psych 6 adulthood

  1. menopause:
    the time of natural cessation of menstruation; also refers to the biological changes a woman experiences as her ability to reproduce declines. (p. 164)
  2. eyesight
    With age, the eye’s pupil shrinks and its lens becomes less transparent, reducing the amount of light reaching the retina. In fact, a 65-year-old retina receives only about one-third as much light as its 20-year-old
  3. adults
    • get less sicker than a 20 yr old, but more succeptable to bigger sicknesses i.e.. cancer, namonia
    • being physically active good for heart
  4. adult memory
    • seems to decline a little bit compared to younger
    • No matter how quick or slow we are, remembering seems also to depend on the type of information we are trying to retrieve.
    • if its meaningful more likely to remember
  5. crystallized intelligence:
    our accumulated knowledge and verbal skills; tends to increase with age. (p. 167)
  6. fluid intelligence:
    our ability to reason speedily and abstractly; tends to decrease during late adulthood. (p. 167)
  7. social clock:
    the culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement. (p. 168)
  8. middle life crisis
    is not as bad as people make look to be
  9. Marriage bonds
    • are especially likely to last when couples marry after age 20 and are well educated
    • 1 in every 2 mariages divorce
    • in europe a little less comon
    • a more satisfying marriage, which breeds better parent-child relations
  10. generativity.
    Freud defined the healthy adult as one who is able to love and work. Erikson agreed, observing that the adult struggles to attain intimacy and
  11. Contrary to what many people assume
    people of all ages report similar levels of happiness
  12. print charts- of adulthood
  13. Developmental researchers who emphasize learning and experience tend to believe in _______; those who emphasize biological maturation tend to believe in _______.
    continuity; stages
  14. Although development is lifelong, there is stability of personality over time. For example,
    temperament tends to remain stable throughout life.
  15. print chpt review
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psych 6 adulthood