Dental Materials

  1. what is it called when two atoms + and - share electrons in the outer shell completely fulling the shell making for a very strong bond
  2. what kind of bond does teracylcine staining form?
    covalent bond
  3. what is two examples of weak bonds, the atoms do not share electrons
    • hydrogen bonds
    • van der Vaals bonds
  4. what five ways are materials classified by?
    • physical structure
    • application
    • manipulation
    • composition
    • reaction
  5. what is known as young's elastic modulus?
  6. inability to bend
  7. what has volume but no shape?
  8. ______=flow easier under mechanical force
  9. what is an example of tixotropic
    seating a crown-having the pt bite down
  10. what are two things that would be classified as preventative?
    • fluoride
    • pit and fissure sealants
  11. what are three examples of things that would be classified as therapeutic
    • mediated bases
    • periodontal disease topicals
    • orapix (?)
  12. what is the largest classification of materials?
  13. what are two categories of the restorative classification? give examples of both
    • direct-amalgam and composite
    • indirect-porcelain fused to metal crown
  14. what are two reactions from combining two components?
    • physical-evaporation or cooling of liquid
    • chemical-catalyst+base
  15. what are the two stages that happen when combining two components?
    • manipulation stage
    • reaction stage
  16. what is the manipulation stage of combining two components
    • mixing time-components homogenous
    • working time-manipulate material in mouth
  17. what is the reaction stage of combining two components?
    • initial set time-no longer able to manipulate
    • final set time-ultimate state
  18. ______ control is critical if contamination occurs = ______
    • moisture
    • failure
  19. t/f postoperative instructions to the patient are critical
  20. t/f the material must not be disturbed through the end of the final set
  21. t/f moisture and pressure controls are frequently important during the initial set
  22. t/f the final set always occurs while the pt is still in the dental office
  23. t/f once a material has reached the initial set, it will not fracture
  24. what instructions should you follow when manipulating dental materials
    manufactures instructions
  25. t/f all dental materials should be kept in a warm, dry location
    false- refer to manufactures recommendations for storage
Card Set
Dental Materials
ch 3 physical properties of dental materials