the approximate dimensions of the thyroids glands are
5cm length, 2 cm width, 2 cm depth
all of the following structures from neighboring structures for the thyroid gland except
parotid muscle
characteristics u/s findings of a cyst of the thyroid gland include all except
vast majority results from hemorrhage or degenerative changes in an adenoma
clinical signs of a thyroid goiter are
thyroid enlargement
the most common thyroid abnormality is
the best sonographic characteristic for a thyroid cancer is
solid complex mass with heterogeneous echo pattern and irregular margins
the most common feature of a thyroid adenoma is
peripheral sonolucent halo
the parathyroid glands produce a hormone that affects
kidneys, bones and gastrointestinal tract
the normal parathyroid glands measure less than
the parathyroid glands lie
btwn the posterior borders of the medial lobes of the thyroid gland
a patients presents with osteoporosis. a hyperplastic parathyroid gland is seen on u/s exam. your diggerential diagnosis inclides all except
thyroid cyst
the most common cause of hyperparathyroidism is
parathyroid adenoma
a _______ presents as a palpable midline mass btwn they hyoid bone and isthmus of the thyroid
thyroglossal duct cyst
which of the following structures lies posteriolateral to the thyroid gland
longus colli muscle
the most common cause of thyroid disorder worldwide is
iodine deficiency
increased vascularity with color doppler terned the "thyroid inferno" is seen in
grave's disease
the most common cause of thyroid malignacy is
papillary carcinoma
an abnormal lymph node demonstrates
round contour
a cystic fromation lateral to the thyroid gland is typically a
brachial cleft cyst
a brusa performs what function
it provides fluid protection to areas that are subject to friction
a Baker's cyst is an example of
communicating bursa
the best definition of refractile shadowing is
tendon tear
the result of infringement of the median nerve within the caral tunnel is
carpal tunnel syndrome
the tendon responsible for dorsal and plantar flexion of the foot is the
achilles tendon
what type of tendinitis is found more commonly in the sonographer
De Quervain's tendinitis
a complete tear of a muscle with a straightforward appearance of a retraced hyperechoic muscle
clapper in the bell sign
what is a bandlike flat tendon connecting myscle to bone
support and strength of a joint result in part from the
when compared with muscle a normal nerve is
important artifacts in musculoskeletal ultrasound include all except
mirror image
the achilles tendon is at an increased risk for injury because
limited blood suply
indications for wrist sonography include all except
Thompson's sign
acute rotator cuff tear may be caused by all except
shoulder dislocation
the proximal portion of the muscle is considered the
the cartilage interface sign is the echogenic line on the anterior surface of the cartilage surrounding the
humeral head
tendinitis is seen more often in the shoulder, wrist, and
the easiest tendon to image in the adult shoulder is
the most common site of an achilles tendon tear is
the largest tendon of the body is
the infraspinatus tendons lie ______ to the scapular spine
sonographic appearance of the normal muscle appears
the posterior glenoid labrum is a good landmark to help located
infraspinatus tendon
the scrotum contains
testes, epididymis, spermatic cord
the testes are covered by a fibrous capsule formed by the
tunica albuginea
the testes measure
4 cm length, 3 cm A-P, 3 cm width
sonographic characteristics of the testes includes
a homogeneous pattern with medium - level echoes
a linear stripe of variable thickness and echogenicity running through the testis in a craniocaudal direction represents the
posterior and superior to the testis
which fact about an undescended testis is false
all undescended testes are found in the inguinal canal
the differential diagnosis for an undescended testis includes all except
common causes of a secondary hydrocele include all except
undescened testes
which of the following statements about variocele is false
they are more common on the right side
a spermatocele usually lies
in the head of the epididymis, superior to the testis
a common problem that is viral in origin that affects some adolescent and middle age men is
a epididymal cyst
a problem that may occur secondary to an acute systemic infection is
clinical findings of acute scrotal pain and swelling are suggestive of
the most common neoplasm associated with undescended testes is
characteristic sonographic findings of torsion include all except
hyperechoic parenchyma
sonographic patterns to testicular neoplasms include all except
complex mass with internal anechoic and echogenic areas
the differential diagnosis of a testicular neoplasm may include all except
a scanning feature that impoves contrast resolution and visibility of low-echoes is
micolithiasis of the testis is associated with
both varicocele and malignancy
follow up exam of patients with micolithiasis is recommended
attached at the superior pole of the testis btwn the epididymis and the testis is the
appenix testis
hydrocele develops btwn
parietal and viscetal layers of the tunica vaginalis
the rete testis is located
in the hilum of the testis
compared with the testis the epididymis typically appears
- all of the above
- coarser in texture
- isoechoic
- hypoechoic
the breast is sonographically devided into three layers. which is not correct?
pectoralis major
par, Cooper's ligaments, connective tissue, blood vessls, nerves and lymphatics are found in which layer or zone
the subcutaneous layer
the _____ is mostly grandular tissue, whereas the peripheral part is adipose tissue rimmed by _____
central layer, superficial fascia
sonographically the breast may be characterized by
an inhomogeneous parenchymal pattern
Copper'sligaments are best characterized as
echogenic line interfaces in the subcutaneous layer
the retromammary layer is sonographically imaged as
the most important signs to look for in determining a cyst lesion of the breast include all except
disruption of architecture
clinical findings of lumpy, painful, tender breast that vary with monthly cycles usuallt represent
fibrocystic disease
the charateristic findings of a papilloma of the breast includes all except
no disruption of architecture
the most common solid benign tumor of the breast is
the most characteristic finding of a fibroadenoma is
uniform, low level homogeneous echoes
a cystic enlarment of a distal duct filled with milk is called a
the most common malignant neoplasmt of the breast in women is a
invasive ductal carcinoma
characteristic findings of breast carcinoma include all except
strong prosterior margins
skin dimpling may be caused by
retraction of tissue secondary to tumor infiltration
the most common clinical sign of breast carcinoma is
palpable lupm
true statements about u/s of the breast
- 1) ultrasound of the breast is the primary breast imaging modality used for females too young for a mammography who present for evaluation of a palpable breast lump.
- 3) ulrasound of the breast must never be used to evaluate a breast abnormality in a pregnant female.
true statement concerning breast cancer risk
- 2) older women are at increast risk for development of breast cancer compared with younger women
- 4) a significant risk factor for development of breast cancer is a postitive family hx of breast cancer in the first degree relatives.
according to the american cancer society all women should begin annual screening mammography and screening breast u/s at age
correct statements
4 only) in evaluating a breast mass by u/s signs of suspicion for malignancy include a poorly defined irregular margind, unhomogeneous pattern of internal echoes taller than wider shape and posterior shadowing.
in documenting a sonographic breast mass which of the following statemts apply
signs or symtoms of possible breast cancer include all except
a smooth low density mammographic mass solid on breast u/s that has not grown or changed in over 3 years
u/s is often of benefit in guiding breast procedures except for which of the followoing
large core needle biopsy of microcalcifications not visible on u/s
in the case of a concerous mammographic mass the correlation sonographic mass will likely show
irregular margin / taller than wider
in the case of a smooth mammographic mass that is cystic the correlation sonographic mass will shoe
anechoic posterior aucoustic enhancement
advantages of breast u/s over mommography in evaluating the breast include all except
limited radiation exposure to the patients
evaluation of those hard to reach places not well seen on mammogram such as parasternal tissue and axilla