Ch. 19 review

  1. Characteristics of Iberian society
    • Heavily urban
    • Patriarticle
    • Slavery
    • Buearacracy or lawyers and judges
  2. The Carribean
    • -where 1st spanish colony was set up
    • -where spanish created their model where it would be applies to the Americans.
  3. Hispaniola
    • Also called Santo De Mingo
    • First Spanish colony in the new world
  4. Encomiendas
    Grant of american indian laborers driven by the spanish nobles.
  5. Taino
    Group of natives would work for the Spanish in the Carribean under the encomienda system.
  6. Difference from cities in Europe and Carribean
    Carribean- layed out in a grid. Main things were in the central part of town.
  7. Bartolome De Las Casa
    conquistador turn priest, initiated, struggle for justice, replace native americans
  8. Hernan Corte's
    conquerer of Aztecs
  9. Background of Spanish Conquistudors
    • Come from humble origins
    • new opportunity to be a noble
  10. 1620s
    When encomiendas weren't present in the new world anymore.
  11. Brazil
    becomes the 1st plantation colony. Then was copied my the Carribean.
  12. Pedro Alvares Cabral
    discovered Brazil
  13. 1700
    half the population of Brazil were slaves.
  14. Mina Gerais
    Where they found gold in Brazil in 1695.
  15. Bourbon Dynasty
    • Family took over Spain.
    • Responsible for reforms in America-they were for overhaul colonial administration in America.
  16. Mita
    • forced labor in Peru.
    • to work in the mines and on other projects, many abuses of the system.
  17. Advantages the Spanish have over the native populations of the Americas
    • horses, weapons, and disease spread
    • internal division and decline
    • leadership rivalries.
  18. Potosi
    the largest mine of all, producing about 80% of all the Peruvian silver.
  19. Huancavelica
    • a spanish discovery of a mountain of mercury
    • aided american silver production
  20. 1580s
    The year silver extraction in Peru increased rapidly due to the use of European techniques.
  21. How was the Spanish commercial system controlled by the Board of Trade and consulado
    • registered ships and passengers, kept charts, and collected taxes
    • Consulado controlled good shipped to America and handled much of the silver received in return.
  22. Galleons
    Used to carry the silver, belonging to the crown.
  23. How discovery of America bullion was detrimental to Spain's economy
    • brought spanish economy down
    • there was alot out there, so they were of less value
    • inflation-need tight money policy, missing artisans
  24. Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
    a hypothetical north-south line around the globe and reserving to Portugal the newly discovered lands, to the east of the line and to Castile all lands to the west.

    • west=Spain
    • east=Portugal
  25. Recopilacion
    • laws contradictory at times.
    • codified the laws into the basis for government in the colonies
  26. Viceroyalties
    subdivided into 10 judicial divisons, controlled by superior courts, audiencas, staffed by professional royal magistrates.
  27. Why was Portugal not interested in the colony of Brazil after Pedro ALvares Cabral discovered the land?
    There was little at first to attract European interest except for the dyewood trees.
  28. Captaincies
    strips of land along the coast. nobles were given these.
  29. What portion of the Brazilian population were slaves?
  30. What were the primary differences between the Spanish and Portugese empires in the New World?
    Spanish- exclusively colonized the Americans. Not Philippines.

    Portugal- Asia, Africa, Brazil
  31. What was the significance of the port Rio de Janeiro?
    It became the capital of the colony in 1763. It was the port closest to the mine.
  32. Who introduced similar reforms on the colonial economy?
    Marquis of Pombal.
  33. Who would institute reforms within the Spanish empire during the 18th century?
    Jose de Galvez
  34. How was slavery affected by the reforms in Brazil?
    He abolished slavery in Portugal to stop the import of slaves there and to ensure a steady supply to Brazil.
  35. Who was Tupac Amaru?
    Led great indian uprising. Name is Jose Gabriel Condorconqui. Led a rebellion against "bad government"
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Ch. 19 review
Review questions for ch. 19