Keeping the Republic

  1. Define politics
    Who gets what, when, and how. Process of determining how power resources are distributed without violence.
  2. What is power?
    The ability to get other people to o what you want.
  3. What are resources?
    Assets and advantages that help us to achieve a desired outcome.
  4. Define social order
    The way we organize and live our collective lives.
  5. Legitimate is described as..
    The accepted "right" or what is proper
  6. Government is..
    A system of organization for exercising authority over a body of people
  7. Authority
    Power that is recognized as legitimate
  8. Rules are..
    Directives that specify how resources will be distributed or what procedures will govern collective activity
  9. Instituitions
    Are oganizations in which gov power is exercised
  10. Define economics
    Production and distribution of material resources and services
  11. Capitalist Economy
    An economic system in which the market determines production, distribution, and price decisions. Property is privately owned.
  12. Laissez-faire Capitalism
    Market makes all the decisions and the gov plays no role
  13. Regulated Capitalism
    Gov intervene to protect rights to protect rights and make procedural guarantees
  14. Procedural Guarantees
    Gov assurances that the rules will work smoothly and treat everyone fairly, no promise of particular outcomes
  15. Socialist Economy
    State determines production, distribution, and price decisions. Property is gov owned
  16. Substantive guarantees
    Gov assurance of particular outcome or results
  17. Authoritarian Governments
    Systems in which the state holds all power over the social order.
  18. Monarchy
    Authoritarian gov with power vested in king or queen
  19. Theocracy
    Authoritarian gov that claims to draw power from divine or religious authority
  20. Fascist Government
    Authoritarian gov in which policy is made for the ultimate glory of that state.
  21. Oligarchy
    Rule by a small group of elites
  22. Totalitarian Government
    System in which absolute power is exercise over every aspect of life
  23. Authoritarian Capitalism
    State allows people economic freedom but has strict social regulations to limit noneconomic behavior.
  24. Anarchy
    Absence of government and law
  25. Democracy
    Government that vests power in the people
  26. Popular sovereugnty
    The concept that the citizens are the ultimate source of political power
  27. Elite Democracy
    Theory of democracy that limits the citizens role to choosing among competing leaders
  28. Pluralist Democracy
    Theory of democracy that holds that citizen membership in groups is the key to political power.
  29. Participatory Democracy
    Theory of democracy that says citizens should actively and directly control of all aspects of their lives
  30. Communist Democracy
    Utopian system where property is communally owned and all decisions are made democratically.
  31. Subjects
    Individuals who are obliged the submit to a gov authority against which they have no rights
  32. Citizens
    Members of political community having both rights and responsibilities
  33. Social Contract
    Notion that society is based on an agreement between gov and the governed in which people agree to give up some rights in exchange for protection of others
  34. Define Republic
    Gov in which decisions are made through representatives of the people.
  35. Immigrants
    Citizens or subjects of one country who move to another country to live or work
  36. Naturalization
    Legal process of acquiring citizenship for someone who has not acquired it by birth
  37. Asylum
    Protection or sanctuary from political persecution
  38. Refugees
    Individuals who flee an area/country because of persecution based on race, nationality, religion..
  39. Political culture
    Broad pattern of ideas/beliefs about citizens and gov held by population
  40. Values
    Central ideas, principles, or standards that most people agree are important
  41. Normative
    How things should be/what people should do rather than what is actually occurring.
  42. Individualism
    Belief that what is good for society is based on what is goo for individuals
  43. Conservatives
    People who generally favor limited gov and are cautious about change
  44. Liberals
    People who are generally for gov and view change as progress
  45. Economic liberals
    Favor an expanded gov role in economy but a limited role in social order
  46. Economic conservatives
    Favor a strict gov in economy and social order
  47. Libertarians
    Those who favor minimal gov
  48. Social liberals
    Favor greater control of economy and the social order to bring about great equality and to regulate effects of progress
  49. Communitarians
    Favor strong substantive gov role in the economy and social order in order to realize their vision of a community of equals
  50. Social conservatives
    Endorse limited gov but want interventions to enforce social order
Card Set
Keeping the Republic
Chapters 1&2