Arch 351 Midterm Key Works pt. 2

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    Notre Dame Cathedral, Chartres, France, 1220

    • Westfront: beyond Tymphanum: alongside of doors were figures of saints + kings of France (mixed reli and gov)
    • Fire-> east and west not equal
    • single aisle, big transept, double aisle apse
    • volume of cross becomes more prominent and significant
    • transepts become entrances
    • buttress cleaner, double set windows w rose window, blind gallery allows maximizing of stained glass
    • vaulting comes all the way down the wall
    • 4 part vaulting system
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    Notre Dame Cathedral, Amiens, France, 1220

    • Combo of horizontal banding that creates light facade
    • Refinement of buttressing system, extension of space, permuable exterior
    • further refinement of vaults
    • 3 storey nave elevation with 4 part vaulting & pronounced transept (Chartres)
    • 2 lancent windows and 1 eloculous ->tracery creates lightness of wall
    • piers rise up and hold vaults in place, skeletal structure articulates the lightness -> features stained glass
    • Greater height & thinner
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    Ste. Chapelle, Paris, France, 1250

    • buttressing system allows the exterior walls to be almost entirely comprised of stained glass
    • Gothic tracery and dark stained glass is reinforced with iron chains
    • stonework painted like stained glass
    • 4 part vaulting
    • The upper level was private and linked to Louis 9th's palace, and contains relics of Christ's Passion. The lower level is linked to the courtyard.
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    Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, England, 1200

    • open choir of St. Denis influence
    • 3 part elevation but not huge heights: clerestory, triforium, aisle
    • layering of vault
    • VS Durham Cathedral (Norman/High G, England, 1100)
    • ---thicker, taller, passage in triforium gallery, closer connection to vault
    • ---slimming down
    • ---both layering wall system but Canterbury layering of material vs D layering of structure
    • ---horizontal spacing (not vertical)
    • ---vaulting is not architectural, ends in middle
    • ---striving for expression of materials
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    Salisbury Cathedral, Salisbury, England, 1260

    • conceptually similar: 2 towers w central entrance, no rose window
    • elements don't line up - interior w a face
    • no radiating chapels (in F Gothic)
    • more rectilinear spaces, sequential
    • vaults do not come down to floor, main aisle independ. of nave
    • unity absent
    • more highly elaborated nave walls, gilded columns, cut space into three levels -- horizontally
    • Chapter house (not in F Gothic) - civic function and fan vaulting
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    Wells Cathedral, Wells, England, 1320

    • appearance most like F. : vertical, connect of doors to aisles
    • expressive innovative instead of structural
    • barrel vault w decorations
    • upper choir wall becomes lavey decorative
    • English moved to less about structural importance
    • VS Notre Dame Cathedral, Amiens (H Gothic)
    • ---both want lightness of walls/transparency but express different ways - vertical high wall vs deco
    • ---not same proportion of space of structure
    • chapter house, clositer, tracery of walls like F. Arch
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    Great Mosque, Isfahan, Iran, 1100

    • Seljuq Dynasty
    • ---Secular figure (opp. of Carolingian)
    • ---institution of madrasas=schools of Islamic law
    • Built over time like Cordoba, Spain Mosque
    • Iwan=open vaulted hall, exterior, combo of hypostyle hall in Mosque and regional outdoor style hall, facing Mecca
    • Worship in Iran is mostly outside, simple complex with walls around it
    • carving of stone and brick as script decoration
    • hypostyle hall: combo of pointed arched vaults + muqarnas domes that run in opp. directions
    • ---Muqarnas vault: honey comb pattern that resolve the difference, shows culturally mathematically, geom. sophisticaltion (ex. squinch + pendentive)
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    Mosque-madrasa of Sultan Hasan al-Nasir, Cairo, Egypt, 1350

    • Mamluk Dynasty
    • a palace that dev into a fortress near the gate and wall of Cairo, not inside city
    • civic space dev for commerce
    • complex of mosque (center) and 4 madrasas (schools) and series of public institutions
    • central courtyard space, 4 vaulted space w fountain for worship
    • central mausoleum framed by 2 minarets
    • Muqarnas vaulting and cornice
    • Highly dev brick work/deco patter/scale like Isfahan, large range of color marble
    • opposted to courtyard mosque - Isfahan, Iran
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    Alhambra, Granada, Spain, 1350

    • Nasrid Dynasty
    • Not religiuos, Palace complex. No worship
    • Fortress town that gradually dev iinto a princely complex
    • Court of Myrtles - vegetation, importance of landscape, absolute stillness of water, lightness of material and surface treatment - non structural arcade in courtyard
    • lavish tile and stucco dec
    • column capitals, niches, muqarnas vaults
    • Hall of Ambassadors for Sultan to receive guests, interior plasterwork richly colored and patterned
    • Lion Court has a 12 lion fountain
    • muqarnas squinches lead to octagonal dome creating dematerialization and afemoral struct.
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    Monpazier, France, 1300

    • a bastide town, a countryside town, self govern
    • civic marketplace > church
    • wall, gridded town, repetitive lots, space of church and market, major and minor streets
    • walls were inhabited
    • simple stonework, venacular, not deco or high
    • marketplace with a continous arcade creating 'protection', gothic style arches and arcades but modest
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    Lubeck, Germany, 1300

    • In Hanseatic League, center of trade agreements
    • Marketplace > church
    • guild on townhall - gothic trait is expressive of social class/occcupation
    • Famous for harrings and fish
    • double-walled
    • authority of individual
    • Main church: ;Marienkirche
    • Marketplace with protective arcaded space
    • towhall has symbols of gild of the the town, Gothic
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    Venice: Piazza S. Marco, 1180; Basilica S. Marco, 1300; Doge's Palace, 1400

    • the combination of space of church and governence
    • Byzantine flavor of repositiong
    • Piazza in city and turns to the sea where the commerce is
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    Florence: Piazza della Signoria, 1300; Palazzo Vecchio, 1300

    • wealth of an individual becomes urban symbol
    • both together form a city
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Arch 351 Midterm Key Works pt. 2
Arch 351 Midterm Key Works pt. 2