
  1. brachy-
  2. Brachycephalic
    • brachy-
    • short head
  3. Brachygnathous
    • brachy-
    • receding underjaw
  4. brady-
  5. Bradycardia
    • brady-
    • slow hearbeat
  6. Bradypnea
    • brady-
    • slow breathing
  7. brev/i-
  8. Brevicollis
    • brevi-
    • short neck
  9. Brevicaudate
    • brevi-
    • short tail
  10. cry/o-
  11. Cryotherapy
    • cryo-
    • treatment using cold
  12. Cryoanesthesia
    • cryo-
    • freezing body part
  13. crypt/o-
  14. Cryptorchidism
    • crypt-
    • undescended testicle
  15. Cryptic
    • crypt-
    • hidden
  16. dextr/o-
    right, right side
  17. Dextrocardia
    • dextro-
    • heart on right side
  18. Dextromanual
    • dextro-
    • right-handed
  19. dipl/o-
    double, twice
  20. Diplocoria
    • diplo-
    • double pupil in eye
  21. Diplicoccus
    • diplo-
    • bacteria in pairs
  22. dolich/o-
  23. Dolichocephalic
    • dolicho-
    • long head
  24. Dolichoderus
    • dolicho-
    • long neck
  25. glyc/o-, gluc/o-
    sugar, sweet
  26. Glycemia
    • glyc-
    • glucose in the blood
  27. Glucosuria, Glycosuria
    • gluco-, glyco-
    • sugar in the urine
  28. heter/o-
    other, different
  29. Heterocellular
    • hetero-
    • of different cells
  30. Heterochromatic
    • hetero-
    • of different colors
  31. hom/eo-, hom/o-
    same, alike
  32. Homeostasis
    • homeo-
    • staying the same
  33. Homozygous
    • homo-
    • having identical genes
  34. hydr/o-
    wet, water, fluid
  35. Hydrothorax
    • hydro-
    • fluid in pleural cavity
  36. Hydrocephalus
    • hydro-
    • excess fluid in brain
  37. is/o-
    equal, alike
  38. Isotonic
    • iso-
    • of equal tension
  39. Isocoria
    • iso-
    • equal-sized pupils
  40. lept/o-
    slender, small, thin
  41. Leptocyte
    • lepto-
    • thin-walled red blood cells
  42. Leptomeninges
    • lepto-
    • two thinner meninges
  43. lev/o-
    left, to the left
  44. Levoduction
    • levo-
    • eyes turn left
  45. Levorotation
    • levo-
    • turning to the left
  46. macr/o-
  47. Macrocyte
    • macro-
    • large cell
  48. Macroscopic
    • macro-
    • visible to the naked eye
  49. mal-
    ill, bad
  50. Malady
    • mal-
    • illness
  51. Malnutrition
    • mal-
    • any nutritional disorder
  52. malac/o-
    soft, softening
  53. Malacia
    • malac-
    • softening
  54. Osteomalacia
    • malac-
    • softening of bones
Card Set
vet tech medical terminology 2 adjectival roots and combining forms set 1 brachy to malac