Chemistry (a): electron configuration and element families

  1. what are two properties of representitive elements?
    • very reactive
    • soft, (able to be cut with a knife)
  2. what are two properties of metals (in general)?
    • electrically conductive
    • malleable
  3. what are two properties of nonmetals?
    • non conductive
    • brittle
  4. what are two properties of metalloids?
    • properties of metals and nonmetals
    • semi-conductors
  5. what are two properties of alkali metals?
    • softer than most metals
    • most reactive
  6. what are two properties of alkaline earth metals?
    • very reactive
    • not found free in nature
  7. what are three properties of halogens?
    • very reactive
    • low melting points
    • create compounds essential for body function
  8. what are two properties of noble gases?
    • color-less
    • nonreactive
  9. what are two properties of transition metals?
    • vary greatly in reactivity
    • most have high melting points
  10. what are two properties of inner transition metals?
    • good conductors
    • malleable
  11. Where are representitive elements?
    left most column
  12. Where are nonmetals?
    to the right of the jagged line
  13. Where are the metalloids?
    surrounding dark line
  14. Where are the alkali metals?
    left-most column
  15. Where are the halogens?
    2nd column from the right (ends in p5)
  16. Where are the alkaline earth metals?
    2nd column from the left
  17. Where are the noble gases?
    right most column
  18. Where are the transition metals?
    in the d block
  19. Where are the inner transition metals?
    f block
  20. What does the aufbau principle say?
    electrons go into lowest energy orbital 1st
  21. What does hund's rule say?
    one electron goes into each orbital of a sublevel until all have electrons with parallel spins
  22. What does the pauli exclusion principle say?
    orbital describes a max of 2 electrons and they must have opposite signs
  23. horizontal rows on a periodic table are referred to as _______.
  24. vertical columns on a periodic table are referred to as _______.
  25. How many orbitals are in th s,p,d and f sublevels?
    • s:1
    • p:3
    • d:5
    • f:7
  26. What is the max number of electrons the 3rd principal energy level can have?
    18 electrons
  27. What designates principal energy level?
  28. What is the principal energy level?
    how many "rings" an electron has or how many rows down it is
  29. What is the sublevel?
    has all orbitals (boxes in box notation for electron configurations) for s, p,d or f
  30. What is an orbital?
    • box in electron configuration.
    • can hold 2 electrons maximum
  31. What is the maximum number of elecrons a d sublevel can hold?
    10 electrons
  32. What is the max electrons a p orbital can hold?
    2 electrons
Card Set
Chemistry (a): electron configuration and element families
chemistry (unit 3)