Dental materials

  1. to connect or fasten; to bind. Items are jointed together at the surface in three main ways; by mechanical adhesion (physical interlocking), by chemical adhesion, or by a combination of the two
    bond or bonding
  2. the act of sticking two things together. In dentistry the term is used frequently to describe the bonding or cementation process. Chemical ______ occurs when atoms or molecules of dissimilar substances bond together. _______ differes from cohesion, inwhich attraction among atoms and molecules of like materials hold them together
  3. terms used interchangeably to describe the process of preparing the surface of a tooth or restoration for bonding. The most common material is phosphoric acid
    etch or conditioning
  4. a reaction that links low molecular weight resin molecules (monomers) together into high molecular weight chains (polymers) that harden or set. The reaction can be initiated by striclty a chemical reaction (self-cure), by light in the blue wave spectrum (light-cure), by a combination of the two (dual-cure), or by heat
    cure or plymerization
  5. ability of a liquid to we or intimately contact a solid surface. water beading on a waxed car is an example of poor _________
  6. bonding to dentin that is kept moist after acid etching to facilitate penetration of bonding resins into etched dentin
    wet dentin bonding
  7. a tenacious layer of debris on the dentin surface resulting from cutting the tooth during cavity preparation. It is composed mostly of fine particles of cut tooth structure
    smear layer
  8. a low-viscosity resin that penetrates porosities and irregularities in the surface of the tooth or restoration created by acid etching for the purpose of facilitating bonding
    bonding agent
  9. an attribute that allows a material to tolerate the presence of moisture
  10. an attribute that does not allow a material to tolerate or perform well in the presence of moisture
  11. a bonding system that includes etching of both enamel and dentin as a separate step from the application of bonding agents
    total-etch system
  12. a resin/dentin laer formed by intermixing of the dentin boding agent with collagen fibrils exposed by acid etching. It serves as an excellent resin-rich layer onto which the restorative material, such as composite resin, can be bonded
    hybrid layer
  13. leakage of fluid and bacteria that occurs at the interface of the tooth and the restoration margins and is caused by microscopic gaps
  14. movement of fluid in the microscopic gap of the restoration margin as a result of differences in expansion and contraction rates of the tooth of the restoration with temperature changes
  15. pain caused by movement of pulpal fluid in open (unsealed) dentinal tubules. Actions that cause a change in the pressure on the fluid within the dentinal tubules stimulate a pain response from nerve fibers in the odontoblastic processes that extend into the dentinal tubules from the pulp
    hydrodynamic theory of tooth sensitivity
  16. contact with a substance that changes the chemical or mechanical properties (e.g. _____________ of the etched surface of the tooth with saliva before bonding)
Card Set
Dental materials
week three