sgu vet histo1 2-5

  1. what microfilaments are in muscle that allow it to contract
    actin and myosin
  2. what's muscle tissue's main function
    contraction to produce organized movement
  3. what is cells specialized for muscle tissue
    myocytes (muscle fibers or myofibers)
  4. what is the sarcoplasm
    it is the cytoplasm in muscle tissue
  5. what is cytoplasm called in muscle tissue
  6. how does muscle tissue present (staining) and why
    eosinophilic (pink) because of myofilaments
  7. what is the name of the ER in muslce tissue
    sarcoplasmic reticulum
  8. types of muscles (3)
    • skeletal
    • cardiac
    • smooth
  9. from big to small, list the how skeletal muscle is structured
    • myofiber (muscle fiber)
    • myofibrils
    • myofilaments (actin and myosin)
  10. cell range width and length of skeletal muslce cells
    • width 10-110um
    • length up to 50 cm
  11. what do myofibers derived from
    prenatal fusion of many mononuclear myoblasts
  12. where are the nuclei located in skeletal muscle
  13. what are myofibrils composed of
    think and thin myofilaments
  14. what does the thick filaments composed of
  15. what does the thin filiments composed of (3)
    • actin
    • troponin
    • tropomyosin
  16. the A band consists of
    thick and thin myofilaments overlap
  17. the I band consists of
    thin myofilaments
  18. what is responsible for the striations in muscles
    the alternating light and dark bands
  19. where is the Z line located
    it bissects the I bands
  20. where is the H band
    the myosin filament inside the A band where the is no overlap of myosin and actin
  21. where is the M line
    it bisects the H and A band
  22. what does the sarcoplasm contain (4)
    • sER (sarcoplasmic reticulum)
    • glycogen
    • mitochondria
    • myoglobin
  23. what covers a muscle
  24. what covers a muscle bundles
  25. what covers muscle fibers
  26. what is the order of compartmentalizing in skeletal muscle starting from largest to smallest
    • epimysium (muscle)
    • perimysium (muscle bundle)
    • endomysium (muscle fiber)
  27. what are satellite cells (3)
    • spindle-shaped cells with heterochromatic nuclei
    • located adjacent to myocytes
    • inactive myoblats that can be activated when injury happens in muscle fiber to regen.
  28. what are red and white muscle fibers (2)
    • The red (slow-twitch) fibers are smaller, rich in myoglobin and mitochondria
    • white (fast-twitch) fibers are larger with few mitochondria.
  29. what type of muscle is great at healing
    smooth muscle
  30. what's the structure of cardiac muscle(4)
    • myocytes (fibers) branch and anastomose
    • single nucleus located center of cell
    • sarcoplasm is acidophilic
    • cells are connected by intercalated discs
  31. what are intercalated discs
    present as dark lines in cardiac muscle, they are intercommunication junctions
  32. what do intercalated discs create between cells (2)
    • syncitium
    • link adjacent cells mechanically and electrically
  33. what can skeletal and smooth muscles do that cardiac muscle can not do
    regenerate/repair any such repair leaves a myocardial scare
  34. each cardiac muscle fiber is surrounded by what
    network of fine reticular and collagenous fibers
  35. what are purkinje fibers
    specialized impulse conducting fibers having a centrally located nucleus surrounded by granular (rich in glycogen) sarcoplasm they are less red and myofibrils are located in the periphery
  36. what is the "pace maker" fibers in the cardiac muscle
    purkinje fibers
  37. structure of smooth muscle
    elongated, spindle-shape with a single centrally located nucleus (elongated) and an acidophilic cytoplasm
  38. what holds smooth muscle cells together
    a fine network of reticular fibers made by myocytes not fibroblasts
  39. unlike cardiac and skeletal muscle, smooth muscles actin and myosin are different in what ways (2)
    • more thin myofilaments then thick
    • thin myofilaments only have actin and tropomyosin and no troponin
    • less organized (not striated)
  40. what serves as anchor sites for in smooth muscles for its myofilaments
    dense bodies in the cytoplasm and cell membrane
  41. what further links the dense bodies into a meshwork array in smooth muscles
    intermediate filaments
  42. what do the numerous vesicles along the cell membrane in smooth muscles do
    play a role in calcium transport
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sgu vet histo1 2-5