intro to caries

  1. _____ of adults have decay
  2. what is caries mechanisms thru history?
    • worms
    • humor
    • vital
    • chemical
    • parasite
    • chemo-parasitic (miller 1890)
    • proteolytic
    • proteolysis-chelation (schatz and martin 1955)
    • auto-immunity (1966)
  3. What is GV Black's contribution in 1914?
    • he described both the sites and mechanism of dissolution of enamel
    • had good idea of plaque (now known as biofilm)
  4. What are the 3 requirements for caries?
    • 1. host factors: tooth
    • 2. microflora: plaque
    • 3. substrate: diet
  5. What is caries?
    • an infectious disease
    • outcome = progressive destruction of tooth substance
    • as result of interactions between metabolic products
    • of microorganisms ahdering to tooth surfaces
    • and the organic, and inorganic components of enamel and dentim or cementum
  6. Describe the Venn diagrame of caries?
    combination of 4 different substances to create caries - host and teeth, microorganisms, substrate, and time
  7. Caries is:
    • bacterial driven
    • site specific
    • multifactorial
    • generally chronic
    • dynamic disease process
  8. Direction of demineralization and remineralization.
    • sound enamel -> caries = demineralization
    • caries -> sound enamel = remineralization
  9. What are the classification of caries by site?
    • pit and fissure
    • smooth surface
    • interproximal caries
    • enamel caries
    • root caries
    • hidden caries
    • recurrent caries
  10. What are the classification by activity?
    • white spot - smooth is arrested, rough is active
    • brown spot
    • initial
    • incipient
    • active caries lesion (progressive) - fast progression does not have recession
    • arrested
    • inactive
    • remineralized
    • chronic
  11. cariogenic environment can be altered how?
    • pit and fissure caries is a closed ecosystem
    • cusp broke and became opened ecosystem
    • leads to arrested lesion because it became easier to clean
  12. What are the 3 plaque hypothesis?
    • the specific plaque hypothesis
    • non-specific plaque hypothesis
    • ecological plaque hypothesis
  13. what is dental erosion?
    • physical result of pathologic, chronic, localized, loss of dental hard tissue chemically etched away from tooth surface
    • caused - by acid and/or chelation
    • without bacterial involvement
    • can be - dietary, occupational, intrinsic
  14. what is this?
    Image Upload 2
    white spot arrested
  15. what is this?
    Image Upload 4
    white spot active
  16. what are these?Image Upload 6
    Image Upload 8
    • top : white spot active
    • bottom: white spot arrested
  17. what is this?Image Upload 10
    active caries lesion (progressive) - no recession
Card Set
intro to caries
intro to caries