Medical Record: Diseases

  1. Acute
    sharp; having intense, often severe symptoms and a short course
  2. Chronic
    a condition developing slowly and presisting over time
  3. Benign
    mild or noncancerous
  4. Malignant
    harmful or cancerous
  5. Degeneration
    gradual deterioration of normal cells and body functions
  6. Degenerative Disease
    any disease in which there is a deterioration of structure or function of tissue
  7. Diagnosis
    determination of the presence of a disease based on an evaluation of symptoms, signs, and test findings

    • -dia: through
    • -gnosis: knowing
  8. Etiology
    cause of a disease
  9. Exacerbation
    increase in severity of a disease with aggravation of symptoms
  10. Remission
    a period in which symptoms and signs stop or abate
  11. Febrile
    relating to a fever (elevated temperature)
  12. Gross
    large; visible to the naked eye
  13. Idiopathic
    a condition occurring without a clearly identified cause

    -idio: one's own
  14. Localized
    limited to a definite area or part
  15. Systemic
    relating to the whole body rather than only a part
  16. Malaise
    a feeling of unwellness, often the first indication of illness
  17. Marked
  18. Equivocal
    vague, questionable
  19. Morbidity
    sick; a state of disease
  20. Morbidity Rate
    the number of cases of a disease in a given year; the ratio of sick to well individuals in a given population
  21. Mortality
    the state of being subject to death
  22. Mortality Rate
    death rate; ratio of total number of deaths to total number in a given population
  23. Prognosis
    foreknowledge; prediction of the likely outcome of a disease based on the general health status of the patient along with knowledge of the usual course of the disease
  24. Progressive
    the advance of a condition as signs and symptoms increase in severity
  25. Prophylaxis
    a process or measure that prevents disease

    • -pro: before
    • -phylassein: to guard
  26. Recurrent
    to occur again; describes a return of symptoms and signs after a period of quiescence (rest or inactivity)
  27. Sequela
    a disorder or condition after, and usually resulting from, a previous disease or injury
  28. Sign
    a mark; objective evidence of disease that can be seen or verified by an examiner
  29. Symptom
    occurence; subjective evidence of disease that is perceived by the patient and often noted in his or her own words
  30. Syndrome
    a running together; combination of symptoms and signs that give a distinct clinical picture indicating a particular condition or disease
  31. Noncontributory
    not involved in bringing on the condition or result
  32. Unremarkable
    not significant or worthy of noting
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Medical Record: Diseases
Chapter 4: Medical Record: Diseases