27. Shaping the fetal head to adapt p the mothers pelvis during labor
  28. Large patches of bluish skin on the buttocks of dark skinned infants
    Mongolian spots
  29. Saclike protrusion along the vertebral column that is filled with spinal fluid, meninges, nerve roots and spinal cord
  30. First few hours after birth where in the newborn makes changes to and stabilizes response and circulatory functions
    Neonatal transition
  31. Environment in which the newborn can maintain internal body temperature with min oxygen consumption and metabolism
    Neutral thermal environment
  32. Large reddish purplish birthmark usually found on te face or neck and does not blanch with pressure
    Nevus flammeus
  33. Birthmark of enlarged superficial blood vessels, elevated and red in color
    Nevus vascularis
  34. Metabolism of brown ft process of unique to the newborn
    Nonshivering thermogenesis
  35. Inflammation of the newborns eyes that results from passing through the birth canal when a gonorrheal or chlamydial infection is present
    Opthalmia neonatorum
  36. Condition where in the opening in the foreskin is so small that it canny be pulled back over the glans
  37. Blood tinged mucus discharge from the vagina
    Of a newborn caused by the withdrawal of maternal hormones
  38. Loss of heat by transfer to cooler near objects but not through direct contact
  39. Infants weight falls below the 10th percentile for gestational age
    Small for gestarional age
  40. Failure of the vertebral arch to close
    Spina bifida occulta
  41. Fusion on two or more fingers or toes
  42. A congenital deformity in which the foot and ankle are twisted inward and cannot be moved to a midline position also known
    As club foot
    Talipes equinovarus
  43. Birthmark of dilated capillaries that blanch with pressure also called stork bite
    Telangiectasic nevi
  44. How may the ears seem?
    Irregular and against the head
  45. What are perocious teeth?
    Teeth at birtg we remove to prevent aspirarion
  46. What may the baby secrete?
    Witches milk and engorged breats and last 2 weeks
  47. When is pseudomenstruation appear?
    First week causes bu withdrawl of maternal hormones
  48. Hymenal tag??
  49. This interstates with urination
    Phimosis and ceyptorchidism
  50. This disappears without treatment?
  51. Where is syndacrtly found?
    On the 2nd and 3rd toe
  52. Reflexes in newborns?
    Moro, rooting, sucking, extrusion, palmar grasp, stepping, tonic neck
  53. If rooting doesn't occur what shud u do and wen shud it disappear?
    Rub side of the face or chin, 3-4wks
  54. When sucking doesn't happen what to do and when does it go away?
    Touch the lip, 10 mo
  55. When extrusion doesn't happen and wen disappear?
    Touch tip of tongue, 4 mo
  56. Palmer grasp? Disappear?
    The baby shud grasp finger when touch palm, 4 mo and if they dont grab could mean frontal lobe lesion
  57. Stepping and when stop?
    Holding hands of baby and standing up to see if they step ther feet, 3 mo
  58. Tonic neck or fencing?
    Turnin neck to one side, extremities on that side extend on the opposite side they flex, 6-8 wks
  59. Upon birth of the fetus head what is suctioned?
    Oropharynx 1st abd nasopharynx next
  60. Compression of the fetal chest during birth causes increased intrathoracic pressure
  61. What is absorbed with the first day after birth?
    Alveolar fluid
  62. Gaseous changes occur when the umbilical cord is clamped, mild asphyxia results and stimulates resp?
  63. Prolong asphyxia causes what?
    CNS resp depressant
  64. Neonate enters an environment about 20 degree cooler than the uterine environment, this change stimulates respirations
  65. Birth leads to auditory, visual and tactile stimuli
  66. Ductus arteriousus does what?
    Reverses blood floe, resulting in more blood through pulmonary arteries
  67. Closure of the ducts arteriousus happens when?
    24 hra and permanent in 3-4 wks
  68. When does the foramen ovule close? And permanent?
    Within minutes ans permanebt in appx 3 mo
  69. What does the ducts venosus do?
    Stops blood flow when cord is clamped an causes blood the blood to flow to the liver like adults
  70. How is heat production increased in the infant?
    Increased by metabolic rste, muscular activity, crying, metabolism of brown fat
  71. How does the neonate maintain the heat?
    Staying in a flexed position
  72. How does hypoxia occur?
    Metabolism of brown fat
  73. With prolonged cold stress this causes what?
    Resp distress
  74. Resp distress may also result in?
    Hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis and jaundice
  75. What is the apgar score for?
    Assess cardiopulmonary status, given immedistely after birth
  76. When is the apgar score need no intervention?
    8 or more
  77. What does is mean with apgar score of 4-8?
    Gentle stimulation and o2 administration is needed
  78. Apgar score of 0-4?
    Needs resusitation
  79. Where and when are bands placed?
    Asap after birth that are matching for mother and infant and on the infant ankle and wrist
  80. When is vit k given and how?
    • IM 1 hour after
    • Birth
  81. When is vit k start to synthesize? Why?
    8 days after birth to prevent hemorrhage
  82. When is the hep vaccine given?
    12 hrs and requires consent
  83. What is used to treat ophthalmia ?
    Erythromycin ointment or tetracycline ointment
  84. When is the cord clamped and cut?
    When pulsating stops
  85. What do we teach ab umbilical cord?
    To put alcohol on it several times daily to dry it out.
  86. Norm weight for neonate?
    5lb 8oz - 8lb 13oz
  87. What is neonate temp?
  88. Heart rate of neonate?
  89. Resp for neonate
  90. Systolic of?
  91. Diastolic of?
  92. Blue coloring of hands and feet
  93. Edema is normal where on neonate?
    Eyes, back of hands, legs, feet, labia/scrotum
  94. Head circumference?
  95. Eye color is noted when?
    3 mo
  96. Chest measurements?
    12-13 in
  97. When can jaundice appear?
    With in 24 hr and resolves in few weeks
  98. Bruising related to diff delivery
  99. When does petechiae show?
    RT difficult delivery
  100. Baby acne, sebaceous glands, resolve with normal hygiene
  101. Molding reolves when?
    2-3 days
  102. Caput succedaneum resolves?
    2-3 days
  103. Cephalhematoma resolves?
    3-6 days
  104. When does stanismus eyes disappear?
  105. Baby can be have what in mouth?
    Percocious teeth, epsteins pearls, resolves in wks
  106. Chest may appear how?
    Engorged, witches milk
  107. Respiration of quiet sleep?
  108. First period of rest?
    30 min, alert active, best bonding, sucking strong
  109. Second period of rest?
    4-6 hrs, awake and alert, v/s fluctuations,
  110. what is rooting reflex? and if not present what can it determine?
    stroking skin at one corner of infants mouth, the infant should turn head toward it, disppears 3-4 mo and cant indicate frontal lobe lesion
  111. what is the sucking reflex? occurs when?
    touching newborns lips, occurs up to 10 mo
  112. if a mother is on barbiturates while breastfeeding what can this cause the baby to do?
    it causes no sucking reflex in the baby due to CNS depression
  113. extrusion reflex? when does it disappear?
    when tip of the tongue is touched or depressed, the infant should force the tongue outward, disppears 4 mo of age
  114. Palmar grasp? when does it disappear? and if not applicapable what is indicated?
    when a finger is placed across the pal, the infants fingers flex and grasp, 4 mo it should be in affect and can indicate frontal lobe lesions.
  115. plantar grasp?
    when the infants leg is held in one hand and the planted surface of the foot is touhed below the toes with the other hand and the toes will curl downward, last until 8 mo of age. if absent with one foot obstructive lesions are suspected, with both feet neurological alterations such as cerebral palsy
  116. tonic neck? or fencing?
    lay baby supine and which ever way you face jaw the legs and arms should extend while the other side should flex, last 6 mo, if after cerebral damage is suspected. may not happe until 6-8 wks
  117. moro relfex?
    when lying supine or semisitting with head 30 degree, you slap a side and the affected side the baby should extend and make a "C" while other side adducts with embracing motion, disappears 4-6 mo and if doesnt, could mean brain damage
  118. gallant reflex?
    when baby is prone with hands under abd and nurse strokes side of spine and baby should turn buttom and legs that way, if no repsonse spinal cord lesions suspected, present till 2 mo
  119. stepping reflex?
    newborn held under arm with feet placed on firm surface, infant should lift alternate feet as if walking, disappears 3 mo of age
  120. Babinskis reflex?
    when stroking the plantar surefave lateral heel area upward the greater toe should dorsiflex while other toes fan out, present after baby has mastered walking
  121. crossed extension reflex?
    supine holding one leg extended with the knee pressed down and stimulating the bottom of that foot, the other leg should flex, adduct and extend , present in 4 wks of birth
  122. placing reflex?
    infant held under arms from behind then brought to a standing position, touching the dorsum of one foot to the edge of the table, the affected leg will lift on the table, breech babies and cerebral cortex diff may not respond
  123. quiet sleep?
    resp regular 100-120, stimuki wont alter newborn state
  124. active sleep?
    resp rapid, irregular, sucking, stretching, face movement
  125. when must the gestational age be determined?
    first 4 hrs after birth
  126. on a baby assessment what should be assessed first and what for?
    posture, should be flexed and for neuromuscular maturity
  127. umbillicus assessment?
    2 arteries 1 vein
  128. what decreases SIDS?
  129. what type of bath for first 10 days?
    sponge bath
  130. when can tub baths be used?
    after cord falls off
  131. how do we circumcise?
    only full term babies, put 20% sucrose analgesic on pacifier, new ointment every 24-48 hrs
  132. is light bleed ok for circumcision?
    yes! may apply 4x4 if needed
  133. how many wet diapers after circumcision
  134. signs of hunger?
    fussy, wide awake, sucking on hands, rooting
  135. position for feeding?
    cradle, foot ball, side lying or across the lap hold
  136. physiologic jaundice?
    appears after 24 hours caused by fetal bllod cells recycling
  137. pathologic jaundice?
    appears prior 24 hrs, can be avoided with rhogam shot or lead to kernicterus (retardation)
  138. should we increase fluids for babies with jaundice?
  139. who is associated with RDS?
    preterm infants and surfactant deficiency
  140. what is noted with nasal flaring and grunting?
    Transient tachypnea of newborn, shortly after birth.
  141. how should cleft lip babies sleep?
    side lying
  142. sac containing csf and meninges? how to treat this?
    meningocele, and surgery, no long term effects
  143. sac containing csf, meninges, nerves, spinal cord, how to treat?
    myelomeningocele amd may cause paralysis
  144. symptoms of trisomy 21?
    short low set ears, broad neck, tansverse palmar crease, slanted eyes
  145. what are down syndrome babies at increased risk for?
    cardiac anomolies, GI defect, endocrine disorders and leukemia
  146. Talipes Equinovarus or club foot?
    where foot and ankle turn inward, may be able to correct and wear cast
  147. what is necessary for production of surfactant?
  148. when do withdrawl symptoms begin after birth for infant of substance abuse?
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