quack 3

  1. bucolic
    charmingly rural
  2. pretentious
    making ridiculous claims
  3. gllible
    easily deceived
  4. convivial
    fond of partying ; festive
  5. fabricate
    to lie
  6. gesticulate
    to make gestures , especially when speaking
  7. laud
    to praise ; to applaud
  8. conflagration
    a huge fire ; inferno
  9. induce
    cause to happen
  10. soporific
    causing sleep ; very boring
  11. anarchy
    lawlessness ; an absense of government or control
  12. stident
    shrill ; high-pitched
  13. nonchalant
    not showing any worry or concern
  14. discrete
    unconnected ; seperate ; distinct
  15. discreet
    sneaky ; unoticable
  16. malleable
    easy to shape or bend
  17. ldicrous
    absurd ; ridiculous
  18. abridge
    to shorten or condense
  19. belabor
    to go over repeatedly or to an absurd extent
  20. reiterate
    to say again ; to repeat
Card Set
quack 3
vocabulary words for sat test