Year2 Mod6 Math and Science

  1. 1 cubic foot of water = 6.22 Imp Gal
    1 cubic foot of water = 7.48 US Gal
    relative denity of Hg = 13.6
  2. The weight of 1 Imp. gal of water.
    10 lbs
  3. Weight of 1 US gal of water
    8.33 lbs
  4. 1 cubic foot of water weighs
    62.4 lbs
  5. 1 L of water weighs
    1 kg
  6. 1 cubic meter of water weighs
    1000 kgs
  7. Define saturated steam.
    steam at the same temp. as the water from which the steam was produced
  8. What is the most steam produced by one lb of water?
    dry saturated steam

    .98lb of steam.
  9. How do you convert guage pressure to absolute pressure?
    add 14.7
  10. How do you convert Inches of Vaccuum to psia?
    subtract the reading from 29.92" to acheive positive pressure and then multiply the answer by .491 psi/inch of mercury
  11. A pressure goes up

    Boiling Temp goes.....

    Volume goes....
    boiling temp increases --- direct correlation

    Volume of steam becomes less --- indirect correlation
  12. What is the 45' ratio for offsets?
    run/offset times 1.414 gets hypoteneuse
  13. What does pH stand for?

    What is neutral?

    What is acidic?

    What is alkaline?
    the level of acidity-- the # of H ions present

    • Neutral = 7
    • Acidic = 0-6.9
    • Alkaline = 7.1 - 14
  14. What is total hardness in water?
    how much mineral deposit dissolved in water.

    measured in 1mg/l = 1ppm
  15. What is temporary hardness in water?
    Bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium dissolved in the water. When heated, causes scaly deposits from 120'F to 140'F.
  16. What is permanent hardness in water?
    carbonates of calcium and magnesium, sulphates, nitrates and chlorides.

    Do not create scale unless water is heated above 350'F. When in steam, does not evaporate so stays in boiler. This causes the sludge in boilers hence blow-off valves.
  17. What is Archimedes' Principle?
    buoyant forces acting on a body reduced the weight of the body equal to the weight of the liquid the body displaced.
  18. The three laws of Buoyancy?
    • 1. a body sinks if the mass of the fluid displaced is less than the mass of the body
    • 2. if a body displaces a mass of fluid greater than its own mass, it will float
    • 3. a body remains in equlibrium neither rising nor sining if the mass of the fluid it displaces equals its own mass
  19. Buoyant Force= weight of liquid displaced
    Weight of liquid displaced = volume x density of liquid
  20. What does the pH scale measure?
    hydrogen ion concentration
  21. What causes water to be acidic?
    large H ion concentration
  22. What is considered neutral?

    • below 7 = acidic
    • above 7 = basic (alkaline)
  23. An object that floats has a relative density of?
    less than one
  24. An object that floats will displace a volume of fluid...
    less than the object volume
  25. In alternating current, how often (frequency) do the electrons alternate direction?
    60 times/second
  26. When electricty is related to water:

    Voltage =

    Amperage =

    Resistance =
    • Voltage = pressure
    • Amperage = flow rate
    • Resistance = friction
  27. An electricity generator has two important parts:
    stator and rotor
  28. the Electromitiv force in an electrical circuit is measured in?
  29. Electrical current producted by most large power generating plants is usaully....
  30. Define Ohm's Law.
    • - 1 volt will push 1 amp through 1 ohm
    • - increase of voltage increases current flow if resistance stays same
    • - increase in resistance decreases current flow if voltage stays same
  31. Ohm's Law

    I R

    E= voltage
    I= current
    R = resistance
    In series circuit all resistances (loads) are additive

    • In parrallel circuit, total resistance is:
    • 1/Rt=1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
  32. Which class of lever always has a mechanical advantage greater than 1?
    class 2

  33. Which class of lever can have a mechanical advantage greater or less than 1?
    class 1

  34. Which class of lever always has a mechanical advantage less than 1?
    class 3

  35. A pair of pliers is considered a class ____ lever.
  36. A pipe wrench is considered a class ___ lever.
  37. What is Boyle's Law?
    the inverse relationship between pressure and volume of gases

    • P1V1=P2V2
    • NOTE: based on psia
  38. What is Charle's Law?
    the direct relationship between temperature and volume of gas.

    • Note: based on absolute temps.
    • Rankin(imp) = +460
    • Kelvin (met) = +273
  39. What is the Combined Gas Law?
    relationship between temperature and pressure.

    P1V1T2 = P2V2T1
  40. Electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom in pathways called:
  41. Electromagnetism can be produced by:
    electrical current flow creating a magnetic field around a conductor
  42. Electrolysis is:
    producing electricity by chemical reaction
  43. In a series circuit, total resistance is:
    the sum of all resistances in the circuit
  44. In a parallel circuit, total resistance is:
    less than the smallest resistance in the circuit
  45. What is the definition of flow rate?
    the quantity moving in a pipe
  46. Charle's Law states that an increase in temp will result in:
    an increase of volume
  47. What does the monoflow tee rely on?
    venturi princple
  48. Lever that always has mechanical advantage greater than 1?
    class 2
  49. Lever that always has mechanical advantage less than 1?
    class 3
Card Set
Year2 Mod6 Math and Science
Math and Science, mostly formulas and specific numbers to memorize