Zoology Quiz 2

  1. Pseudopodia is an _____ ____ .
    There are three types of pseudopodia, they are _____ _____ _____.
    Lobopodia, reticulopodia & axopodia
  2. Members of the subphylum Euglenida typically have a _______ & a ______ (specifically pulling _____). They are also typically free living & _______.
    stiff pellicle, flagellum, flagellum, autotrophs
  3. Trypanasoms are all _________. They have a ______ present. They are spread by a _____.
    parasites, kinetoplast, vector
  4. Both Eugleanodis and Trypanosomes reproduce ______ by ______.
    asexually, binary fission
  5. Phylum _____ are mostly ____ &some colonial. They are also heterotrophs. They have ____, a stiff pellical, multiple ___, and _____ _______.
    • Ciliophora, unicellular
    • cilia, nuclei, defensive trichocytes
  6. ________ is one example of Phylum ciliophora.
  7. Volvox is an example of a ______ _____.
    Clade Plantae
  8. Volvox reproduces __________.
    sexually and asxeually
  9. Characteristics of the Clade Plantae are: autotrophic with _____.
    many forms are _____.
    • chloroplasts
    • flagellated
  10. The Clade Plantae includes, Foraminifera ____, and ______.
    Radiolarians, Amebozoa
  11. Formainifera have ______ and usually ______ test. When they die they form ____ & _____.
    • reticulopodia
    • calcium carbonate
    • chalk, lime stone
  12. Radiolarians have ______ silica test. When they die they make ____ or _____.
    • axopodia
    • chert or flint
  13. Amebozoa move & feed with ______ (usually _____). They don't have a ___ ____ but mainly a test.
    • pseudopodia, lobopodia
    • stiff pellicle
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Zoology Quiz 2