Social Studies Government

  1. Ratify
    To approve
  2. Veto
    To reject or cancel a bill before it's a law.
  3. Legislature
    A person who makes laws
  4. Federalism
    • Division of powers between the State and Federal governments
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  5. Federal
    Central or National
  6. Federalist
    A person in favor of the Constitution and wnted to give more power to the National government
  7. Seperation of Powers
    • The division of powers between the three bamches of government
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  8. Checks and Balances
    • The 3 branches of government checking on each other to make sure that not one branch is more powerful than the others.
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  9. Bill
    An idea for a law that isn't yet a law.
  10. Revenue
  11. Judicial Review
    A court case to study a law. They may declare a law unconstitutional. Unconstitutional means invalid or no longer aloud.
  12. Shay's Rebellion
    Daniel Shays and 2,000 other farmers attacked court houses to prevent the government from taking away their farms. It was important because it showed people the Articles of Confederation were weak.
  13. Constitution
    A written plan of government
  14. Anti-Federalists
    People who feared too strong of a central government and were against the new constitution. Wanted a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution
  15. Congress
    House of Representatives and Senate
  16. Amend
  17. Republic
    The people have the power
  18. Bicameral
    Two houses make the laws in the legislative branch
  19. Impeach
    To demote a higher power
  20. Amendment
    A change in the Constitution
  21. Constitutional Convention
    The meeting to revise the Articles of Confederation
  22. Convention
    A formal Meeting
  23. Articles of Confederation
    The first wrtitten plan of government for the United States that failed.
  24. Northwest Ordinance
    Explained how the Northwest Territory would be governed and how states could become states. A positive thing from the Articles
  25. Popular Sovereignty
    The belief that the leaders of government only represent the people. The people have the power.
  26. Republicanism
    The leaders are chosen by the people
  27. Limited Government
    The government is only allowed a certain amount of power and must follow rules.
  28. Individual rights
    • The Bill of Rights protects them.
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  29. Who has the power to maintain a military?
  30. Who has the power to impose taxes?
    State and Federal
  31. Who has the power to make schools?
  32. Who has the power to make banks?
  33. Who has the power to provide general welfare?
    State and Federal
  34. Who has the power to establish courts?
    State and Federal
  35. Who has the power to declare war?
  36. Who has the power to establish a postal system?
  37. Who has the power to borrow money?
    State and Federal
  38. Who has the power to make marriage laws?
  39. Who has the power to set standards for weights and measures?
  40. Who has the power to make treaties?
  41. Explain the system of Checks and Balances with examples.
    • Prevents the 3 branches from over powering each other.
    • 1. Executive checks on Judicial by appointing judges
    • 2. Judicial checks on Legislative by reviewing the laws and making sure they're fair
    • 3. Legislative checks on Executive by overriding vetoes and checking their decisions.
  42. How does a bill become a law?
    • 1. Idea for bill
    • 2. HoR Have committees vote
    • 3. HoR Go to floor to vote
    • 4. Sen. Have Committees vote
    • 5. Sen. Go to floor to vote
    • 6. President can sign, veto or pocket veto a law.
  43. List the Terms of Office and Requirements for the President, Senator, Representatives, and Supreme Court Justices.
    • Term--->Requirements
    • President: 4 years for two terms--->35 years old, a citizen for 14 years, born a citizen
    • Senator: 6 years--->30 years old, 9 years a citizen
    • Representatives: 2 years--->25 years old, 7 years a citizen, represent the area you live in
    • Supreme Court Justices: Life--->Appointed by President
  44. Describe what each branch does and what the article describes.
    • Article III: Judicial: Interpret Laws
    • Article II: Executive: Enforce the Laws
    • Article I: Legislative: Make the laws
  45. What do the first 10 amendments state?
    • 1. Freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, and assembly
    • 2. Bear Arms
    • 3. You cannot quarter troops during peace (not in war)
    • 4. Need a search warrant to have your home searched
    • 5. Due process of the law
    • 6. Speedy and Public Trial
    • 7. Trial by Jury
    • 8. No cruel or Unusual punishments
    • 9. You have unlisted rights.
    • 10. States have power
  46. Name 3 key people/groups in the Executive Branch
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Cabinet
  47. List 2 groups of people in the Legislative Branch. What are they called together?
    • House of Representatives
    • Senate
    • They are called Congress
  48. List the main court in the Judicial Branch
    Supreme Court
  49. How members are chosen in the Executive Branch?
    • President and Vice President- Elected
    • Cabinet- helpers who are a ppointed by the President
  50. How members are chosen in the Legislative Branch?
    • HofR-Based on Population. They are voted in
    • Senate- Voted in. 2 in every state
  51. How members are chosen in the Judicial Branch?
    They are appointed by the President
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Social Studies Government
Review for the Government unit Test