1. Where is the Simple Squamous ET?
    air sac of lungs
  2. Where is the Simple Cuboidal ET?
    Kidney Tubules
  3. Where is the Simple Columnar ET?
    lines the gallbladder
  4. Where is the pseudostratified columnar ET?
    Ciliated in trachea
  5. Where can you find a stratified squamous ET? Keratinized.
  6. Where can you find a Stratified Squamous ET? nonkeratinized.
  7. Where can you find the Stratified Cuboidal ET?
    Largest ducts of sweat glands
  8. Where can you find a Stratified Columnar ET?
    Small Amounts in Male Urethra
  9. Where can you find a transitional epithelium tissue?
    Lines Bladder
  10. What does Simple Squamous ET do?
    allows passage of materials by diffusion & filtration; secretes lubricating substances in serosae
  11. What is the function of Simple Cuboidal ET?
    Secretion & Absorption
  12. What is the function of the Simple Columnar ET?
    Absorption; secretion of mucus
  13. What is the function of pseudostratified columnar ET?
    secretion, particularly mucus
  14. What is the function of Stratified Squamous ET?
    Protects tissues in areas subjected to abrasion
  15. what is the function of a stratified cuboidal et?
  16. What does the stratified columnar et do?
    Protection & Secretion
  17. What is the function of a transitional ET?
    Stretches readily & permits distension of urinary organ by contained urine
  18. What does Epithelial Tissue do?
    Lines the surface
  19. what are the five characteristics of ET?
    Cellularity, Regenerations, Avascularity, Polarity, and Supported by connective tissue
  20. What is cellularity?
    when cells fit closely together to form membranes
  21. What is Avascularity?
    having no blood supply of their own & depends of diffusion of nutrients
  22. what is the apical surface?
    the cell membrance is one biologicalmembrane seperating the interior of a cellfrom the outside environment
  23. Define the characteristics 'supported by connective tissue'?
    cells are attached & supported by "basement membrane" (basal surface) which is secreted by ET (basal lamina) & connective tissue (reticular lamina)
  24. Which cells have Goblet Cells & are Ciliated?
    Columnar ET. Specifically. simple & pseudostratified columnar ET
  25. What
  26. What is secretion?
    The release of a substance
  27. Define absorption?
    The active or passive uptake of gases, fluids or solutes
  28. what is keratinized?
  29. what is nonkeratinized?
  30. define diffusion?
    passive molecular movement from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration
  31. Define filtration?
    the movement of a fluid across a membrane whose pores restrict the passage of solutes on the base of size
  32. define voluntary control
    consciously controlled
  33. define involuntary control
    unconsciously controlled, no control
  34. Is the cardiac muscle voluntary or involuntary?
  35. which tissues could you find striations?
    skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue
  36. what are intercalated disks?
    brancing uninucleate cells that fit together at junctions in cardiac muscle
  37. where can you find smooth muscle?
    walls of hollow organs
  38. Where can you find cardiac muscle?
    walls of the heart
  39. Where can you find smooth muscle?
    Large intestines
  40. Where can you find skeletal muscle?
    attached to the skeleton
  41. What is the function of cardiac muscle?
    Propels blood
  42. What is the function of the smooth muscle?
    Propels substances along internal passage ways
  43. is the smooth muscle voluntary or involuntary?
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