What type of stem cells differentiate into cells that produce platelets?
hemopoietic stem cells
What creates a platelet?
The fragments of megakaryocytes
How do platelets get into blood/
they break off of megakaryocytes in red bone marrow and then enter the blood circulation.
What is the shape of a platelet?
disc shaped and has no nucleus, but many vesicles
What do platelets do?
help stop blood loss from damaged blood vessels by forming a platelet plug
What do platelets have that promote blood clotting?
Their granules contain chemicals that, when released, promote blood clotting
How long do platelets live?
5-9 days
How are platelets removed once dead?
by fixed macrophages in the spleen and liver
Name the functions of the neutrophils
Phagocytosis. Destruction of bacteria with lysozyme, defensins, and strong oxidants, such as superoxide anion, hydrogen peroxide, and hypochlorite anion
Name the functions of the eosinophils
Combat the effects of histamine in allergic reactions, phagocytize antigen–antibody complexes, and destroy certain parasitic worms
Name the funtions of the basophils
Liberate heparin, histamine, and serotonin in allergic reactions that intensify the overall inflammatory response.
Name the funtions of the lymphocytes
Mediate immune responses, including antigen–antibody reactions. B cells develop into plasma cells, which secrete antibodies. T cells attack invading viruses, cancer cells, and transplanted tissue cells. Natural killer cells attack a wide variety of infectious microbes and certain spontaneously arising tumor cells.
Name the funtions of the monocytes
Phagocytosis (after transforming into fixed or wandering macrophages
Name the funtions of the platelets
Form platelet plug in hemostasis; release chemicals that promote vascular spasm and blood clotting
What is a CBC
a very valuable test that screens for anemia and various infections
What are the normal hemoglobin ranges in infants, women and men?
infants, 14–20 g/100 mL of blood; adult females, 12–16 g/100 mL of blood; and adult males, 13.5–18 g/100 mL of blood